First of all, I am working with the Pegasos2 target. Not AmigaOne XE or SAM460 because that would need me to do new installs. I had the pegasos2 target still on my disk.
I'm also working with the latest QEMU 9.0.0RC4 which i've compiled myself
There isn't much to post. And tbh, the Radeon9250 and HD4850 are not interesting anyways. So let's ignore those.
The HD7000 works fine in pass-through thanks to bboot.fth boot V0.7 and Kickstart.zip.
- "Fast" Workbench at 2560x1440@32. Experience is limited by the speed of PowerPC emulation on my old Core i5. Take a Ryzen 7700x and you'll definitely leave the X5020 in the dust.
- Warp3D Nova works
- Warp3D works
- Compositing works
- Internet is stable with old RTL8139 driver
- Audio works
- 500MB FAT USB disk emulation will greatly slowdown the machine so better share files with a network drive
So currently I have a QEMU which is usable with a real HD7000 card in pass-through and feels like sam460 speed.
When I connect my RX560 instead then QEMU fails to start with that error message described above. Apparently this has something to do with a bad reset of the RX card. Or at least that is what you said a year ago.
The info how to pass through and bind the VFIO kernel driver to the GFX card is well described on various sites. You can even use some helper scripts on Ubuntu to ease the pain
https://github.com/pavolelsig/passthrough_helper_ubuntu_20pegasos2.rom isn't capable of fully configuring a HD 7000 card so the " /failsafe" io trick is still needed to get the of prompt back.
My qemu commandline is as follows:
qemu-system-ppc -machine pegasos2 -rtc base=localtime -serial stdio -vga none -device VGA,romfile="" -drive media=disk,format=raw,file=hd.img -m 1024M -bios pegasos2.rom -device es1370,addr=0x08 -device rtl8139,addr=0x09,netdev=nic -netdev user,id=nic,hostname=pegasos-os4 -device vfio-pci,host=02:00.0,bus=pci.0,x-vga=on -device vfio-pci,host=02:00.1,bus=pci.0 -accel tcg
The pass-through parameters depend on where the card is located in your iommu tree of course.
Using bus=pci.0 makes sure that the card gets connected on the virtual AGP bus for the pegasos2.
For me is was just (my technical) curiosity if I could finally make it to work. I have no intention to run QEMU or write a tutorial.
Going to rebuild my machine back to original state so that my kids can play Fortnite on Windows again

Edited by geennaam on 2024/4/19 18:53:31