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Re: NGFS new version
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Just popping in

The actual version of NGFS is good beside some bugs that corrupt the filesystem.
In rare case I lost a file, but usualy NGFCheck save everything.
But when it is corrupted the system becomes unstable.
I tried SFS to resolve the problem of the unstability.
But the time of boot and the usage are slower.
So I did back return to use NGFS.

I don't know the reason.
But I verified this conditions.

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Re: NGFS new version
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Just popping in

@Maijestro NGFS is faster than SFS.

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Re: NGFS new version
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Just popping in

@daveyw How do I contact Steve Solie?

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Re: NGFS new version
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@daveyw But then why don't they release the updates?
I don't understand.

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Re: NGFS new version
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Just popping in

@skynet In other thread they did say that V54.100++ is the last version.
And only for owners of the x5000 tonyw release the last version.
Or is need to wait the 4.2 in the next two weeks.

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Re: NGFS new version
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Just popping in

@MigthyMax Yes, I know it, I did send private message, look the screenshot.

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NGFS new version
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Just popping in

Hi amigans,
In this topic from Hyperion.

Tonyw has offers the new version of NGFS, to the owners of the AmigaOne x5000.
I did write him some months ago.
But I am still wait response.
It's probably that him do not read the forum for work or other activities.

I ask you if someone can send me the new FS or give me the mail of tonyw.

I am is a real possessor of x5000.
I've attached the screenshot of my communication with tonyw

Resized Image

Thank you all

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Re: AmigaOne x5000 Thread
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Just popping in

Congratulation for your new Amiga.
I love it this computer.
It's like a real workstation like the Sun Blade 2000 of Sun.
But with AOS and MorphOS.
It's possible with a simple trick to install Linux in a thread disk.

I suggest you a case with vertical slot for the GPU.
For install second GPU to increase the performance of the whole systems.

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Re: the best way to remote use of real os4 machine ?
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Just popping in

Sorry for me being off topic.
But my dream is having a Spice Client for Amiga to control my Virtual Macchines.
With this I could control VM Linux, Haiku, MacOS from my libvirtd.
For now I use VNC but Spice is more fast

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Re: AmiUpdate Update 2.55 (11.10.2024)
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Just popping in

I thinked that he is the author.
I'm sorry.

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Re: AmiUpdate Update 2.55 (11.10.2024)
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Just popping in

@skynet thanks for your work

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Re: the best way to remote use of real os4 machine ?
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Just popping in

I use for OS4 RVNCd but I prefer use xrdp server on Linux and Client RDP on Amiga.
The second solution it's more fast

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Re: the best way to remote use of real os4 machine ?
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Just popping in

@MartinW I like a lot Barrier.
But is it compatible with Synergy of OS4?

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Re: AmiStore purchases and downloads
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Just popping in

Sometimes I see new games for Classic, Final Writer, CubeIDE, PageStream and other small programs. If it offers a chance it is possible that something will appear.

Surely if you do nothing nothing changes

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Re: AmiStore purchases and downloads
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Just popping in

I'm modest opinion that AmiStore for OS4 need the all software for OS3 and should is open to individual developer, for payment software and game.
Like PlayStore of Google.

Could improve the Amiga market

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Re: Why not use the second core for chipset emulation?
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Just popping in

It's simpler using the XMOS integrated in the x1000 and x5000 models. And if your AmigaOne is not having the XMOS, you can use a USB model too.

The modern GPUs have a Blitter and Sprite controllers, it's more advanced than the old Amigas

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Re: WebKit based browser initiative
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Just popping in

in the last days, Deadwood has offer his support for the porting than new version of Odissey.
If I understand the new vesion use the engine of wayfarer.
It's possibile joined the two project?

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Re: AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition or Odyssey?
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Just popping in

When I happen to me some problem, my first test is try consistency to the NGFS, with command from shell:

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Re: X5000 U-Boot updates - still not publicly available?
Just popping in
Just popping in

This update is it interesting for me too. The last version, has some bugs

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Re: Qt 6 progress
Just popping in
Just popping in

Thank you.
my favorite programs for Linux are almost all qt.
Is it possible to make it use GPU acceleration on AOS4 too?

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