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Re: What programs do you regularly use on your AmigaOS 4 system?
Supreme Council 
If I may ask, what is "Heddley"?
I've not heard of it...
Comments made in any post are personal opinion, and are in no-way representative of any commercial entity unless specifically stated as such. ---- http://codebench.co.uk
Re: Updater tool: latest releases and updates
Supreme Council 
Quote: It looks that Version 54.21 has sometimes issues getting its own version string:
You've got to laugh, haven't you? It would be sad if it wasn't so funny..... Simon
Comments made in any post are personal opinion, and are in no-way representative of any commercial entity unless specifically stated as such. ---- http://codebench.co.uk
Re: Poor network performance on Sam440ep
Supreme Council 
Network transfers are greatly slowed down (on all platforms) by SMBFS. Unfortunately, there's little that can be done about it too.
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Re: Amiupdate servers?
Posted on: 12/20 12:34
Supreme Council 
The latest version fixed a bug which should solve this. Once a successful connection is made to a server, it should save the details for you.
Comments made in any post are personal opinion, and are in no-way representative of any commercial entity unless specifically stated as such. ---- http://codebench.co.uk
Re: Amiga IDEs
Posted on: 2024/11/17 3:11
Supreme Council 
@TuvokQuote: Tuvok wrote:
Hi, I was in the assumption that www.codebench.co.uk was your website. I used the web form in the "Contact" page.
I don't think I saved the message I wrote, but basically I inquired about the price of CodeBench and asked how to purchase it.
Firstly, let me extend apologies for the lack of reply to your message. We have had problems with server migration and loss of service, so perhaps it got lost in some of those shenanigans. Regarding the "commercial" version of CodeBench, while we appreciate all of the enquires we have had, currently we are not committed to a 100% consumer release. Yes, we all know it has been many years in the making, and most of it has been down to feature-creep, which has been mainly to blame for trying to make it the best product we can produce. There has been many improvements since the last public release, and the project is by no means dead, despite popular speculation. We are hoping to get a new release out soon, so stay tuned to the website, and many thanks to you, and all out users out there, who have stuck with us throughout the years. Simon
Comments made in any post are personal opinion, and are in no-way representative of any commercial entity unless specifically stated as such. ---- http://codebench.co.uk
Re: Amiga IDEs
Posted on: 2024/11/15 2:08
Supreme Council 
@Tuvok Quote: Tuvok wrote:@Rigo I sent you a message using your website. Not sure it went thought as the page remained blank after I pressed "send" all the 3 times.  I have no idea which "website" you are referring to. It might be better to message me directly if you have an issue to resolve.... We are always here to help. Simon
Comments made in any post are personal opinion, and are in no-way representative of any commercial entity unless specifically stated as such. ---- http://codebench.co.uk
Re: Amiga IDEs
Posted on: 2024/11/10 5:16
Supreme Council 
@Hans Quote: Codebench has an AREXX plugin, so it might have AREXX code highlighting. Yes, it does.And thanks for the PR :) Simon
Comments made in any post are personal opinion, and are in no-way representative of any commercial entity unless specifically stated as such. ---- http://codebench.co.uk
Re: SpotLess debugger
Posted on: 2024/8/28 1:56
Supreme Council 
Maybe to the outside "community", although there is still plenty happening internally.
Comments made in any post are personal opinion, and are in no-way representative of any commercial entity unless specifically stated as such. ---- http://codebench.co.uk
Re: SDK 54.16 in CubicIDE
Posted on: 2024/4/30 1:30
Supreme Council 
So just to be clear, this isn't an issue with CubicIDE, or any other environment, but more with the installed SDK and/or components.
I'd hate for authors be flooded with emails regarding problems totally unrelated to the actual installed IDE....
Comments made in any post are personal opinion, and are in no-way representative of any commercial entity unless specifically stated as such. ---- http://codebench.co.uk
Re: New staff member
Posted on: 2024/4/30 1:22
Supreme Council 
Here at Amigans, we tend to pride ourselves on the fact that we try our best to keep the forums running at their optimum efficiency. If that means bringing in new members of staff, then that can only be a good thing to keep the forum running clean and unmolested.
As usual, if there seems to be something that needs to be sorted, there are contact details to be used to report such things.
We are here for the good of the users, when that stops, we will will have to rethink our strategy.
Edited by Rigo on 2024/5/5 13:36:09
Comments made in any post are personal opinion, and are in no-way representative of any commercial entity unless specifically stated as such. ---- http://codebench.co.uk
Re: AmiUpdate Passwords
Posted on: 2024/4/10 1:24
Supreme Council 
Yep, I've seen the bug, reported it.Looked through the code, and found the problem.
The code to save the details was commented out!!!!
I've no idea when or why this happened, but at least it will be fixed in the next release....
Comments made in any post are personal opinion, and are in no-way representative of any commercial entity unless specifically stated as such. ---- http://codebench.co.uk
Re: AmiUpdate 2.50
Posted on: 2024/3/23 1:24
Supreme Council 
I'd say "Thanks for the report", but you didn't. Anyway, seems a later version of PHP changed certain aspects which lead to this. Hopefully it should work as expected now.
