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OWB 3.6
Supreme Council
Supreme Council

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joerg has released a new version:

3.6 (10.2.2009)
- Added support for using OWB local toolbar images instead of the global
AISS ones and included an image set by Davide Calaminici. To use them
move the files in "Resources/ToolbarImages/Davide Calaminici" to
- Disabled support for tabs when running on AmigaOS 4.0.
- The progress bar is hidden again after loading the page has finished.
- Added the file chooser for uploads from the old Blastoise version.
- Instead of always creating new windows/tabs opening links in named
frames works now.
- Disabled rendering in inactive tabs which aren't still loading.
- Fixed 4th/5th mouse button double back-/forward (bugs.os4depot.net
issue #63).
- Changed copying images to the clipboard from 32 to 24 bit since too
much old software doesn't work correctly with 32 bit pictures.
- No longer uses CLICKTAB_EvenSize, TRUE to make the tab labels as
small as possible, it's using the GUI prefs settings for it now.
- The window was made too wide sometimes when opening new tabs, fixed.
- Changed "Copy as ISO-8859-1" menu item to copy texts in the local 8
bit charset instead of always ISO-8859-1.
- The menu and context menu texts use "Tab" instead of "Window" now when
tabs are used.
- Redraw can be done with the F5 key as well now (bugs.os4depot.net
issue #67).
- Session cookies are removed and the cookie file is only loaded and
saved once now.
- Added scrollbar theme from the shellos branch of OWB.

Edited by orgin on 2009/2/11 12:23:08
Vacca foeda. Sum, ergo edo

Mr Bobo Cornwater
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Re: OWB 3.6
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Good work again. Seems faster than the old one too.

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Re: OWB 3.6
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Antique wrote:

Good work again. Seems faster than the old one too.

this is due to the new cookie handling.
to make it fastest possible (at least for a period of time) quit OWB and delete the CookieCollection.txt file from the owb directory.

i hope this does NOT make a (big) difference anymore with v3.5. but it does with v3.4. here it was factor 2-4 slower with a (large) cookiecollection file!


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Re: OWB 3.6
Just popping in
Just popping in

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This release is excellent! Rock solid on PegII and blisteringly fast. Haven't tried the upload feature yet. Maybe I'll use it later to upload an avatar.

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Re: OWB 3.6
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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I can see it now

select CookieCollection.txt and remove the write to flag


Another fine update

~Yes I am a Kiwi, No, I did not appear as an extra in 'Lord of the Rings'~
1x AmigaOne X5000 2.0GHz 2gM RadeonR9280X AOS4.x
3x AmigaOne X1000 1.8GHz 2gM RadeonHD7970 AOS4.x
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Re: OWB 3.6
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Ultrafast speed compare to before. Facebook works marvelously fast now. Even aftonbladet.se is usable now :D

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Re: OWB 3.6
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Sorry to tell you that the latest version of OWB crash 3 times
today. The first time I had to reboot immediately after the GR and
while I was writing this message with OWB I had 2 GR before
the worst happened (reboot before I could send my message).

I have the Crashlog if you want it;


Thank you for all the great work you did.


Edited by Pierre55 on 2009/2/12 2:31:04
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Re: OWB 3.6
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Hello Guys, I've some problems since 3.6:

- Please try the url www.quick-pizza.de and click on the button "Online bestellen". Hit OK on the next popup and then you'll get the popup "Liefergebiete" with postal codes. When you click on one postal code the window have to close. With OWB 3.5 it worked fine. But with 3.6 nothing happen! The window is still open.

- Please try the url www.monster.de and click on the button "Anmelden". Normaly a little popup window is open where you can sign in. With OWB 3.5 it worked fine. But with 3.6 nothing happen!

- With you search anything on ebay and the result have more than 1 page, I can't click the following sites. On every site I will get the page 1.

Do you have the same problem?
I use a SAM with OS4.1.


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Re: OWB 3.6
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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(1) I get a crash every time I close the program. I can supply a crash log if required, it is guaranteed to crash on closing. OWB V3.5 did the same, so it is not new.

Now I'm not using AISS or any special fonts, just a plain OS4.1 installation (latest beta test files). OWB is running on its own screen, 1280x768x32, compositing off.

