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Re: About off topic news on Amigans
Site Builder
Site Builder

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If they removed AROS they should also remove the threads of OS3, Apollo OS and everything different from OS4.

I believe you are partially right on this. That's why I disabled the Apollo OS related news for the last 5 years. I still think that AmigaOS 3 news is related to our website, and we have specific forums for it.

Thank you for your mention.

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Re: About off topic news on Amigans
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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This topic is also a bit confusing for me, I don't use AmigaOs4.1 via real hardware, but via the PPC emulation Qemu.

The Amiga rules should perhaps be expanded to include this reference, if this is not desired I will of course leave this forum!

Otherwise I agree with you, it's a shame what AmigaWorld.net has become 80% trolls and I personally think it's really good that there are still admins here who take care of the forum.

Since there are still active admins here who take care of the forum, you can very quickly determine whether they are just spammers or trolls. Apart from that, everything that has to do with Amiga is of course interesting to mention (hardware/software), if it is kept within limits.

Of course topics about AmigaOs4.1 should always be in the foreground, this was also the reason why I visited this forum a year ago.

MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
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Re: About off topic news on Amigans
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Please don’t let Amigans became a new AmigaWorld..

Memento audere semper!
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Re: About off topic news on Amigans
Home away from home
Home away from home

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heh...lets make it a rule everyone *has* to prove he/she owns amigaos4 and/or 68k...otherwise ome could not possibly add something meaningful to the forum

/irony off

as long as its moderated there shouldnt be a big problem, should it?

heck, i even ask for Linux and Windows help once in a while and mostly got usable, civil and nice answers

then again, all of this is about news items, so maybe it would be a compromise to add subfora for mos, aros, AfA, emulation and such?

i mean there already are a lot of dead software subfora rotting away in amigans.net


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Re: About off topic news on Amigans
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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This topic is also a bit confusing for me, I don't use AmigaOs4.1 via real hardware, but via the PPC emulation Qemu.
Real or emulated hardware doesn't matter much, but you are using AmigaOS 4.x.
Amigans.net is, or at least was, about AmigaOS 4.x only, and it should stay like that, or it would get similar to troll forums like AmigaWorld and MooBunny.
AimgaOS 1.x-3.9 software is partially on topic as well, all system friendly AmigaOS <= 3.9 software can be used on AmigaOS 4.x as well, and for ancient, hardware banging software, mostly games, there is E-UAE for AmigaOS 4.x.

But news and forum posts about AROS software, especially for the even more limited AROS forks like MorphOS, Apollo OS, etc., which can't be used on AmigaOS, neither with real hardware nor emulation, is something completely different.
For people interested in such Amiga look-alike, but incompatible, systems there are enough other forums, for example https://ae.arosworld.org (AROS/x86 and /x64), https://morph.zone/ (AROS/PPC), http://apollo-core.com/knowledge.php (AROS/m68k running on a fake 68080 CPU emulation, which is incompatible to any real and emulated m68k CPU), etc.

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Re: About off topic news on Amigans
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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AmigaOS is dead and buried for 30 years and maybe more.
I completely deleted everything including Winuae from my system.
The AmigaOS community of any forum no longer reflects my pastime.

Rude people are unable to share their work.
We weren't even talking about a cutting-edge operating system.
Where 30 year old application ports still struggle to be emulated.

So best wishes to everyone.

What do you see when you close your eyes ?
I see light, lots of light
I see you, dad
And I see mommy too
And I see me and we are together
And we play forever.
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Re: About off topic news on Amigans
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Amigaworld.net used to be AmigaOS4.x forum, but it was impossible to talk about anything because everything was trolled on, by other camps, inclusivity destroyed it. sad but true.
Idealism did not work.


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Re: About off topic news on Amigans
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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From that once proud Amiga City, only the sewer system remains.

And it brings out the worst in people. I can know because I just had an outburst. Therefore I've asked Sibbi to delete my account over there.

