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Re: RadeonHD V.5 driver
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@sailor Quote: please, do exists some version of RadeonHD v.5 for A1222+? Ask A-EON/AmigaKit for an A1222 variant. They're in charge of which variants are for sale. Hans
Re: MiniGL error on SAM460cr and latest Radeon drivers
Posted on: 12/21 11:49
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@daveyw Quote: Thanks for the tip, but that method has proven to be equally frustrating. I get the email, open the link, fill in the details - with some difficuly, the buttons are white on light grey - click submit, and then get a blank page (on Safari). Try use Google Chrome or a browser that uses the same web engine (e.g., Brave). I've noticed more and more websites not working properly on Safari. At least with older versions. Hans
Re: Sneak Peek Inside Kea Campus' Amiga Corner
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@all I finally have the first actual MUI tutorial published on the blog (the previous video ended up being a rant). We're keeping things very simple just a basic "Hello world" window. Yes, it's very basic, but it's the very first step. Just like flashing an LED is the very first step when programming a new embedded CPU.** Click here to watch/read.
Hans ** Oh the joys of seeing that LED flashing for the very first time. It's doing the exact thing you programmed it to.
Re: Sneak Peek Inside Kea Campus' Amiga Corner
Posted on: 2024/11/22 14:11
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I've tentatively enabled a website user cache feature to try to speed things up. It might have undesired side effects, though. So, please tell me if you see something not working (e.g., forum threads not updating properly).
EDIT: I had to disable it again. Pages don't update properly to things like forum content, and I end up having to list all campus pages as non-cacheable.
EDIT2: One interesting observation, is that it's the PHP code that's taking so long, and NOT database queries. I was told that database queries tend to be the bottleneck, but that's clearly not true.
Re: Video editing software
Posted on: 2024/11/22 2:58
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@tekmage Quote: I see the value of both! While timelines make a lot of sence when your going second by second, but the tile view is more useful when your looking at the overall project. True, but if someone moves a clip in the storyboard that has multiple layers on top that straddle multiple clips, how should the video editor decide how the clips/objects in the other layers should be moved? For OS 4, it would be great if we had smaller programs focused on each of the areas. Like stand alone media organizer, clipper, audio editor, and video stitcher.[/quote] What do you use as Media Organizer on other platforms? Hans
Re: Sneak Peek Inside Kea Campus' Amiga Corner
Posted on: 2024/11/22 2:52
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@abalaban Thanks for the suggestions. IMHO, experienced Amiga developers don't need my help in how to write Amiga software. While the direct beneficiaries of my work are aspiring Amiga developers, end-users benefit in the long run. I was hoping that more people would see that, and support the effort. There simply aren't enough aspiring Amiga programmers at present, to make this effort sustainable. Changing this is one of the Amiga corner's goals... I normally do add a text summary for the videos on my website. @MartinW Quote: @Hans - just a general comment. Your site is really slow to respond. All pages are not very quick. I realise that you are over the "other" side of the world to those of us in the US and Europe and this is why. Obviously you know the figures for where the majority of your subscribers are geographically. Just mentioning it since it does put me off spending too long browsing the forum etc. Obviously if nobody mentions it then you may never know. What kind of page loading times are you getting? That's an ongoing frustration. I've upgraded the hosting twice now (at increased cost). Every time it seems to temporarily boost performance, and then slow back down. Right now it's running on a 4 core server in the USA, which should be more than adequate for the level of traffic that I have, provided that no miscreants are trying to hack or DDOS it. The site blocks multiple password hacking attempts per day, so there's definitely some of that going on. I'm already using caching/optimization plugins and a CDN. Plus, it's running on a reputable host (Cloudflare). When I test it (normally round when Europeans and Americans are asleep), the front-end speed is usually not too bad. Upgrading the site to PHP 8.x should help. Alas, half of my website uses an older version of Silverstripe which isn't compatible, and I have some code that prevents me from upgrading. I've been looking into migrating everything to WordPress so that I can move forward. There is no straightforward way to do this, so it's likely going to take quite a bit of work. I'd pay someone else to do it if I could afford it. Hans
Edited by Hans on 2024/11/22 3:15:37
Re: Video editing software
Posted on: 2024/11/19 3:41
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@mbrantley Quote: @Hans
For years I have hoped there would be a simple but effective video editor software for AmigaOS. If you look on YouTube for videos about a now abandoned NewTek editor called SpeedEDIT you'll see a marvelous style of interface that is not really replicated elsewhere. It combines the tiles of the original versions of iMovie with the timelines of everything else. I paid NewTek a whole thousand US dollars for that software, only to see them take it off the market not so long after. Ugh.
