Not sure what you mean there with "manually restore the default setting of the viewable part of the screenmode."
I meant the place in the prefs where you edit height and width. Thought "viewable part" as opposed to "screenmode" was obvious. I would get to a state where it reverted back to values on the editing part and I needed to enable again and again "default" and it stopped after some boot sessions.
What do you mean with "sticking?"
Setting a screenmode manualy with the prefs. I had this issue both with pre update 1 4.1FE on a lcd monitor and now on a tv. The range is setup properly. There is an issue with resolutions on 50hz (yes the hdtv supports 50hz like 1080p50). They are usually not saved and sometimes when I put 8-10 screenmodes manualy then the next one if it is 50hz can be saved sometimes (mostly not). I always had issues setting up 50hz resolutions so I used the p96 preferences for that.
How do you "tell it not to?" Check the ScreenMode prefs' tooltypes
I checked and the setting "screen" was enabled so I disabled it and it worked. When I launched the screenmode prefs and tried disabling it from the pull-down menu it didn't take and I thought that fiddling with the tooltype might cause me more issues. I think this was changed by the screens prefs because I had no reason to put it to a new screen and I didn't. Thanks.
Mind you, I don't bother with Screens prefs.
I used screens prefs with uae and NetSurf and another prog and I think one of them changed something on the default screen so I lost one day every setting I had on all the os prefs. I think it was NetSurf when I tried to enable compositing on a new 16 bit screen. I got this simple message: "".
No setting was active (every setting collapsed to a sort of a "zero" state) so I reverted to default and luckily I backed up my settings a couple of months before so I had a backup.
All of those behaviours I consider strange, because you don't know where they come from and you can't recognize a cause and effect situation. It just seemed to changed randomlly. Like after the "" situation and reverting to a backup, once in a couple of boots I would again get the "" message and every setting was again in a sort of a collapsed zero state. This time of course I understood that I just need to boot again and not do anything so then the backup was functioning after it. After a few more boots it happened again, and again a boot made it to the backup. Now it is not happening anymore and I don't have a clue why. That is weird, like it was possesed