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Re: Qt4.7minimal.lha
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Just can't stay away

Havent tried yet but ill install it after work. Thanks :D

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Re: When will Amigakit sell X5000?
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Just can't stay away

Antique: why the hurry, i guess you will get it in 2 weeks.

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Re: zTools on AMIStore : updates and suggestions thread
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Just can't stay away


Great man. Thanks for the file. Installed and run fine under winuae.

Edited by Kicko on 2016/10/30 21:35:25
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Re: ChaosLord has passed away
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Just can't stay away

Sorry to hear that :( rip

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Re: SMTube : new version on OS4Depot
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Just can't stay away

Thanks, downloaded and updated. But cant try it as low memory in os4.1FE under winuae. Maybe some day.

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Re: BSzili port requests
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Just can't stay away


I did the same bought an 6850 card, wasnt cheap that time and later i had to get a 7xxx card. I can guess many people did the same as announced. Today still nothing. Pretty bad

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Re: Tower 57, pixel art Chaos Engine homage, coming to OS4
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Just can't stay away

Ill wait until its finished. Im no hurry.

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Re: Will an updated Radeon HD driver be out soon ?
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Just can't stay away


Its not AMD that announces warp3d for amigaos

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Re: Will an updated Radeon HD driver be out soon ?
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Just can't stay away


I understand you. I remember before warp3d came for 7x series i asked around alot as i wanted to get a 7x card but it was recommended 6x series as warp3d will come for that and 7x series only 2d and later 3d if all goes well.
So i bought a modded 6850 card performance vs power usage/noise etc. After some years late warp3d came for 7x cards and still nothing for 6x cards. Which mean i had to get a 7750 card. I think its pretty bad way to handle stuff.

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Re: Preferences updated to 1.30
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Just can't stay away

Looks nice

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Re: [solved] X1000 broken or GFX card problem
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Just can't stay away

Can i put my x1000 in the owen :')

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Re: Amiupdate problem
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Just can't stay away

Same here

zz10h :)

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Re: Is VOiP Available For AOS4?
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Just can't stay away

Just fire up the phone and call someone thru wifi or something :) We are talking amiga here

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Re: zTools on AMIStore : updates and suggestions thread
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Just can't stay away

Thanks zzd10h :) Installed under os4.1FE(winuae) and works.

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Re: X1000 broken or GFX card problem
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Just can't stay away

Im happy to hear it wasnt the x1000 :)

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Re: Which graphics card(s) do you use with AmigaOS 4.x (in 2016)?
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Just can't stay away

I have done alot testing. No burned stuff or bent pins. Also first 2 leds are light sometimes but with not bright light like the last 2. You can barely see it. All the psu's runs fine on the pc.

I know at least 2 guys that had problems with their x1000. Pål but i dont remember what he did with his, only that he burned some part. Then theres epsilon had some problems too. others i dont know.

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Re: Which graphics card(s) do you use with AmigaOS 4.x (in 2016)?
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Just can't stay away

zz10h and 328gts

Why the dead x1000 ? Because i finally put some add that i wanted to sell it so we would get some other lucky user that has more time waiting for updates on amiupdate/music software etc and has more use of it :')

I just change the psu with the one i had in my new pc (was insinde x1000 before too). Connected and formated my 1tb harddrive i got when i bought my x1000. Removed some personal files from my ssd etc. Day after i didnt get any power at all to the computer. So i removed the psu and put it back again. Now there was power but the last 2 leds on the mobo are lit. Faulty psu and cpu voltage. I tried 3 different psu's but with no success. All work in the new pc and also with my psu tester. I tried everything, removing cards, tried with dvd and drive only etc. No luck. The fans are getting their power etc. You can hear the dvd starting etc. So its like with my first x1000. I have no luck with x1000 hardware :)

But dont be afraid, i will use os4.1FE under winuae so i can at least try the low memory usage apps as the 128mb ram limit :) I could not run smbtune as qt probably takes some ram.

Sorry for a bit offtopic but i had to answer :)

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Re: Which graphics card(s) do you use with AmigaOS 4.x (in 2016)?
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Just can't stay away

Radeon HD 7750 (passive) inside my dead x1000

Radeon HD 6850 (active) inside my pc running os4.1Fe for classic with winuae

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Re: SMTube : new version on OS4Depot
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Just can't stay away

he's the man

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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Just can't stay away

I got a desktop pc on the way too (today) so i know what you mean :)

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