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VICE 3.1 locking up my X5000
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I have previously had problems with the VICE C64 etc. emulator not working on OS4.


The relatively new 3.1 release (se link below) locks up my X5000 no matter what emulator I chose and I have to power of the machine to get it back. The same goes for the 3.0 release.

This is what I get form serial debug:

[_impl_AddTaskAdding Task 0x5DF943D0WBL (0x5DDD5560)

_impl_AddTaskTask 0x5DF943D0ETask 0xEFFF4240Context 0xEFFF3BA0

[_impl_AddTaskStack bottom 0x5681D038Stack top 0x56821024Stack pointer 0x56820FF0

[_impl_AddTaskTask added to ready list

_impl_AddTaskAdding Task 0x5DF943D0x64.exe (0x5DDD5560)

_impl_AddTaskTask 0x5DF943D0ETask 0xEFFF4240Context 0xEFFF3BA0

[_impl_AddTaskStack bottom 0x5681D038Stack top 0x56821024Stack pointer 0x56820FF0

[_impl_AddTaskTask added to ready list

_impl_AddTaskAdding Task 0x57247220CON/con-handler 53.78  (0x580CDB80)

_impl_AddTaskTask 0x57247220ETask 0xEFA90490Context 0xEFA793E0

[_impl_AddTaskStack bottom 0x5C458038Stack top 0x5C45C024Stack pointer 0x5C45BFF0

[_impl_AddTaskTask added to ready list

_impl_OpenLibraryLibrary "muimaster.library" not found

[_impl_InitResidentInitializing native autoinit muimaster.library V21priority 0

[_impl_CreateLibraryDone creating librarybase at 0x5A4F4D98

[_impl_InitResidentmuimaster.library V21 initialized

[_impl_AddTaskAdding Task 0x572479A0MUI imagespace screen notify (0x580CD480)

_impl_AddTaskTask 0x572479A0ETask 0xEFA90550Context 0xEFA71BA0

[_impl_AddTaskStack bottom 0x5C45D038Stack top 0x5C461024Stack pointer 0x5C460FF0

[_impl_AddTaskTask added to ready list

_impl_SetTaskPriChanging MUI imagespace screen notify priority to 1 (by Task MUI imagespace screen notify)

_impl_CreateLibraryDone creating librarybase at 0x580CB8C8

[_impl_OpenLibraryLibrary "AmigaInput.library" not found

[_impl_InitResidentInitializing native autoinit AmigaInput.library V53priority 0

[_impl_CreateLibraryDone creating librarybase at 0x5A62C4F8

[_impl_InitResidentAmigaInput.library V53 initialized

[_impl_AddTaskAdding Task 0x5C468840AmigaInput Dispatcher (0x5C41B2CC)

_impl_AddTaskTask 0x5C468840ETask 0xEFA90310Context 0xEFA717C0

[_impl_AddTaskStack bottom 0x54830000Stack top 0x54834000Stack pointer 0x54833FD0

[_impl_AddTaskTask added to ready list

_impl_OpenLibraryLibrary "Generic_Mouse.driver" not found

[_impl_InitResidentInitializing native autoinit Generic_Mouse.driver V52priority 0

[_impl_CreateLibraryDone creating librarybase at 0x54B06C18

[_impl_InitResidentGeneric_Mouse.driver V52 initialized

[_impl_OpenLibraryLibrary "Generic_usb.driver" not found

[_impl_InitResidentInitializing native autoinit Generic_usb.driver V53priority 0

[_impl_CreateLibraryDone creating librarybase at 0x54B06CD8

[_impl_InitResidentGeneric_usb.driver V53 initialized

[_impl_AddTaskAdding Task 0x57245B10AmigaInput_usb_task (0x580CD580)

_impl_AddTaskTask 0x57245B10ETask 0xEFA90790Context 0xEFA71000

[_impl_AddTaskStack bottom 0x5C462038Stack top 0x5C466024Stack pointer 0x5C465FF0

[_impl_AddTaskTask added to ready list

_impl_OpenLibraryLibrary "PCI_GamePort.driver" not found

[_impl_InitResidentInitializing native autoinit PCI_GamePort.driver V53priority 0

