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About off topic news on Amigans
Supreme Council
Supreme Council

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After getting feedback from our users and after a discussion in the Amigans staff team we have decided that we will no longer allow news items that do not follow the Statement Of Intent on the front page.

If you want to post off topic news or information then you are welcome to use the Free for All forum (And as always, it is still subject to moderator discretion on a case by case basis as specified in the Terms Of Service )

If you want posts from the Free For All forum to be displayed on the front page then log in and use the [Forum Settings] link at the bottom right of the Recent Replied Topics block.

/Amigans Staff

Vacca foeda. Sum, ergo edo

Mr Bobo Cornwater
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Re: About off topic news on Amigans
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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total agree! but just curious.. does this happen often? not sure if i have seen news about stuff not concerning Amiga ish things.. can you give example?

Sam460ex 2GB 120Gb SSD&1Tb HD7750 Envy24HT A-Eon Drv 2.10+Warp3D New Uboot
Apollo v4 Standalone
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Re: About off topic news on Amigans
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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It looks like that aros news has disappeared from the front page.

So anything not concerning os4 and 68k (emulation) on os4

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Re: About off topic news on Amigans
Supreme Council
Supreme Council

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Seems another moderator has removed the available examples.

Anyway. Just click the link below for clarification. There seems to still be some lingering confusion about what Amigans is and has always been about even though the statement of intent hasn't changed since at least 2007.

Statement of Intent

Vacca foeda. Sum, ergo edo

Mr Bobo Cornwater
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Re: About off topic news on Amigans
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Since you have deleted my posts on AROS, I kindly ask you to delete my user as well, thank you !

I also ask to delete all my posts, including the post where I provided icons for OS4 games, no icon I will create for os4.

https://www.amigans.net/modules/newbb/ ... words=icons+dualpng+games

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Re: About off topic news on Amigans
Site Builder
Site Builder

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Please do not take it personally. I do not believe there is a need for you to leave this forum. It is not that you are not allowed to post content about Aros, since you are free to do it at the "Free for All" forum. It is just that this won't be approved to be in the news from now on.

There is no reason to be offended in any way, but if you still would like to remove your account, please let us know.

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Re: About off topic news on Amigans
Just popping in
Just popping in

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You remove everything, you could make a notice and leave only the news as the last one, by removing everything they have offended the person !

If they removed AROS they should also remove the threads of OS3, Apollo OS and everything different from OS4.

I hope other users will do the same thing !

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Re: About off topic news on Amigans
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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I'm sorry we're arguing about this again.
AmigaOS4 and AmigaOS3 only are really in the rules, not Aros or MorphOS. I think it is normal to respect that.
On the other hand, maybe it was enough not to publish more similar posts and not to delete all old ones.

It's a shame that people can't agree on unpleasant things in peace.
We should try it...

AmigaOS3: Amiga 1200
AmigaOS4: Micro A1-C, AmigaOne XE, Pegasos II, Sam440ep, Sam440ep-flex, AmigaOne X1000
MorphOS: Efika 5200b, Pegasos I, Pegasos II, Powerbook, Mac Mini, iMac, Powermac Quad
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Re: About off topic news on Amigans
Home away from home
Home away from home

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hmm, statement of intent says


- Emulation
Emulation of 68k AmigaOS and 68k Amiga hardware

isnt that what what aros/AfA os does?

not trying to discuss mod decisions here, just...

...that constant Amiga Future spamming the news is far more annoying than one or two "off topic" feeds...my 2ct


It was fun while it lasted...

game box/art scans
scummvm builds (retired)
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Re: About off topic news on Amigans
Home away from home
Home away from home

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people agree to disagree, thats our nature, otherwise we would have achieved world peace a long time ago, but...that tale is for another night to tell


It was fun while it lasted...

game box/art scans
scummvm builds (retired)
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Re: About off topic news on Amigans
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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While I personally have no issues with news about AROS or MorphOS, this website has always been a safe haven for discussion about AmigaOS4 and related hardware and software.

As mentioned by orgin and walkero, news about AROS and MorphOS can be placed in the "Free for All" forum.


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Re: About off topic news on Amigans
Home away from home
Home away from home

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They have amigaworld.net for that..


Basilisk II for AmigaOS4
and other tools and apps.
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Re: About off topic news on Amigans
Just popping in
Just popping in

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"by Raziel on 2024/2/17 22:47:22


hmm, statement of intent says


- Emulation
Emulation of 68k AmigaOS and 68k Amiga hardware

isnt that what what aros/AfA os does?

not trying to discuss mod decisions here, just...

