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Re: Gorky 17 playable demo released!
Posted on: 2024/3/7 12:56
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Demo crashes as soon as I click to open the Inventory (far left button on the interface) under both Software Renderer and without having it enabled.
On the latter case, it completely freezes the system too.
Above behavior on clean installation under OS4.1 F.E. u2 (+hotfix) plus latest AmiUpdate (including MiniGL) on SamEp440-mini.
Is this happening too under the full game?
Icon Specification
Posted on: 2018/2/18 9:23
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Hi, can anyone let me know if there are in specifications for dual png icons on OS4? On MorphOS I can join 2 pngs, rename as .info and then replace the icon of my program and it works. Also, can anyone download a wip hollywood compile I have from here and let me know how's is working on his system (check fps with RA-P)? Can you see if it has a docky icon? I know you can add dual png state under Hollywood appicon preprocessor command but I am interested in adding it afterwards, without the need of the script.
5th AmiCamp Report
Posted on: 2016/12/27 11:55
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Hey all, during 10-11/12 the 5th AmiCamp was held in Athens. Follow this link for a review (in English) of the show along with a detailed photo story. Hope you enjoy it and happy new year to everyone! :)
Re: RETRO PLANET -The Website- launched!
Posted on: 2014/9/20 22:26
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@eliyahu Hey, thanks for your kind words. AFAIK, we have only shipped outside EU to Trevor (NZ, he has all of our issues :P) and to Bill Panagouleas (USA). If you are looking for a quotation, please mail at info@retroplanet.gr, link this thread and provide your full address/contact detail. Retro Planet is a non profit/non commercial magazine therefore the quotation will include only the cost of the printed magazine plus shipping. Transaction can be conducted via PayPal. However, just to be clear, the Magazine is written in Greek, only.
Re: RETRO PLANET -The Website- launched!
Posted on: 2014/9/19 12:28
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Glad you both liked it :)
RETRO PLANET -The Website- launched!
Posted on: 2014/9/19 8:35
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Hello fellow Amigans! To celebrate our 1st anniversary issue, we have launched the new, official website of RETRO PLANET. We have also decided to freely publish the full content of both interviews we have took with Mr. Trevor Dickinson (of A-EON) and from ACube, in their originail format (in english). The interview from T.D/A-EON can be found HERE (was featured 1 year ago, in our 1st issue). The Interview from ACube can be found HERE (was featured a couple of months ago). In the future, we expect to release more interviews in their original format through our website, so don't forget to bookmark us! Also, note that the site is still under graphic redesign and a updated version will soon follow. Thank you.
Re: Amiga netbook?
Posted on: 2012/4/26 9:28
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Wait until MorphOS announces official distribution for laptop ppc macs and you will surely heard from Hyperion as well.
Re: Should Amiga OS4.x runs on Mac with PPC?
Posted on: 2012/3/14 18:50
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PPC is dead on desktop and X1000 is the prime example of it. Look at its' features: dual core, ddr2, PCIe, SATA2, usb2 etc. All these may sound uber cool for AmigaOS however, they are below the lowest entry point of todays x86. Needless to say that the first cost circa 3.000 usd while the latter 300 usd (the price difference is way too notable, imho).
Regarding G5 support, it depends on workload of devels in coordination with Hyperion's priorities, I suppose.
If I would have to make a wild bet, I would gamble that after the next 2 years, AmigaOS might be the only OS running on the obselete ppc platform from all the three OSes we have in current amiga land.
Re: ClickBoom
Posted on: 2012/1/21 22:57
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No, PXL Computers, was the parent company of ClickBoom.
I also believe that the game was developed by some other group, here in Europe, but I think they were polish. Still can't remember the name.
Re: Amicygnix
Posted on: 2012/1/13 18:22
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Quote: Elwood wrote: @Trevor
Quote: Already done
Though it boots very fast and loading time of programs since very responsive as well (as if are natives), moving windows and scrolling in Abiword (while selecting text) is ultra sluggish. I can't really believe that anyone would recommend AmiCygnix even on a 460, at least for now.
Re: Whats next?