[_impl_CreateLibraryDone creating librarybase at 0x54B06D98

[_impl_InitResidentPCI_GamePort.driver V53 initialized

[_impl_OpenLibraryLibrary "PCI_GamePortHornet.driver" not found

[_impl_InitResidentInitializing native autoinit PCI_GamePortHornet.driver V52priority 0

[_impl_CreateLibraryDone creating librarybase at 0x54B06E58

[_impl_InitResidentPCI_GamePortHornet.driver V52 initialized

[_impl_OpenLibraryLibrary "PCI_Soundcard.driver" not found

[_impl_InitResidentInitializing native autoinit PCI_Soundcard.driver V52priority 0

[_impl_CreateLibraryDone creating librarybase at 0x5A14A028

[_impl_InitResidentPCI_Soundcard.driver V52 initialized

[_impl_OpenLibraryLibrary "PCI_sblive.pci" not found

[_impl_InitResidentInitializing native autoinit PCI_sblive.pci V52priority 0

[_impl_CreateLibraryDone creating librarybase at 0x5A14A0E8

[_impl_InitResidentPCI_sblive.pci V52 initialized

[_impl_OpenLibraryLibrary "PCI_audigy.pci" not found

[_impl_OpenLibraryLibrary "PCI_audigy.pci" not found

[_impl_OpenLibraryLibrary "PCI_sb128.pci" not found

[_impl_OpenLibraryLibrary "PCI_sb128.pci" not found

[_impl_OpenLibraryLibrary "PCI_SoundCardHornet.driver" not found

[_impl_InitResidentInitializing native autoinit PCI_SoundCardHornet.driver V52priority 0

[_impl_CreateLibraryDone creating librarybase at 0x5A14A268

[_impl_InitResidentPCI_SoundCardHornet.driver V52 initialized

[_impl_OpenLibraryLibrary "PCI_audigy.pci" not found

[_impl_OpenLibraryLibrary "PCI_audigy.pci" not found

[_impl_OpenLibraryLibrary "PCI_sb128.pci" not found

[_impl_OpenLibraryLibrary "PCI_sb128.pci" not found

[_impl_AddTaskAdding Task 0x5C468D20windowfade.task (0x020322FC)

_impl_AddTaskTask 0x5C468D20ETask 0xEFA90790Context 0xEFA71000

[_impl_AddTaskStack bottom 0x524A1000Stack top 0x524A9000Stack pointer 0x524A8FD0

[_impl_AddTaskTask added to ready list

_impl_SetTaskPriChanging x64.exe priority to 1 (by Task compose.task)

_impl_SetTaskPriChanging x64.exe priority to 2 (by Task X-Dock)

Anybody got it working or a know problem?

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Re: VICE 3.1 locking up my X5000
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

See User information

The last version that works for me, in a X5000, it's the v2.4.

3.0 and 3.1 don't work



AmigaOne X5000 OS4.1 FEU1 And Lubuntu 10.04
1200 towered with Blizzard PPC - BVision and Mediator
And a new fantastic Chameleon64
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Re: VICE 3.1 locking up my X5000
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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I'm porting Vice 3.1 to Amiga OS4. The version you see online on the archive doesn't work.

I ported the version 3.0 (both native Amiga OS4 graphics and SDL2) already and it works, but it's is somehow slow.

Found few bugs (as well as some AmigaOS deprecated functions) and reported to the Vice team.

At the moment i'm making progress with version 3.1. Hope to find more time to dedicate to the port.

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Re: VICE 3.1 locking up my X5000
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Great to hear!

Feel free to contact me if you are looking for a betatester!

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Re: VICE 3.1 locking up my X5000
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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I will send you the new executables as soon as i get it compiled.

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Re: VICE 3.1 locking up my X5000
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Great to hear you are updating Vice, I'am often using this software.

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Re: VICE 3.1 locking up my X5000
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Am using the ancient version 1.22 from OS4 Depot as the more recent versions seem not to work on the X5000 properly or run slowly.

Just be a little bit careful starting in full screen mode with version 1.22 as have noticed it can crash on occasion. Open as a window and then move to fullscreen.

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Re: VICE 3.1 locking up my X5000
Just popping in
Just popping in

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BSzili also tried to compile VICE in the past, you may find some info here.
The most important thing is to avoid crashing when launched, but if you want to look into the joystick issue too, that would be great (time permitting, of course).

