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Re: STFax(2007) development in hiatus?
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I did ask the question to ACube about the absence of STFax on their new site and here the complete reply message;

Salut Info,

Le 2009-04-03, Info Acube a ?crit:

> Hello,

> There's no problem. We had to go online fast.

> We''ll update our website and put STFax up again.

Great... there still some hope to buy this software soon!

Thank you.


Pierre Giroux
I'm waiting this software for so long....


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Re: OWB 3.7
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Just popping in


Very strange... I have something wrong in my system because
since version 3.6 I have a lot of GR and I have to reboot.

Just in case someone can see something in the Crashlog, go


Thank you.

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Re: OWB 3.7
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Just popping in


Please go to http://www.maps.google.com/ and try to search:

depanneur de la faune st-jerome

I have a crash each time!

Thank you

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Re: OWB 3.6
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Just popping in



Looks like the problems I have to on several places, while
I look your firt URL OWB 3.6 GR several time until a complete freeze.

I have to return to version 3.5... too much crash!


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Re: OWB 3.6
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Just popping in


Sorry to tell you that the latest version of OWB crash 3 times
today. The first time I had to reboot immediately after the GR and
while I was writing this message with OWB I had 2 GR before
the worst happened (reboot before I could send my message).

I have the Crashlog if you want it;


Thank you for all the great work you did.


Edited by Pierre55 on 2009/2/12 2:31:04
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Re: URL to try and see why nothing is displayed
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Just popping in



If this is not too much trouble I'll appreciate you find the
exact problem...


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Re: URL to try and see why nothing is displayed
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Just popping in


Ok thank you.

Well this mean that I will never be able to use OWB to
make my account transactions because I'm sure that they
won't fix the errors since I'm surelely the only one that is
using an Amiga and I don't use on of the WEB browsers recommended.


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Re: URL to try and see why nothing is displayed
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Just popping in



Sorry, I don't understand what you wrote...

I'm presently using AWeb and clicking on the URL in my message
work fine so it's validate.

What about DOCTYPE?

Thank you for the reply.


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URL to try and see why nothing is displayed
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Just popping in


What's the problem with that site with OWB?


Thank you.

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Re: glitch with multiframe page?
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Just popping in


Just another URL that scrolling is not working properly:

http://www.archambault.ca/store/inc/D ... 11CD9F940B501DDA9ABCD27C7


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Re: OWB crash in these sities
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Just popping in


Here another site wich OWB crash every times...



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Re: What USB do you miss on OS4?
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Well, I wish that I could copy to my USB memory stick without any

I have random write error on my memory stick, it's working very
well with my Amiga 4000 and under Windows machine.

Check the result I have after I unarc the latest Aweb archive, note that
I did a quick format just before, by the way is it normal that it
takes 2 hours to do a FORMAT on a memory stick of only 256 Megs?


Once this is fixed, scanner/printer driver will be appreciate.


Thank you.

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Re: New version of Wet released
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Just popping in



The data on the server is certainly not updated, I just boot
my A1 and the date correspond exactly at the loading time of WET.

The site code I use is CYMX.

Thank you.


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Re: New version of Wet released
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Just popping in



Yes it was running all the times and the temperature was
updated but one day there is no update.

Well I just try again to see and it's working and now I have a
new update from Jan. 31 12:28.. (6 hours old though) very strange!

This morning (18 hours later) it still at the same date (Jan. 31 12:28).


Edited by Pierre55 on 2007/2/1 12:35:37
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Re: New version of Wet released
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Just popping in



I like your WET program, but I don't understand what is
happening with it for a couple of days, it seems to
keep the weather condition of the Jan.24 at 04:22.

I try to change ICAO and it works for a couple of days then
it hang on a date and the weather is not refresh.

I don't have any error like (No Data Available).

Any idea?

Thank you.


PS. I use the latest V4.18.

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Re: Collector 3.5 and Index Files loading
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Just popping in


> I'm using the VIA-ide on a micro which is slow. I applied your change, but still slow here.
> Are you guys using a sil card?

No I don't use a sil card, I have an A1 XE 900Mhx (all
patches applied).


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Re: Collector 3.5 and Index Files loading (SOLVED)
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Just popping in



A bug in Collector? I could not beleive that! eheh

The patche you wrote work very well... what it does exactly?

Again thank you very much for your help.


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Re: Collector 3.5 and Index Files loading
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Just popping in


>Yup, hard boot for each. I'm having a hard time believing
>a 12MB index file could load in under 2 sec.

Should I make a video of it?

I just try to load another Index Files of 27 Megs and the
loading speed is near 2 seconds.

Unbeleivable but true. :o)

I can't beleive this is because there was a BUG that makes
the loading too fast... it's ridiculous no?

Thank you for helping.


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Re: Collector 3.5 and Index Files loading
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Just popping in


You got it... I replace the ATIRadeon.chip file in kickstart
with the one in OS4 Pre4 and the speed loading is like before.

Now... you know how it is sometimes, we fix some bug(s) and
create new one(s)! ;o) I Hope it is a bug!

Thank you very much!

Now should I keep the old ATIRadeon.chip? I'll see if this
cause other problem.


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Re: Collector 3.5 and Index Files loading
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Just popping in


> Now if you're talking about makeing the index thumbs,
> that takes about 2 secs per image for me.

No I'm really talking about the time to load the index file.

OS4 Pre4 -=> 1.8 sec
OS4 Final -=> 23-25 secs

I don't understand why you don't have the speed difference,
did you hard reset your machine, you must load the kickfiles
in kickstart of pre4.


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