So I fully agree, let this place be no amigaworld.net

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Re: About off topic news on Amigans
Supreme Council
Supreme Council

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Many many years ago, when I was running my Amiga 4000, I did what I could to update it, both in software AND hardware.

I added an accelerator, memory, hard disk controllers, video cards, I/O cards etc.

Many "people" said it wasn't an "Amiga" anymore.

I tended to disagree with them, stating that if it can run AmigaOS, then is it not an Amiga?

In those days, it was 3.1, but I still feel that logic stands.

I now run an "NG" system (quite a few actually), but they all run AmigaOS. Not a clone, but the result of upgrade work, over years, that many people have undertaken. Just like 3.5 and 3.9, but those were not shunned as "not AmigaOS", simply regarded as upgrades.

So my machines run the latest AmigaOS, on hardware that was designed to run it, and it runs well (most of the time). You may run "AmigaOS" on emulation, or like me, some hybrid hardware designed around AmigaOS.

Whichever way you cut it, if it runs AmigaOS, it's an Amiga IMO.

I don't class MorphOS or AROS as "AmigaOS" purely because they are not. Better they may be, but AmigaOS they are not. I liked my "Amigas" back in the day, and I still like them now. I never found a reason to switch to any other derivative because I was content with what it was, when it was.

The same holds true now. I regard an Amiga as a machine that can run AmigaOS. As this site is "Amiga" based, surely from my logic, that includes topics about any platform running "AmigaOS", not some clone, for the good or the bad.

I have nothing against either MorphOS or AROS, I have no interest in them simply because they are not AmigaOS, which was the point of this website, no?

If the users here say it IS of interest to them, then the admins have to go with that decision in my view.

Just my 2p....


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Re: About off topic news on Amigans
Home away from home
Home away from home

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I think that this site original started as "not morphos". When aros wasn't even taken seriously yet.

Not quite. While it's hard to imagine now, IIRC, at one point amigaworld.net was the official AmigaOS 4 support forum. Amigaworld.net provided an OS4 centric space away from amiga.org (which had become a hotbed of inter-OS flame wars).

Despite having their own forums (e.g., morphzone), AROS and MorphOS fans seem to really want to discuss their OSes on any and every Amiga computer forum. So, AROS & MorphOS "fans" also joined amigaworld.net, and arguments over the pros and cons of each OS followed. So, what started as an OS4 centric forum was OS4 centric no more.

AFAIK, this is why amigans.net was started. It's stated intention was to be an AmigaOS 4 site. Basically, what MorphZone is to MorphOS. The only way to maintain this site's OS4-centric character, is to keep discussion of other OSes (including Amiga clones) off the front page. Otherwise, this place will end up like amigaworld.net, and before you know it a new OS4 centric forum will be created... What will that next forum be? Os4zone.net? AmigaNGWorld.net? LeaveUsAlone.com?


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Re: About off topic news on Amigans
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Not quite. While it's hard to imagine now, IIRC, at one point amigaworld.net was the official AmigaOS 4 support forum. Amigaworld.net provided an OS4 centric space away from amiga.org (which had become a hotbed of inter-OS flame wars).
The funny part about both of those troll forums is than A-EON bought both of them, amiga.org as well as amigaworld.net, and could have easily fixed them.
But, like for any forum without working moderation, just changing the ownership doesn't help at all...

Otherwise, this place will end up like amigaworld.net, and before you know it a new OS4 centric forum will be created... What will that next forum be? Os4zone.net? AmigaNGWorld.net? LeaveUsAlone.com?
For example for german users there is OS4Welt, as alternative to the anything even remotely Amiga related amiga-news.de. OS4World.(com|net|org)? 🤣

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Re: About off topic news on Amigans
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Yes, this was in my memory as well. I can remember someone with a nickname MickeyC who started this site?

Things with Morphos seems to have calmed down as far as I can tell.

But the sites statement of intent includes 68k emulation and vintage 68k systems as well. Without further specifying if this is with or with our direct link to os4.

Ironically, the attacks on amigaworld towards os4 now come mainly from the vintage 68k crowd.

