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Re: best DVD burner to use with Sam Flex & OS4.1
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I can verify that the Liteon SATA DVDRW drives work as well.

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Re: Graphics Corruption & Crashes - Sam440ep-flex, 1024 MB RAM
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Just popping in


Ok, so I switched all of my Amiga partitions over to SFS/00 and the system is faster and the graphics problems with both memory modules installed are gone. Switch back to a boot partition with FFS and the problems come back. Maybe we are getting somewhere. Thanks for all of the help.


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Re: Graphics Corruption & Crashes - Sam440ep-flex, 1024 MB RAM
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Just popping in


All of these changes have somehow corrected the graphics glitches on my machine with the full amount of ram installed. I'm not sure if it was putting Kickstart on an SFS partition or what but I am pleased it's fixed.

Thanks again

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Re: Graphics Corruption & Crashes - Sam440ep-flex, 1024 MB RAM
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Just popping in


Yes, I did. I wouldn't have made it without it, Thank You! I needed ALL of the Debian Lenny CDs to get KDE running.

The biggest problem that I had was getting Parthenope to recognize the Amiga partition with the Kickstart files on it. I ended up using SFS/00 and that finally worked. Something is causing a red "Guru" crash about half way through boot up on the Amiga side. The Sam Flex produces a nice display under KDE with the full amount of ram installed.


The "Guru" on the Amiga side was caused be the boot priority on the Linux partition and the Amiga Boot partition both being set to 0. I now have a small KICK: partition that is set as bootable with priority of -127 (Filesystem SFS/00), an AmigaOS4.1 (DH0:) partition set as bootable with a priority of 0 (Filesystem FFS with Long Name Support), and the LNX: (Linux) partition set as bootable with a priority of -17. Everything works perfectly now!

[EDIT] Something seems to have cured the graphics glitches with 1 Gig installed for now. I hope it stays fixed.

Thanks for all the help.


Edited by Jeff on 2009/6/20 19:41:48
Edited by Jeff on 2009/6/20 19:55:10
Edited by Jeff on 2009/6/21 1:35:03
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Re: Graphics Corruption & Crashes - Sam440ep-flex, 1024 MB RAM
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Just popping in


I finally have Linux installed on the Flex. I have confirmed that none of the Sam Flex graphics issues happen running Debian and KDE on the Flex 667 Mhz with the full 1 Gig of Ram Installed!

It took forever for me to set it up to dual boot AmigaOS4.1 and Debian Lenny. The Sam Flex feels really solid running Linux.


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Re: Graphics Corruption & Crashes - Sam440ep-flex, 1024 MB RAM
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Just popping in


On my Sam Flex 667 System I tried as another suggested. Disconnecting the SATA cable from the DVDR drive solved the graphic corruption issues for me totally with the full 1 Gig Ram installed, even with compositing turned on. As soon as I connect the SATA cable it all comes back.

Perhaps those of you that aren't having the problem with 1 Gig installed are using a different brand of CDRW/DVDR drive? Mine is an LG 22X DVDRW.

I also tried limiting the memory in U-Boot Prefs to 512 Megs instead of the full 1024 and that didn't work.

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Re: SAM Flex USB Pendrive Support?
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Just popping in

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