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Re: Shadow Warrior 1997 game for 68k Amigas
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A tool like innoextract for OS4 would be nice.

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Autocomplete in search
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Is there an option to disable autocomplete in search? No matter what web search engine you use, the string is completed as you type (or suggested search).

I`m using Odyssey 1.23r5_b07

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Re: Yahoo mail with YAM (Solved)
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Is there a known issue with yahoo and "other" mailers?
When I press send, an error pops up about connections problems to smtp.mail.yahoo.com

I`ve YAM 2.10-dev, AmiSSL 4.8 and no settings changed to yahoo & YAM, last mail successfully sent on February.

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Anybody getting USB lockups since the update? I've had several today, where USB mouse and keyboard stops and capslock light is frozen "on" after capslock was pushed. Haven't detected a pattern yet. More than once it happened with closing a window, such as the Odyssey window.

EDIT: I am running an X1000.

I`ve experienced similar lockups (keyboard & mouse) while trying to move a window or click somewhere (not able to identify the exact circumstances. Odyssey is running, while copying files or lha archiving).

Some other things to report here:

1. During the first try to upgrade, I had MUI programs running (Odyssey, AmIRC) and failed repeatedly to install/copy some mcc that were already in use (closed the programs and purged the libs, failed again). A warm reset helped complete the upgrade.
2. The mouse pointer is jerky and stalls (should never happen and be responsive) when things happen (like delete/copy files, opening tabs in Odyssey etc).
3. I tried to delete via CLI a whole lot of files (previews from FinalBurnAlpha) while having another CLI tab open. After a while it froze and when I tried to use the second tab, showed the same text on both tabs (issues regarding the console buffer, DOS functions or else?).

Sam440Flex here.

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Re: FinalBurn Neo released
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Just popping in

Very nice!
Is there a way to import favorite games from Alpha to Neo (seem registered as line numbers instead of names)?

Ordell Robbie: Is she dead, yes or no?
Louis: Pretty much.
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Re: RunInUAE : WHDload & JIT
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You nailed it! I changed the CPU to 68040 and the JIT works ingame.
Thank you all for the feedback.

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Re: RunInUAE : WHDload & JIT
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Isn`t supposed to be hardware agnostic? Are there specific hardware known problems?
Anyhow, it`s a SamFlex440@800.

The installer is the latest version, I think : Version 1.1 (01.04.2011) by Psygore.


# UAE config for RunInUAE, which is designed to modify an existing working UAE config

# Use 3.1 Kickstart for Workbench, but allow ADF-booted games to still use an older Kickstart

# Emulate an A1200, but still allow A500 emulation for ADF-booted games


# Emulate an expanded A1200 with 8MB of Fast Ram!



# Set frame skipping (1=show all frames, 2=show every 2nd frame, 3=show every 3rd frame, etc)

# Add floppy disk which can be used for saving games

# Filesystem settings for virtual devices
filesystem2=rw,RAM Disk2_:RAM Disk2:RAM Disk:,-1


# Example UAE configuration
# Lines beginning with a '#' are comments

# Path to file containing Kickstart ROM image

# If you have an encrypted ROM image from Amiga forever,
# this is a path to the key file

# Default path where floppy disk images may be found

#Show status LEDs on emulator screen

# Enable floppy drives 2 & 3

# Speed of floppy drives; 100 is normal speed (most compatible), 800 is fastest speed (least compatible)

# Joystick port emulation; none, mouse, joy0, joy1, kbd1, kbd2, kbd3

# CPU type to emulate
# CPU compatibility (true is slower)
# CPU emulation speed
# real = approx A500 speed. max = CPU emulation will run as fast as it can

# Amiga chipset to emulate
# Can be ocs, ecs or aga
# Collision detection; none, sprites, playfields, full

# Amount of chip memory to emulate
# in multiples of 512K. Thus chipmem=4 is 2MB

# Amount of fast memory to emulate in MB

# Sound output; none, interrupts, normal, exact

# Sound channels; mono, stereo, mixed

# Frequency of emulated sound output in Hz

# Sound buffer size; max_buffer is in bytes (obsolete), latency is in ms

# Prompt for screen mode to use; public, custom, ask


# Don't dither

# Set frame skipping (1=show all frames, 2=show every 2nd frame, 3=show every 3rd frame, etc)

# Display settings

# Miscellaneous

# Full floppy drive noises

# Additional settings

A quale configurazione ti riferisci?

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Re: RunInUAE : WHDload & JIT
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WHDLoad 18.6 [build 6128] (22/09/2020)

Didn`t work increasing the JIT cache from 8192 to 16384 bytes. A further increase of cache (32768), turned off the JIT LED (black).
Maybe you`re right about the JIT cache flushing.

Is there anybody that managed to run "Alien Breed 3D II: The Killing Grounds" with JIT enabled?

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RunInUAE : WHDload & JIT
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I`m trying to run the whdload version of "Alien Breed 3D II: The Killing Grounds".

As the WB starts, just before whdload splash window, the JIT led is green. When the whdload game is loaded, the JIT led turns to red.

The JIT part needs an 68020 to kick in, the game requires AGA chipset and at least a MC68020 processor, so it should be OK. UAE starts with JIT enabled (as I see the JIT green led flickering, just before the whdload starts).

