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SAM Flex USB Pendrive Support?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Can USB pendrives be mounted on SAM Flex? Just getting my Flex working and I have forgotten more than I remember on OS4x. Should there be a usbmassstorage.device in Devs?

Any help appreciated.


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Re: SAM Flex USB Pendrive Support?
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Yes most work, just insert and it should be recognised automatically, and appear on your workbench. You dont have to install or move any drivers I have never had any problems.

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Re: SAM Flex USB Pendrive Support?
Home away from home
Home away from home

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USB pen drive support is flaky - some pen drives work, others do not. Updated OS4 drivers should improve matters, when they are released.

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: SAM Flex USB Pendrive Support?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Can USB pendrives be mounted on SAM Flex? -acefnq
Yes most work... - bigmac
USB pen drive support is flaky - some pen drives work, others do not.- ChrisH
Oh great! You guys know to ruin a shopper's day!

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Re: SAM Flex USB Pendrive Support?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Should there be a usbmassstorage.device in Devs?

No, the device is created on-the-fly by massstorage.usbfd.

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Re: SAM Flex USB Pendrive Support?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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It really depends of the brand/type you use.
I bought a Kingston 2GB drive and it works nicely

Philippe 'Elwood' FERRUCCI
Sam460ex 1.10 Ghz
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Re: SAM Flex USB Pendrive Support?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Thanks, I guess I'll keep looking for one that works.


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Re: SAM Flex USB Pendrive Support?
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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USB pen drive support is flaky - some pen drives work, others do not.

It is really just like Chris said. Out of four USB flash disks I tried only one worked - my iPod Nano

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Re: SAM Flex USB Pendrive Support?
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Re: SAM Flex USB Pendrive Support?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Finally found one out of eight that works. Nevermind tis still progress.


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Re: SAM Flex USB Pendrive Support?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Yes, less than half on my USB hardware work on the SAM unfortunately and even some reported working on the A1 not work on the SAM.

BTW, I'm sure improvements have been made on the 1.x version of USB on the SAM

I pray each day for a small update on the hyperion site for USB 1.x on the SAM because IMHO It's importnat to have working USB on the SAM.

For USB 2.0, I know work has been done for that but no recent information about this point by the developper

A1200+Mediator+VooDoo3+060/50+96mo+IIYAMA 17"+CD,CDRW,ZIP SCSI-KIT
SAM440EP on Mapower 3000+AOS4.1

Amiga Docs Disk Preservation Project
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Re: SAM Flex USB Pendrive Support?
Home away from home
Home away from home

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My new pen drive (Transcend JF V30 - 2GB) don't work at all

A popup is showed on the Workbench but nothing happen ...

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Re: SAM Flex USB Pendrive Support?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Like Elwood, I have 3 Kingston Data travellers ranging from 512mb upto 8 gb and also a no name pen drive and they all work this is on a Micro A1 with OS4.1

I just wonder if any of those "Sticks" that don't work have the Windows only U3 technology on them? maybe worth checking

This Puny World will bow down to
Professor Chaos
Prepare for the greatest Villan you have ever seen!!
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Re: SAM Flex USB Pendrive Support?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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I just wonder if any of those "Sticks" that don't work have the Windows only U3 technology on them? maybe worth checking
No! The SanDisk MicroCruzer i got defaults to Windows; works like any other flash driver if there's no 'Windows'.
Finally found one out of eight that works. Nevermind tis still progress. - acefnq
even some reported working on the A1 not work on the SAM. - Mrodfr
I have three "SanDisk"s of various sizes that work fine on the A1, but you're saying they may not work on the SAM? Gak!

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Re: SAM Flex USB Pendrive Support?
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I've discovered that my Flex (800 mhz) is /really/ sensitive to the 5 volt line on the power supply.

I had to swap a few power supplies I had lying around before I got USB working reliably. At first some devices would work and other wouldn't - or the keyboard would work until I plugged in a mouse, things like that.

If you have another power supply you can try, you might want to give it a shot.

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Re: SAM Flex USB Pendrive Support?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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One serious problem I've noticed with these drives is filesystem related incompatability. If you leave them formatted for Windows (FAT etc.) problems can occur due to the difference in permitted filename characters. Some AmigaDOS characters can not be used in Windows (FAT etc.) filenames and vice-versa. Ideally the OS 4.x USB would have some sort of character identification & translation filtering. For backups and Amiga use only, I've had good results with USB pen drives that I have reformatted with SFS/0. I've been able to reformat a few that didn't work "out of the box" for Amiga use only with SFS.

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