Comments made in any post are personal opinion, and are in no-way representative of any commercial entity unless specifically stated as such. ---- http://codebench.co.uk
Re: Close Image
Posted on: 2024/3/18 1:45
Supreme Council 
Well, I'm not sure about "recent", it was 2018 :) Anyway, I've updated the autodoc, and you can grab it here: http://codebench.co.uk/sysiclass_doc.lhaSimon
Comments made in any post are personal opinion, and are in no-way representative of any commercial entity unless specifically stated as such. ---- http://codebench.co.uk
Re: My AmiUpdate does not work
Posted on: 2024/2/21 19:49
Supreme Council 
If it's local, then there may be a possibility that your preferences may be screwed up.Have a look in ENVARC:sys/update.prefs, maybe something has corrupted the XML file...
Comments made in any post are personal opinion, and are in no-way representative of any commercial entity unless specifically stated as such. ---- http://codebench.co.uk
Re: My AmiUpdate does not work
Posted on: 2024/2/21 17:25
Supreme Council 
You don't say which server you are connecting to when you get this error. I have tried all the ones I can think of, and no errors here.
Comments made in any post are personal opinion, and are in no-way representative of any commercial entity unless specifically stated as such. ---- http://codebench.co.uk
Re: About off topic news on Amigans
Posted on: 2024/2/20 2:09
Supreme Council 
Many many years ago, when I was running my Amiga 4000, I did what I could to update it, both in software AND hardware.
I added an accelerator, memory, hard disk controllers, video cards, I/O cards etc.
Many "people" said it wasn't an "Amiga" anymore.
I tended to disagree with them, stating that if it can run AmigaOS, then is it not an Amiga?
In those days, it was 3.1, but I still feel that logic stands.
I now run an "NG" system (quite a few actually), but they all run AmigaOS. Not a clone, but the result of upgrade work, over years, that many people have undertaken. Just like 3.5 and 3.9, but those were not shunned as "not AmigaOS", simply regarded as upgrades.
So my machines run the latest AmigaOS, on hardware that was designed to run it, and it runs well (most of the time). You may run "AmigaOS" on emulation, or like me, some hybrid hardware designed around AmigaOS.
Whichever way you cut it, if it runs AmigaOS, it's an Amiga IMO.
I don't class MorphOS or AROS as "AmigaOS" purely because they are not. Better they may be, but AmigaOS they are not. I liked my "Amigas" back in the day, and I still like them now. I never found a reason to switch to any other derivative because I was content with what it was, when it was.
The same holds true now. I regard an Amiga as a machine that can run AmigaOS. As this site is "Amiga" based, surely from my logic, that includes topics about any platform running "AmigaOS", not some clone, for the good or the bad.
I have nothing against either MorphOS or AROS, I have no interest in them simply because they are not AmigaOS, which was the point of this website, no?
If the users here say it IS of interest to them, then the admins have to go with that decision in my view.
Just my 2p....
Comments made in any post are personal opinion, and are in no-way representative of any commercial entity unless specifically stated as such. ---- http://codebench.co.uk
Re: AmiUpdate 2.50
Posted on: 2024/2/20 1:44
Supreme Council 
Most of the localisations are now hosted on os4depot. I suggest to look there for language files you require.
My aging memory tells me there /was/ a Polish translation, although how recent it is, I've no idea.
Comments made in any post are personal opinion, and are in no-way representative of any commercial entity unless specifically stated as such. ---- http://codebench.co.uk
Re: AmiUpdate 2.50
Posted on: 2024/2/16 19:09
Supreme Council 
AmiUpdate database updated for you.
Comments made in any post are personal opinion, and are in no-way representative of any commercial entity unless specifically stated as such. ---- http://codebench.co.uk
Re: AmiUpdate 2.50
Posted on: 2024/2/15 1:36
Supreme Council 
Right, after a short support session with another user that was not getting the update, we found out that he was using "amiupdate.net" as the public server on an older version.
So the advice still sticks:
If you are trying to update to 2.53, PLEASE use "codebench.co.uk/amiupdate_website" as the public server, and the update will come through no problems. After that, you can go back to "amiupdate.net" and everything should be fine once you are running 2.53+
Comments made in any post are personal opinion, and are in no-way representative of any commercial entity unless specifically stated as such. ---- http://codebench.co.uk
Re: AmiUpdate 2.50
Posted on: 2024/2/12 20:49
Supreme Council 
@Petrol I assume by the server names, you are using an older version of AmiUpdate? Rather than change all your settings around, download the latest archive from here and install it manually. This is most likely a problem caused by the redirection issues surrounding the subdomains and forwarding. 2.52 cures this internally. Simon
Comments made in any post are personal opinion, and are in no-way representative of any commercial entity unless specifically stated as such. ---- http://codebench.co.uk