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Re: AmiUpdate Update 2.55 (11.10.2024)
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

I found that my Sitelist file was correct but my Envarc:update.prefs was not.
I am in the middle of a reinstallation and I didn't think of such file in Envarc:

All fixed now.

Philippe 'Elwood' FERRUCCI
Sam460ex 1.10 Ghz
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Re: AmiUpdate Update 2.55 (11.10.2024)
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Just can't stay away


After an update to 2.55, my servers are gone.
Is it the same for you?

Philippe 'Elwood' FERRUCCI
Sam460ex 1.10 Ghz
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Re: NetSurf 3.11 has been released!
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Just can't stay away

I confirm what you found.
I started my Sam460 on an Update 2 partition - bsdlib 4.307. Netsurf works well.

While on my "all beta" partition - bsdlib 4.321, Netsurf doesn't open pages.

Philippe 'Elwood' FERRUCCI
Sam460ex 1.10 Ghz
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Re: sam460: new uboot update to handle RadeonRX coming soon!
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Just can't stay away


Thanks for the video.
460ex here too, updated with Uboot 2015.c

Philippe 'Elwood' FERRUCCI
Sam460ex 1.10 Ghz
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Re: AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition Update 2 fatal failure
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Just can't stay away


Yes, format = erase everything.
So you should backup all your data before formatting. And when it's done, you can replace all your data on the new partitions.

To backup you can use BackUp (68k) or BackItAllUp.

"Mount" means the partition will be "enabled" so you will be able to use the files on that partition.
"Boot" means you can place an AmigaOS system on that partition (C, Devs,...) and you can boot from it.

Philippe 'Elwood' FERRUCCI
Sam460ex 1.10 Ghz
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Re: Attempting to upgrade Sam 440 with an R7 240 or HD 7770
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Just can't stay away

I tried 2 R7 240 in a Sam460ex. OS4 crashes after a few seconds. Both cards work fine in a PC. I guess our driver doesn't like this model

Philippe 'Elwood' FERRUCCI
Sam460ex 1.10 Ghz
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Re: Amiga X5000 and Sound Blaster Audigy FX problem
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Just can't stay away


And finally... HAVE FUN.

Amen to this!
Very often people think "the other one" is a bad guy, just because he thinks differently.
Very often lack of communication leads to misundertanding and mistakes.

The more important part from my point of view is that nobody wanted to benefit nastily from geennaam work.

Philippe 'Elwood' FERRUCCI
Sam460ex 1.10 Ghz
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Re: Amiga X5000 and Sound Blaster Audigy FX problem
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Just can't stay away


Don't jump to conclusions too fast, especially if you don't have ACube answer

Philippe 'Elwood' FERRUCCI
Sam460ex 1.10 Ghz
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Re: 2024 - April - Space Cadet Pinball
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Just can't stay away

Where to get the data directory from?

Philippe 'Elwood' FERRUCCI
Sam460ex 1.10 Ghz
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Re: Porting to AmigaOS4 thread
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Raziel wrote:@rjd324

Is a wxwidgets port even possible?

I don't know what is down there: https://sourceforge.net/projects/wxwidget-aos/

Philippe 'Elwood' FERRUCCI
Sam460ex 1.10 Ghz
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Re: E-UAE build instructions?
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Just can't stay away

Philippe 'Elwood' FERRUCCI
Sam460ex 1.10 Ghz
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Re: sobjs.os4depot.net
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Just can't stay away

Maybe something to add to the new https://intuitionbase.com/

Philippe 'Elwood' FERRUCCI
Sam460ex 1.10 Ghz
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Re: New forum for Touch Device
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Just can't stay away

11 !? Are you sure?
Let's read that 11 in binary, it's better
I'll test your programs and send a donation. You deserve it.

Philippe 'Elwood' FERRUCCI
Sam460ex 1.10 Ghz
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Re: Problems booting a new Sam460LE
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Just can't stay away

From the research I did before buying the card, I was under the impression that I could edit the OS4 installer SD card to add the RX drivers to it, and then I could boot and install using the RX560. Is this not correct?

It is correct. You can do as explained by geennaam.
But you need an OS4 system to do it as the SD card is in an OS4 format that Windows/MacOS/Linux cannot read.


Also, you say "And U-Boot doesn't display anything with RX cards."
Could you explain exactly what that means, please? thanks for the information!

You see nothing in Uboot because the RX Cards are not yet supported by Uboot. But when OS4 starts and when the correct drivers are installed, you will be able to use the system normally.

To use a RX card you need to purchase the Radeon RX driver from Aeon to support the RX video cards.
This it NOT the V5 driver.
See https://amitopia.com/a-eon-with-great- ... -software-graphics-users/

Philippe 'Elwood' FERRUCCI
Sam460ex 1.10 Ghz
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Re: New forum for Touch Device
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Just can't stay away

@Alfredo : benissimo

I'm happy to see that what you started many years ago could lead to such product.

Philippe 'Elwood' FERRUCCI
Sam460ex 1.10 Ghz
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Re: AmigaOS 15" laptop one day?
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Just can't stay away

Several people at Amiga38 told us the same, and a developer from the OS4 team once said "make it and I take two" :-p

Philippe 'Elwood' FERRUCCI
Sam460ex 1.10 Ghz
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Re: AmigaOS 15" laptop one day?
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Just can't stay away

We fully confirm what Virgola says.
Power Progress Community decided about the features of the Tyche motherboard. and we are working together to bring this project to all people that want something else than x86 and closed-source ARM.
There is no doubt that we are interested by running AmigaOS 4 and MorphOS on this laptop. We hope everyone will make some donation to this project as it is a very big one.
As you know we could show a motherboard at Amiga38 and even if there is still work to do we are commited in bring it to market as fast as we can.

The ACube Systems team

Philippe 'Elwood' FERRUCCI
Sam460ex 1.10 Ghz
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Re: SAM460EX going black screen after official uboot2015b update
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Just can't stay away

I’ll bring my Sam460ex to the show.

Good. I'll see you there with Enrico too and fix your board.

Philippe 'Elwood' FERRUCCI
Sam460ex 1.10 Ghz
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Re: SAM460EX going black screen after official uboot2015b update
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Just can't stay away


Sorry to hear that.
Can you come at Amiga38 with your board so that we can replace the Uboot ship?

Philippe 'Elwood' FERRUCCI
Sam460ex 1.10 Ghz
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Re: List of compatible Radeon RX 5XX cards for SAM460LE?
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Just can't stay away


Is there a similar list to the one above, but for the new RX5XX cards?

There is this page:

Philippe 'Elwood' FERRUCCI
Sam460ex 1.10 Ghz
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