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Re: About off topic news on Amigans
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Wait, what? Aeon owns amigaworld.net?

I have a thousand opinions on that but it is better that I keep them to myself.

But this surely looks bad.

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Re: About off topic news on Amigans
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Apparently nearly 10 years ago already:
https://oldschoolgameblog.com/2014/10/ ... akit-buys-amigaworld-net/

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Re: About off topic news on Amigans
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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joerg wrote:@geennaam
Apparently nearly 10 years ago already:
https://oldschoolgameblog.com/2014/10/ ... akit-buys-amigaworld-net/

Perhaps A-EON should not only have bought the website, but also a few good administrators and moderators instead of leaving the website to its own devices.

On topic:

Otherwise, I'm glad that some things have been clarified/addressed. Currently Amigans is where you get most of the information about AmigaOs4.1 and yes I am in favor of keeping it that way.

MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
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Re: About off topic news on Amigans
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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What will that next forum be? Os4zone.net? AmigaNGWorld.net? LeaveUsAlone.com?

Too polite, F*** Off.com would be more adequate
Is it registerable?

The funny part about both of those troll forums is than A-EON bought both of them, amiga.org as well as amigaworld.net, and could have easily fixed them.

Its another example of indolence. AEon turned into typical amigalike company.

CD32/A500/A600/A600+Furia/A1200/A4000D+A2320+PiccoloSD64/Sam440 flex 800MHz RAM 1GB HD7750 128MB OS4.1 SBLive! ->
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Re: About off topic news on Amigans
Just popping in
Just popping in

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geennaam wrote:

Things with Morphos seems to have calmed down as far as I can tell.

Ironically, the attacks on amigaworld towards os4 now come mainly from the vintage 68k crowd.

Yeah, I think that mentality has changed so that Amiga compatible PPC operating systems (OS4 and MorphOS) have to defend their place against 68k fanatics, and partly against AROS crowd too. After all, OS4 and MorphOS are the closest relatives by features, philosophy, and goals, so they're pretty much in the same boat nowadays . And it's nice to see that there's more cooperation than fighting between these camps nowadays.

But the sites statement of intent includes 68k emulation and vintage 68k systems as well. Without further specifying if this is with or with our direct link to os4.

That's always been a bit confusing for me, because when it doesn't require a direct link to OS4, then it basically opens the door for a wider selection of platforms. But as I know the history of the site, I still wouldn't post news items about someone running AmigaOS3.9 over the MorphOS kernel, or such :) I think it's fine that there's a site purely for OS4, but it shouldn't boast also being for emulation/classic without further declaration.

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Re: About off topic news on Amigans
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I agree with the moderator.
I love Amiga with all its forks.
But this forum is the best for OS4 and I would like to keep it that way.

It would be like advertising one of my products only for OS4 on the forums dedicated to AROS and MorphOS

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Re: About off topic news on Amigans
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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joerg wrote:@Hans
[quote]The funny part about both of those troll forums is than A-EON bought both of them, amiga.org as well as amigaworld.net, and could have easily fixed them. But, like for any forum without working moderation, just changing the ownership doesn't help at all.

I worked very hard to clean up amiga.org, and for a while, it was a nice place again. The downside is that once the trolling is squashed, people who abandoned the forum because of the bad behavior don't return, even when sent emails, etc.

AWN can be cleaned up, but will become very quiet, very quickly. The trolls won and now it's just the same fifteen people writing the same opinions over and over again, all trying to show how much more intelligent they are than the other guy. It's a terrible shame. I used to really enjoy AWN.

I enjoy this site, too, and really don't want the focus changed. But I also enjoy hearing about AROS, so I hope they'll continue to post here in the 'Free for All' forum.

-- eliyahu

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Re: About off topic news on Amigans
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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AWN currently serves its purpose as a containment area for people who will bicker with each other endlessly derailing every thread. This recently started spilling over to EAB too, but fortunately it's not that bad yet due to the size of the forum. I'd imagine if the usual suspects at AWN got banned they'd migrate to a different forum, and continue bickering there.

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