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Re: VICE 3.1 locking up my X5000
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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All my changes are upstream in the VICE SVN, and the joystick issue you reported was fixed 2 years ago. Others have reported it to be working in 2.4.

This is just like television, only you can see much further.
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Re: VICE 3.1 locking up my X5000
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Sorry, my bad. Due to the latest PPC compiles (v3.x) crashing, I was using the v2.3 binaries. Anyhow, I`m looking forward to testing the latest version on OS4.

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Re: VICE 3.1 locking up my X5000
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Some progress has made for the port of vice 3.1 to AmigaOS4.x

Thanks to the allmighty Michael T. (that have done most of the work), we have now Vice 3.1, both SDL2 and MUI version.

Still work to do, especially on SDL2 side that is slow (maybe capehill can investigate on this).

Thank you again to Michael T. (lord of the configure and compiler)


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Re: VICE 3.1 locking up my X5000
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Are the new binaries availible for test ?
And more important are the diffs with fixes committed in the official repository ?

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Re: VICE 3.1 locking up my X5000
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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It's not ready for that yet. It's the first time I've used VICE on OS4 and it's very slow (unusable on my Sam Flex). I don't know if other versions are faster.

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Re: VICE 3.1 locking up my X5000
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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A little update.

SDL2 slowness was do to the program that was using software rendering. Passign parameter -SDL2renderer=compositing is more fast.

The lord of configure, aka MICKJT, () is smashing some bugs on the MUI version.

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Re: VICE 3.1 locking up my X5000
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Great news

JAVA (the kind you drink) is a mans best friend!

X5000 betatester
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Re: VICE 3.1 locking up my X5000
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Great news

JAVA (the kind you drink) is a mans best friend!

X5000 betatester
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Re: VICE 3.1 locking up my X5000
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

See User information

smashing some bugs on the MUI version.

Well, I tried, but haven't succeed yet. The MUI version works before OS4.1 Update 1 (I hadn't yet updated my Sam440). The function call that freezes the system is p96BitMapLock(), part of Picasso96API.library. I don't think I'm skilled enough to re-write it to use graphics.library, even though it's probably simple to do for someone who knows what they're doing. That being said, a deprecated API or not, you'd still expect it to work.

The SDL2 version on the other hand is working OK, insofar as it functions properly and isn't crashing. It's slow, but I don't have the means anymore (without downgrading the OS) to compare MUI vs SDL2, and I'd never tried running a game on the MUI version before I updated the OS.

Anyone desperate for something to download & try can try this SDL2 build here: https://www.sendspace.com/file/tkcdws

But keep in mind, it could be so slow it's unusable. You'll still need all the data files from a full release. You can use -sdl2renderer <renderer> to choose between compositing, software and opengl. You can press F12 to bring up a menu.

Edit: I've managed to get the MUI version working, still using P96 functions. I'll upload a binary later on.

Edited by MickJT on 2017/12/16 19:52:26
Edited by MickJT on 2017/12/16 19:53:01
Edited by MickJT on 2017/12/16 19:53:40
Edited by MickJT on 2017/12/16 19:58:31
Edited by MickJT on 2017/12/16 20:02:22
Edited by MickJT on 2017/12/17 1:55:07
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Re: VICE 3.1 locking up my X5000
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Here's a working MUI version:


I got it to work by changing AllocBitMap to p96AllocBitMap, removing the use of friend_bitmap and adding a hardcoded colour format. Seems to work fine on 16/24/32 screens. I'm sure there's a better way, but at least the system doesn't freeze anymore. The MUI version is faster.

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Re: VICE 3.1 locking up my X5000
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Found the reson of vice slowness: Resid. Using fastsid with certain setting Vice is working now very nicely, both sound and graphics. So i guess that the port i've done of the version 3.0 worked the same way

There is an issue with sdl2 compositing: a black line appear on the left, but can easily fixed by resizing vice window.
There are some freeze here and there.

Thank you again to Michael T. for the enormous work he have done.

Resized Image Resized Image Resized Image Resized Image Resized Image Resized Image Resized Image Resized Image Resized Image Resized Image

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Re: VICE 3.1 locking up my X5000
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Resized Image

The SDL2 back line on left issue

Edited by AmigaBlitter on 2017/12/18 7:40:30
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