Just can't stay away 
zz10h and 328gts
Why the dead x1000 ? Because i finally put some add that i wanted to sell it so we would get some other lucky user that has more time waiting for updates on amiupdate/music software etc and has more use of it :')
I just change the psu with the one i had in my new pc (was insinde x1000 before too). Connected and formated my 1tb harddrive i got when i bought my x1000. Removed some personal files from my ssd etc. Day after i didnt get any power at all to the computer. So i removed the psu and put it back again. Now there was power but the last 2 leds on the mobo are lit. Faulty psu and cpu voltage. I tried 3 different psu's but with no success. All work in the new pc and also with my psu tester. I tried everything, removing cards, tried with dvd and drive only etc. No luck. The fans are getting their power etc. You can hear the dvd starting etc. So its like with my first x1000. I have no luck with x1000 hardware :)
But dont be afraid, i will use os4.1FE under winuae so i can at least try the low memory usage apps as the 128mb ram limit :) I could not run smbtune as qt probably takes some ram.
Sorry for a bit offtopic but i had to answer :)