Simple and no-nonsense but with some power and elegance is the way to go with a NLE. For heavy hitting, now I have Davinci Resolve, but I'd love to do some easy stuff on on AmigaOS machines. Are there any modern video editors that still have a story-board style UI? While that is easier to get started, it gets messy quickly when you have multiple layers on top of each other. Hans
Re: Amiga IDEs
Posted on: 2024/11/9 11:06
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@Tuvok Nice to see that my efforts are having some kind of impact. Regarding Amiga native IDEs, I switched from CubicIDE to CodeBench when CodeBench became advanced enough. There's also Advanced Visual Developer, although I'm unsure what its current status is. I know it's still in pre-release, but you'd have to check with Jamie as to how usable it is. These days I use VS Code on my PC, and use ZitaFTP Server to copy the files to an Amiga for testing (as per my videos). It's faster for me, and no crashing problems. The last time I used CodeBench, it could still crash, and my RadeonHD/RX projects took a long time to load (they have a lot of files). I haven't yet had a chance to try out LiteXL, which does look useful. Codebench has an AREXX plugin, so it might have AREXX code highlighting. Quote: About learning material: I have come into possession of many old, very old Amiga C books, I guess they are all from the 1.3 era. Does it make sense to read them? I read a little and found them confusing, also with errors. I have 3 version of the same book, and some parts are different in each one of them. Some parts I can tell are right in the first version but miscorrected in later version. So I suppose it will be more puzzle work to understand the books than really learning, I fear it will confuse and frustrate me a lot. And I guess all the devs here are of such advanced level and skill, they would get super bored or annoyed when someone ask really silly questions (in their eyes) The really old docs might not be the best. IIRC, some might even have old style C. The most recent ROM Kernel Manuals are still useful, as is the AmigaOS Developer Wiki. However, I don't know of any good beginner tutorials that are up-to-date. The ones in Amiga Future are worth looking at, if you can get your hands on them. There's also PJ Hutchison's tutorial series which you can find here. If you follow his, then I recommend you build everything with __USE_INLINE__ defined, so you can use AmigaOS 3 style library calls. Otherwise you have to use the interface pointers (e.g., IExec->OpenLibrary() instead of OpenLibrary()). You could also start with a generic C/C++ book. Code that uses just the C/C++ standard libraries should work just fine on AmigaOS. You won't be doing any GUI/graphics stuff with those books, but it's good for learning C/C++. Hans
Re: Video editing software
Posted on: 2024/11/6 8:51
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@tekmage Quote: One thing that might work is to use FFMPEG to reduce your clips down to a low rez, build your edits and cuts then apply them to the full size files for final rendering.
Might make it tolerable to do editing an X5000. Do we have video editing software that will let you swap out the clip files like you suggest? It could work, provided that the editing software will adjust the clip scale factor when the resolution changes. Camtasia has a feature like this, where it can generate a "proxy" clip for editing purposes. Hans
Re: Video editing software
Posted on: 2024/11/5 23:37
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@jap Quote: How about animation software? I'm not an animator, but an easy to use typography, rotoscope, or stop motion animation software would interest me. That's something I've also thought about, but it would be subject to the same multi-platform requirements as anything else... Hans
Re: Video editing software
Posted on: 2024/11/5 23:35
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@mufa Quote: You need to think about creating not something that could compete with PC software, but something that could compete with free software on AmigaOS4. At the moment, probably the best video editor for OS4 is FFShop. It's not a very advanced tool, so the bar is hung low. If you were to create something similar (especially if you could introduce GPU video encoding and perhaps ExtMEM support), I would buy such a program for sure. There is zero chance of any software released exclusively for AmigaOS + clones being able to earn enough to keep my family and I sheltered and fed. Something that some here don't seem to understand is that I don't have a "day job." Creating software (or anything) for the fun of it is a luxury that I cannot afford right now. Either something earns enough to support my family, or I can't afford do it. So for now, the only way forward for me that'll allow me to write software for AmigaOS, is to make something that I can successfully sell on a much larger platform. This is also why ZitaSync and [url=keasigmadelta.com/zitafs-aos/]ZitaFS** still haven't happened. When I tried to find potential users outside of AmigaOS, I only found passive aggressive "you must open-source it and give it away for free" types. I'm convinced that there are people who would want them. But, with no low-cost way to reach enough of them, those two projects became too risky. Hans ** ZitaFTP Server was always meant to be part of a larger suite including ZitaSync and ZitaFS.
