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Re: Is this a glitch or is it normal?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


I can confirm that I still see the issue with EH2 and RadeonRX 560 too.
It's most common in the RDesktopGUI's title bar, but I see it occasionally on Odysseys title bar too.

It doesn't stick on screen shot though! Might be worth mentioning.

Software developer for Amiga OS3 and OS4.
Develops for OnyxSoft and the Amiga using E and C and occasionally C++
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Re: Is this a glitch or is it normal?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Yeah, I've seen it too. At random. Not only workbench windows (I rarely use those). I've had a HD6750 for years, but recently switched to a RX560, but I can't be sure if I've seen it with the RX560. Have had other more severe gfx corruption with the RX560 though, but that's something else.

Software developer for Amiga OS3 and OS4.
Develops for OnyxSoft and the Amiga using E and C and occasionally C++
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Re: SObjs libmng.so.1 is missing, required by 8SVX datatype.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Apparently the JNG.datatype has a ref to this SO. I have JNG and MNG.datatypes. Have no idea what they are for

Maybe MultiViewer tried to load the datatype (icon?) as a PNG image, which might use one of those?

Software developer for Amiga OS3 and OS4.
Develops for OnyxSoft and the Amiga using E and C and occasionally C++
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SObjs libmng.so.1 is missing, required by 8SVX datatype.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

So, my notification sound in AmIRC mysteriously disappeared. Seems its because the AK-8SVX datatype (in Enhancer 2.2) requires libmng.so.1: "Failed to find canonical name for " it says when double-clicking AK-8SVX.

So, where do I find that one?

Is it perhaps part of another SO?

Software developer for Amiga OS3 and OS4.
Develops for OnyxSoft and the Amiga using E and C and occasionally C++
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Re: Radeon RX cards on X1000
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Do you have problems with Interrupts=Yes?

Do you have gfx corruption with Interrupts=No?

If you have freezes with Yes, try this hack, PatchWaitTOF that removes the hangs of apps, and total freeze if you're using that Synchronize with refresh flag in GUI prefs. (But do rather switch that off.)

Software developer for Amiga OS3 and OS4.
Develops for OnyxSoft and the Amiga using E and C and occasionally C++
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Re: Polaris - Mplayer problem
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

For those having a problem with MPlayer and other things freezing on Polaris cards and Interrupts=Yes, try this hack I just made that bypasses the non-working WaitTOF and WaitBOVP functions in graphics.library.

Just start the hack in a shell. Stop with Ctrl+C.
In s-s: Run >NIL: PatchWaitTOF

Software developer for Amiga OS3 and OS4.
Develops for OnyxSoft and the Amiga using E and C and occasionally C++
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Re: Radeon RX cards on X1000
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Continuing on the subject of interrupts.

Now I have been using my RX560 card in my X1000 with "Interrupts=No" for some time. Things have appeared to have been working fine. Only a few strange gfx glitches.

However, after starting to sort pictures from the year so far, using PicShow by Thomas Rapp on its own screen (as the last 20 years), I noticed massive gfx corruption on random images when flipping through. Going back and forward again, the pic shows fine again.

But when exiting PicShow and the screen closes it seems like the RX560 without interrupts copy and blitt data randomly creating massive garbage on the parent screen (DOpus). Sometimes containing parts of the last viewed picture, sometimes a distorted piece of the Workbench screen rendered randomly over the DOpus screen. It just seems like the blitts are not synchronized with whatever they need to be synchronized to, copying from random places at the wrong time.

It also destroys font glyphs so menus and requesters render garbage text afterwards, also on WB.

Tried switching off Composition on the DOpus screen to no avail.
Setting Interrupts=Yes seems to completely fix this problem, but then every program calling WaitTOF or similar will hang, so MPlayer doesn't work, dropdown in-GUI menues (cycle gadgets) don't work etc.

So interrupts are clearly working on the card, they just don't trigger WaitTOF.

/me eagerly awaits an update
PS. I can beta-test if necessary.

Software developer for Amiga OS3 and OS4.
Develops for OnyxSoft and the Amiga using E and C and occasionally C++
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Re: Polaris - Mplayer problem
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Bumping this since it doesn't appear to have been fixed.

In the meantime I hacked the MickJT exe's to work with the RadeonRX.

I'm guessing it will get the following link when approved:

And yes, I should use Emotion, but it doesn't have the fine-grained control I need when editing videos. I need my hotkeys for jumping +-/2 secs, +-/10 secs, +-1 minute. OSD with milliseconds or framecount, framestep etc.
Emotion is designed to watch moves as far as I can tell and doesn't have any of these controls.

