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Joined: 2013/10/2 5:12 Last Login
: 2016/2/13 8:57
From Adelaide, Australia
Registered Users
Hi there,
I have been testing patch 7 on Odyssey 1.23 using AmigaOS 4.1 FE on my X1000. Thanks for these fixes btw, very helpful indeed!
As you probably know I blog quite a lot so not being able to login and use blogger on the x1000 under Odyssey is quite frustrating.
With Patch 7 I can now login to blogger which is great.
However, when editing a post I am unable to upload any photos or select from existing photos on the blog.
The upload photos functionality appears, but the Upload file button is not able to be clicked on.
If I choose to select a photo from the existing blog, it locks up Odyssey for a while, and then it returns, with no images to choose from.
Any ideas?
Catcha, Epsilon