Re: Video editing software
Posted on: 2024/11/5 9:16
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@AmigaSociety Quote: Indeed, that is the question, "who would buy".... For AmigaOS, I'm almost guaranteed to get some sales if I made something good. There are some very enthusiastic Amiga fans here. The problem is that there aren't enough to sustain a business, meaning that I'd have to also sell to Windows/MacOS/Linux users. That's much harder, because there are already some very good products out there, and a lot of background noise. If we were guaranteed to sell thousands of copies of software on AmigaOS, then it would be a different matter... Hans
Re: Video editing software
Posted on: 2024/11/5 6:02
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@daveyw Quote: Hmm... I do not. Where do I get it from? I can't find it on Enhancer 2.2 or on AmiStore? Strange. It's supposed to be on the AmiStore. Hans
Re: Video editing software
Posted on: 2024/11/4 3:48
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@daveyw Quote: Sadly, I have never managed to get Blender to run on my X5000. Our Blender port uses MiniGL. Do you have NovaBridge installed? Hans
Re: Video editing software
Posted on: 2024/11/4 3:46
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@walkero Thanks for the link. @mufa Quote: Here a question for you, since we have a driver that can decode video in players with the help of the GPU, would it be possible to reverse this process and encode video using the power of the graphics card, as is done in PC video editing programs?
Theoretically, yes. The GPUs also have a video encoder. However, there is some work to be done before it's accessible. This includes adding the encoder code to the VA drivers, and possibly updating the avcodec libraries (I'd love to have the latest version). @Mlehto Quote: Video editor would be very welcome addition :) It is one missing piece of software. Video layers, alpha channel, audio track, some very basic transitions, fade to black, fade to white. Video effects probably from open source world...
Can be lot of or too much work. It is a lot of work, and it would have to be multi-platform to be viable (need income to keep the lights on). One big difficulty is having to answer this question: "why would anyone use my video editor instead of CapCut, Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premiere, DaVinci Resolve, iMovie, Filmora, movavi, PowerDirector, etc.?" Hans
Re: Video editing software
Posted on: 2024/11/2 11:12
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@LiveForIt Quote: You can edit videos in blender How well does that work on AmigaOS? Threads like this one remind me that I wanted to write my own video editing software. Instead, I ended up being the graphics driver developer... It would still be nice to write my own video editor. But, it's getting harder to find a gap in the market. There are already some very good editors available, both paid and free... Hans
Re: wipEout Rewrite Enhanced Fantômas Edition AmigaOS 4.1
Posted on: 2024/10/31 1:43
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@K-L Quote: It has nothing to do with AmiWest (it you were refering to this, speaking of missing things).
Huno had planned to release this new version on the 27th of october independantly of AmiWest :) True, but if I had been at AmiWest, then I would have seen it in action instead of hearing about it now. Hans
Re: wipEout Rewrite Enhanced Fantômas Edition AmigaOS 4.1
Posted on: 2024/10/30 11:12
Home away from home
That's a nice surprise. What else did I/we miss out on by not being there in person?
Re: Sneak Peek Inside Kea Campus
Posted on: 2024/10/28 2:09
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@Maijestro Quote: As my English is very limited does the driver already support 3D acceleration? As mentioned in my talk, it's 2D only at this stage. Quote: Maybe you could write a bit more about it here also when this driver will be available for the public, as far as I know they have been working on it for almost 2 years. It's been just over a year. There is no "they," just me. A-EON is in charge of deciding when it'll be released. Hans P.S., I mentioned VirtioGPU once; the rest of my post was about the Kea Campus' Amiga Corner. It's looking increasingly that the Amiga community isn't interested in seeing better resources for developers (e.g., this). It takes minimum 2-3 days to create one tutorial/video (provided no deeper R&D work is required). I'm going to keep going for now, but if the # of subscribers fails to grow to a more sustainable level, then I'll have to put it aside and move on to something else.
Re: Sneak Peek Inside Kea Campus
Posted on: 2024/10/25 23:26
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@all I just finished my AmiWest presentation, talking about the Kea Campus' Amiga Corner, and the VirtioGPU drivers. While it was fun, not many at the show had heard of the Kea Campus' Amiga. So I clearly need to do a better job of promoting it. Any suggestions on getting the word out beyond posting here? Either way, click here for more info