Is it something that I`m missing? How can I enable JIT to CPU demanding games?

I`m using E-UAE_1.0.0_AmigaOS4-amigfx E-UAE 1.0.0 (Jan 1 2015), RunInUAE 1.8 (31/03/2018), Kickstart 53.89, Workbench 53.15 (28/12/2016) .

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Re: DOSBOX mount an iso?
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Just popping in

Sorry for hijacking the therad.

Has anyone managed to run Frontier First Encounters ? It is supposed to be running in DosBox v0.73 and upwards.
It crashes soon after the intro. Is it a midi issue?

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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Thank you for your hard work and all the amigans involved.
I`ve been using beta06 for a week now and is really faster than the old 1.23 (just like the other betas, after recompiling & updating the includes). I could not extensively test the player due to CPU limitations (Sam440Flex here), but it reproduces every video nicely (any hints/optimization settings for low CPU power? There was a script time ago, that optimized youtube settings).

I`ve noticed also a 100%CPU usage, when the OWB-Timer subtask runs.

Now a MUI thing maybe : I have Odyssey running on its own MUI screen. When switched to full screen, it stays on its own screen and returning to normal window goes to the Workbench screen automatically. It will not switch back to Odyssey screen even if I choose to do so directly, instead I have to choose WB screen first (the window is already there) and then its own screen.

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Re: AmigaAmp thread (news/releases/bugfixes/feature requests)
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Just popping in

Using WinAMP, I really liked how you searched the library, as typing.
Is this a feature that can be implemented in AmigaAMP?

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Re: AmiUpdate 2.46?
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Another issue, occured today : I tried to update today and I got a Login prompt window, to which I entered my credentials. It failed to update. Looking at the au.log, it shows :

19:36:04 Trying to connect to: www2.hyperion-entertainment.com on port: 80

19:36:04 Connected

19:36:04 Received HTTP header file...

19:36:04 (403) The current username and password is forbidden - prompting user to enter correct login for this realm

19:36:04 Prompting user for login details...

19:36:24 Login cancelled

19:36:24 No logon details supplied, updating aborted

19:36:24 (403) User is forbidden - Check your login details for this realm

19:36:24 HTTPFetch error: This user is forbidden to access this resource

19:36:24 Synchronising with server: 'amiupdate.net/SdkServer'...

19:36:24 Requesting HTTP header file from server...

19:36:24 Trying to connect to: amiupdate.net on port: 80

19:37:40 Failed

19:37:40 Failed to establish connection to: amiupdate.net error: Connection to the server failed

19:37:40 Failed to receive HTTP header file...

19:37:40 HTTPFetch error: Transferring the file was not possible due to a previous error

I can login to http://hyperion-entertainment.com/ successfully.

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Re: 2019 AmigaOS 4.x Graphics Card Survey
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The last year`s results?

I still have an old ATi 9250 due to limitations of my HW, but I would have upgraded, if there were any instructions on how to do this.

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AmiUpdate issue
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Just popping in

After an update scan, lzma_lib-53.7.lha appeared. An endless loop stuck the process, while trying to update the file :


21:43:01 Starting update of 'lzma_lib-53.7.lha'

21:43:01 Requesting HTTP header file from server...

21:43:01 Trying to connect to: github.com on port: 80

21:43:01 Connected

21:43:01 Received HTTP header file...

21:43:01 Redirection required, following link....

21:43:01 Requesting HTTP header file from server...

21:43:01 Trying to connect to: github.com on port: 80

21:43:01 Connected

21:43:01 Received HTTP header file...

21:43:01 Redirection required, following link....

..and so on...

I got the file with Odyssey fom the web and ran the AutoInstall script.

Is it something that is supposed to happen with AmiUpdate and github?

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Re: Reborn return to castle Wolfenstein
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Just popping in

I have a Sam440Flex with ATi 9250 and standard AOS 4.1FE,U1

What are the prerequisites in order to run this game?
Would it run just with MiniGL? I think it needs ogles2 Library with compatible HW.

What are the possible solutions for my motherboard (PCI->PCIe adapter/converter)? Would it fit inside TheRedOne? Anybody here done something similar?

Ordell Robbie: Is she dead, yes or no?
Louis: Pretty much.
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Re: Wet 6.4 now returning a 302 server error
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Just popping in

The error pops up again.

There is a tedency to limit the keys with OAuth1. Yahoo weather is an example: KODI weather addon, lxpanel weather... all broken, since early January.

Ordell Robbie: Is she dead, yes or no?
Louis: Pretty much.
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Re: An update for UnRAR ?
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Just popping in


Thank you for the update (and the clarification), I`ll test it further.
It`s an important utility to have, since many files are compressed with rar.

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Re: An update for UnRAR ?
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Just popping in


Thank you all for porting this!

Nitpicking here:
"UNRAR 5.61 freeware Copyright (c) 1993-2018 di Eugene e Alexander Roshal"
Shouldn`t it read 5.6.8?

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OS4 recovery software
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Just popping in

What is the current situation in OS4 ?

I have to repair/recover files from a DOS/07 partition, that has been validating for a couple of days (no disk activity led blinking though).

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