DAR is DEADBEEF. Crash is in OWB->Intuition->window.class->graphics.lib.
OWB stack trace is (OWB)9FA0->8614->6934->AA9C->A8AC->Intuition...

(2) Cookies don't work. I created a dir in my Caches: partition and added it to the tooltypes but nothing is ever written to it. I have to sign in to AW.net and Amigans.net every time I look them up.

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Re: OWB 3.6
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Looks like the problems I have to on several places, while
I look your firt URL OWB 3.6 GR several time until a complete freeze.

I have to return to version 3.5... too much crash!


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Re: OWB 3.6
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

See User information
i have a hard time marking text in 3.6, anyone else?
it marks big chunks instead of words or lines.

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Re: OWB 3.6
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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3.6 stops responding when using facebook chat for an extended period.
A short conversation is OK but after a 20-30 min chat OWB stops responding.
It needs to be closed and reopened, however as soon as you reopen the chat window in facebook to resume the conversation it stops responding again. Possibly due to the length of the chat history ?

Also on www.teletextholidays.com if you click on the calendar for the depart date it opens the calender popup but no dates are displayed in it, but the date boxes do highlight.

Fastly becoming my favourite browser and the upload feature worked great when i tried it.


Forgot to say i'd got two chat windows on.

Edited by Jurassicc on 2009/2/13 11:51:25
A1XE, A1200T, X1000, X5020, CDTV, CD32 , A500+ A500
OS4.1b / OS3.2b
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Re: OWB 3.6
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Yes, I have the same problem too! Sometimes it works fine and sometimes OWB marks a line, block or the complete screen and I can't delete the marks.


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Re: OWB 3.6
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I have trouble on OS4 classic with OWB 3.x, including the latest 3.6.

Go to http://www.shoutcast.com

Puts cpu to 100% and slows down system ....you have to reset.

Seems OK on the MicroA1 with OS 4.1, though... :(

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Re: OWB 3.6
Just popping in
Just popping in

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This is a great browser...would like to see it even become more mature.

I noticed at www.wamu.com, OWB can freeze quite easily.

To reproduce, login as a some bogus user, the next page will be loaded and then, you can't click anywhere. Moving the window won't work...mouse pointer is okay. But there is no way to access workbench. Rebooting is the only option.

This is on a AmigaOS4 classic system.

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Re: OWB 3.6
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Not really a particular function not support by OWB3.x etc seems to be a non-ability of all Amiga Browsers just thought I'd make reference to it so someone can either tell me what is the missing feature here or Joerg himself letting me know if it's something that is planned to be implemented eventually down the road...

This is the only problem so far that I have not been able to do online with an Amiga...

book an airline ticket... even my internet banking problems have been overcome...

i.e. go to www.airnewzealand.co.nz select a departure and destination, doesn't matter which, then select 'prices across the week' and go...

in owb for example it just opens an unnamed page... ibrowse brings up a partial interpretation but nothing workable... likewise, even download netsurf, awebppc and couldn't locat my old version of voyager...

all similair outcomes...

thanks Joerg for your attention

~Yes I am a Kiwi, No, I did not appear as an extra in 'Lord of the Rings'~
1x AmigaOne X5000 2.0GHz 2gM RadeonR9280X AOS4.x
3x AmigaOne X1000 1.8GHz 2gM RadeonHD7970 AOS4.x
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Re: OWB 3.6
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Fast, fast, fast! Between three months there was a HUGE progress on OWB and that thanks to joerg! The only thing missing is "downloading" options. Once it has this, then it can be proclaimed the true king of all amiga browsers!

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Re: OWB 3.6
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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I have been using OWB 3.6 for about 5 days. Very nice.

This sounds similar to what spotUP and gurus2000 encountered ...
Sometimes I see a strange thing when highlighting text for copy and paste. Sometimes it highlights a big block of text and I have to click somewhere else on the screen and try again to get the words or sentences I really want to copy.


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Re: OWB 3.6
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Hey, I hadn't bothered to try it until now, but I can log on to my bank with OWB !

Sorry, IBrowse, we're finished. We've had fun over the years but I've met someone new.

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Re: OWB 3.6
Just popping in
Just popping in

See User information

Sorry, IBrowse, we're finished. We've had fun over the years but I've met someone new.


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