...that constant Amiga Future spamming the news is far more annoying than one or two "off topic" feeds..."

This is everything I exactly also thought! Thanks, Raziel.


Sorry, but this has not been a very fine and friendly way. You should have at least informed the users, who are affected by it, before! And: Why so mysterious: "After getting feedback from our users"? Why not discussing it in a thread before? Why did those users not gave their opinions in the comments of the corresponding news?
You cannot delete something without having warned the users before! Sorry guys, but you messed that up!

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Re: About off topic news on Amigans
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Okay, this made me more confused. i thought you meant off topic like "news about electronic, software, games, or ad's not related Amiga at all" because i don't think i seen that.
But, Aros, amikit-arm, fcpga, morphos is related..a lot has been shared between them all. and they don't steal precious OS4 space and BTW they are not discussed in topics, that we have Fpga, amikit,aros, morphos forums for.

It isnt a problem seeing them in news section..
As an Amiga fan, i like seeing everything related to Amiga in news, i don't visit any other sites..We don't need this kind of noise.. you seen what amigaworld has become..
A war between camps never seem to end even though all camps lost the war.. now we all trying to co-exist for us that remain.

Everyone knows Amigans is OS4 sentric, and that's why i like this place,

We aren't many left.. we should all be one.


Sam460ex 2GB 120Gb SSD&1Tb HD7750 Envy24HT A-Eon Drv 2.10+Warp3D New Uboot
Apollo v4 Standalone
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Re: About off topic news on Amigans
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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The idea is that this is a website for amigaos4 related news first. But 68k emulate and real vintage is allowed to.

I think that this site original started as "not morphos". When aros wasn't even taken seriously yet.

There are other sites that target other or all systems

Edited by geennaam on 2024/2/18 18:01:20
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Re: About off topic news on Amigans
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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yea..i kind of get it.. hope it all goes okay

Sam460ex 2GB 120Gb SSD&1Tb HD7750 Envy24HT A-Eon Drv 2.10+Warp3D New Uboot
Apollo v4 Standalone
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Re: About off topic news on Amigans
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Why not discussing it in a thread before? Why did those users not gave their opinions in the comments of the corresponding news?

There was a discusion in the previous "AROS news"

AmigaWorld started to degrade in a similar way, along with opening to other systems.

CDTV/CD32/A500/A600/A600+Furia+IndiECS/A1200+TF1260/A4000D+A2320+PiccoloSD64/Sam440 flex 800MHz RAM 1GB HD7750 128MB OS4.1 SBLive! ->
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Re: About off topic news on Amigans
Just popping in
Just popping in

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sorry that I answer here too... a long time ago I posted something here about my own aros based distribution too and it was immediately deleted so was surprised to see aros news here even in news.

If users here only want OS4 news it must be respected.

but saying amigaworld degenerated because it opened to other platforms is a little strange. You cannot call something amigaworld with only OS4. OS4 is only a small fraction of the user base.

The problem on amigaworld is not that it is open but that it is completely unmoderated.

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Re: About off topic news on Amigans
Supreme Council
Supreme Council

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OlafS3 wrote:@mr2

If users here only want OS4 news it must be respected.

I emplore everyone who has not yet done so to read the full contents of the Statement of Intent

There are still misconceptions being expressed in this thread. Just read the document and do not read too much into other peoples opinions on the matter.

I'm sure there are some who only wants OS4 news, but the Statement of Intent is what governs the focus of the site on this matter and there are no plans to change it.

Vacca foeda. Sum, ergo edo

Mr Bobo Cornwater
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Re: About off topic news on Amigans
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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I emplore everyone who has not yet done so to read the full contents of the Statement of Intent
The Statement of Intent needs an update. For example does "Emulation of 68k AmigaOS" and "68k AmigaOS, compatible software and hardware"
- include Hyperion's PiracyOS ("AmigaOS" versions 3.1.x/3.2.x, which in large parts are based on stolen AmigaOS 4.x sources)?
- include something like the "THE500 Mini", which is more or less "68k AmigaOS compatible hardware", and can run some old AmigaOS 68k games, but is no classic Amiga hardware at all, or AmigaKit's "A600GS", which doesn't use anything AmigaOS related but AROS/m68k + Enhancer Software V46, running on an ARM CPU via Emu68k, instead?
- include something like the Apollo V4 systems (no Amiga, not even m68k compatible, hardware but incompatible emulation) with ApolloOS (not AmigaOS but AROS based)?

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