Software developer for Amiga OS3 and OS4.
Develops for OnyxSoft and the Amiga using E and C and occasionally C++
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Re: Radeon RX cards on X1000
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Hehe, well. I've never seen that mouse pointer glitch until now with the RX560.

It seems like if the mouse pointer changes during some other major draw operation, such as creating windows, it simply doesn't change, but remain a sleepy pointer f.ex. as was set during selection of a file to load, which triggers opening of a new window f.ex.
I still see this with interrupts=off.

The popdown menus (and popdown-style cycle gadgets) work fine when I disable interrupts. (Seems like they use WaitTOF() to render cleanly..?) Never had any problems with radio gadgets.
This problem disappears with interrupts=off.

I don't see the rendering issues with interrupts=off either. Can't repro the missing line or text drawings or scrambled logos.

PPaint has always had some issues and glitches with OS4 I think. Sometimes there are stray gfx left after the mouse pointer/cursor. Just a refresh of the drawing area cleans that. Didn't/doesn't happen every time. Sometimes the mouse pointer disappeared in magnifying mode, or it forgot the pen style used. This all happened with the HD card, and I believe there were some issues also on the old A1-XE with R7000 card as well. It simply has some bugs in the planar emulation or something.

A shame it can't work with true chunky screens, just simulating limited pens etc. Would have been much simpler to code that way, and not requiring a monitor resync when switching to its screen etc.

So to conclude: WIth interrupts=off everything works normally on the RX560 (including PPaint), except for the mouse pointer that sometimes doesn't change as it should. I can make a video of that rather strange behaviour if you like.

I have a reproducible case:
Program has a main window and a settings window.
When opening settings, the main window gets a busy pointer.
When clicking back and forth between the main and settings window the pointer should change, but it doesn't. Only it's point position moves (sleepy has pointAt at the middle-bottom while the normal mouse arrow has pointAt at top-left). Looks wierd. So pointAt changes, but not the actual sprite gfx. Never seen that behaviour before.

Software developer for Amiga OS3 and OS4.
Develops for OnyxSoft and the Amiga using E and C and occasionally C++
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Re: Radeon RX cards on X1000
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Thanks for putting the info. I think it will make debugging a lot more focused that "random freezes" which was the first impression.

I found out becuase I wanted to test my new monitor's screen switching abilities, using PPaint, and at the same time noticed that frozen programs "unfroze" when I had switched to PPaint and back.

But it should also be noted that I got wierd gfx glitches with PPaint, or rather when switching to its screen. Different things, like wrong pen colors sometimes, mouse pointer "painting" over the screen (although I occasionally saw that with my RadeonHD too). The mouse pointer is sometimes incompletely drawn (on all screens) and sometimes gets stuck in sleep-pointer mode on WB.

Now, I did install the EH2.2 at the same time as the new gfx card, so can't exactly blame everything on the RX560 or the RX driver, but gfx glitches does lean towards it.

Software developer for Amiga OS3 and OS4.
Develops for OnyxSoft and the Amiga using E and C and occasionally C++
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Re: Radeon RX cards on X1000
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Bug filed. Hope it helps.
I also notice some gfx corruption in GUIs. Both MUI and ReAction. I wrote that too in case it's related somehow. Forgot to write it affects both ReAction and MUI though. But now you know.

With that said, I have not use EH2.2 before, so many updates at the same time here. That stuff could potentially be something different, but probably not.

Software developer for Amiga OS3 and OS4.
Develops for OnyxSoft and the Amiga using E and C and occasionally C++
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Re: Radeon RX cards on X1000
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


About the interrupts problem: I now have interrupts=on and it seems like the function WaitTOF() never returns, until there is a change in resolution.

So with the compositing setting not using this function itself, most things run fine, but MUI popdown menus seem to call this, or a similar, function and will hang that app, until there is a change in screen resolution.

I use PPaint to cause resolution changes. Just having it open and switch to its screen "unhangs" those apps.

Annotate, the text editor uses WaitTOF() to limit the speed when scrolling the text by dragging with the mouse above or below the window. I actually have a comment in the code: "//stopped working in OS4-upd3.. :(", but it is since long activated again. So when clicking the text, a waitTOF()-limited loop starts which immediately hangs the program, until PPaint is reveiled again.

Thougths on that?

Software developer for Amiga OS3 and OS4.
Develops for OnyxSoft and the Amiga using E and C and occasionally C++
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Re: Radeon RX cards on X1000
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Actually after fiddling around a lot, HDMI suddenly started to work when I selected DDC, even if I had the "correct" resolution plus my old ones in the list. It also worked without DDC on DVI to my old monitor, but no output on HDMI (or DP). Strange.

With DDC enabled I got picture on HDMI, if DVI was not connected.

So HDMI and DVI are related, but not DP. I assumed DP and DVI were the similar ones. So does that mean we cannot get output on DP at all?

So a DP to HDMI adapter requires code in the driver then, and knowledge about such adapters? What I would have needed was a DVI to DP adapter I suppose. I have a DP to DVI but that doesn't help at all obviosuly...

Anyway, using interrupts=on and Composition "sync with vert"=off now. Seems to work.

Software developer for Amiga OS3 and OS4.
Develops for OnyxSoft and the Amiga using E and C and occasionally C++
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Re: Radeon RX cards on X1000
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


So, the card is stable with interrupts off. Display seems slightly sluggish though.
I'll try with the Compositing setting "sync with vert refresh" off and see how that goes with interrupts on.

However, I don't think I have any use for this card because the primary reason was to get a card with DP output and HDMI 1.4, not just the old bulky and now obsolete DVI to support high resolutions.

With my new job I needed a new monitor for my home office with USB-C. And you cannot get USB-C + DVI. Doesn't exist. You typically get HDMI + DP on all monitors together with *either* DVI *or* USB-C. Since HDMI worked find with the HD6750 and DP being the same as DVI, signal-wise, I didn't even bother checking that the RX-driver can do HDMI or DP. That was a hard assumption, that it could do at least one of them.

Did I flush my money down the wrong toilett here, or how to enable DP or HDMI output from an RX560??

I kind of have to choose: Amiga (DVI) or work (USB-C)?
(a silly alternative would be to run the new screen with USB-C using the old HD6570 and HDMI on suboptimal resolution...)

Please tell me DP or HDMI can also work with the RadeonRX driver!

Software developer for Amiga OS3 and OS4.
Develops for OnyxSoft and the Amiga using E and C and occasionally C++
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Re: Radeon RX cards on X1000
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


I just intsalled my RX560 and I got freezes after a few minutes. Now I just changed to interrupts=off. Let's see how that goes... Haven't changed anything else for now.

Software developer for Amiga OS3 and OS4.
Develops for OnyxSoft and the Amiga using E and C and occasionally C++
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Re: What's new in amigaboot.of?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Yeah. It looks like the first meny has thress options, like Amiga OS4, Boot from CD, and Selection. If I choose Selection I get another meny with my different kicklayouts.

I guess by defualt it always uses the first kicklayout on the media I have selected.

Had forgotten how this was.

So, now let's disable the menus and try to boot blind with my new RX560!

Software developer for Amiga OS3 and OS4.
Develops for OnyxSoft and the Amiga using E and C and occasionally C++
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Re: What's new in amigaboot.of?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular



Btw. How is that boot menu built up?
I changed the kicklayout file but the boot menu looks the same. Was that defined in CFE directly, or how was that?

Software developer for Amiga OS3 and OS4.
Develops for OnyxSoft and the Amiga using E and C and occasionally C++
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What's new in amigaboot.of?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

So apparently I'm using a very old version of amigaboot.of because the actual CFE boot volume is hidden so was never updated.

This is what boots my X1000:
amigaboot 53.4 (2010-11-19)

This is what has been installed on my SYS:
amigaboot 53.21 (2016-06-13)

I should copy that new one over to the CFE boot partition, right?
But what's new? Don't want to brick my X1000 ;)

Software developer for Amiga OS3 and OS4.
Develops for OnyxSoft and the Amiga using E and C and occasionally C++
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Re: Problems with AmiUpdate
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


So it wasn't MUI but the updater. Strange that it worked for everything else then...

Anyway, changed

Software developer for Amiga OS3 and OS4.
Develops for OnyxSoft and the Amiga using E and C and occasionally C++
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Re: Problems with AmiUpdate
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Thanks, that worked better. How about a useful error message..?

But the MUI-5.0-20210831-os4.lha installer has a problem:
Failed to copy unpacked files to 'RAM Disk:Unpacked'

There is no such thing as "RAM Disk:". "RAM:" is the proper device mounted by kickstart and available on all systems.
Attempting "RAM Disk:" for RAM: is like attempting "Workbench4.1:" for SYS:. It just won't work, except for "me".

Software developer for Amiga OS3 and OS4.
Develops for OnyxSoft and the Amiga using E and C and occasionally C++
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