Posted on: 2012/1/10 17:59
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@kas1e I've done this and it was the first time I've interacted with such programs. Now, several months later, I 've develop my skills a lot more. While preparing the sequel and an additional chapter for a specific game, I 've always wanted to make a professional looking video dedicated to AmigaOS (and Amiga-like OSes). For the time being, only AROS looks doable. Regretfully, I agree with you, there is no way to capture screen, and especially HD resolutions (meaning 1680x1050) of AOS4.x without a hardware solution because the hardware is already stressed. It's up to Hyperion itself to invest money for a hardware solution to a willing person/team. Of course a professional looking video would need access to the latest/fastest hw itself (X1000) and the system to be preloaded with all available programs for the ultimate show off.
Re: speculation about 3D game performance under Gallium3D+Mesa
Posted on: 2012/1/3 12:02
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I 've mentioned on other thread(s) on awn as well: People shouldn't have high hopes for G3D. Though, it will be a major improvement over existing 3D driver system of AOS4.x, it won't offer anything near closed source drivers or tweaked 3D drivers.
As for the linux/D3 benchmark I have my doubts: D3 is prone on having in game severe fps drops, depending on the scenery. Which were the limits? My computer (3 years old laptop, Core2Duo@2.24Ghz, 9600GT 512MB Ram, DDR2 400Mhz) reaches 60 fps (1280x1024 ultra quality) as well, but can also drop around 18!
Furthermore, don't forget that 3D games require as well good cpu and fast ram access. The benchmark of linux/G3D was done on a monstrous Intel i5 / DDR3 (with max oc@2133Mhz!). Neither Sam460 nor X1000 can offer anything close to that. As for the 86 fps (that is a high number) on 800x600, I have to ask, who uses in 2012, a decade old resolutions to play games?
Still, I speculate that G3D will boost fps rate on older 3D games (Quake series will sure benefit).
Re: Getting Napalm to run on AmigaOS 4.1.2?
Posted on: 2011/11/22 9:07
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Quote: salass00 wrote: @Cool_amigaN
Quote: Well... no :P I have not idea if it uses cdplayer lib. How can I find it?
One way without running the game is to open the executable file in a hex editor and simply do a search for the string "cdplayer.library" inside it. If you don't find it then it's most likely not using it.
Another test to make is to run Snoopy and check for "OpenLibrary("cdplayer.library", ...)" in the log.
Did my search with snoopy. I didn't find ant cdplayer.library reported, as you had already suggested. The only affifliated with sound/music I found were some FAILed output on AHI when swaping channels though, I don't know if that helps. Anyway, I am gonna check with Napalm today or tomorrow.
Re: Getting Napalm to run on AmigaOS 4.1.2?
Posted on: 2011/11/18 10:54
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Quote: salass00 wrote: @Cool_amigaN
Does CDDA playing work with PlayCDDA (set DOSDEV tooltype to CD0: or whatever your CD/DVD drive is)?
As for Exodus have you configured the device and unit for CDDA playback correctly? Device should be sii3114ide.device for Sam440EP IIRC. For unit number you can just type in "idetool -l sii3114ide.device" to see what unit the CD/DVD drive is attached to.
OK checket it. Music of Exodus plays fine with playcdda_gui. As for Exodus everything is setup correctly (device name and number). Still no music ingame using the new cdplayer lib. I am gonna now check using latest patch of Napalm along with your lib.
Re: Getting Napalm to run on AmigaOS 4.1.2?
Posted on: 2011/11/18 10:36
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Quote: salass00 wrote: @Cool_amigaN
Are you sure that Exodus uses cdplayer.library? At least the demo version I have (from AFCD48) doesn't, instead it seems to use it's own internal routines.
Well... no :P I have not idea if it uses cdplayer lib. How can I find it? Still, I can assure you that music (not sound effects but music) on the full version doesn't play and other ppl have reported the same with SATA DVD/CD and Exodus. I will check again regarding configuration as you instructed me and get back to you. In the meantime, I will check also some other games and report my findings :)
Re: Getting Napalm to run on AmigaOS 4.1.2?
Posted on: 2011/11/18 9:23
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Quote: salass00 wrote: First released version (52.1): http://www.a500.org/downloads/libraries/cdplayer_lib_7z.readme
It should implement all the commands of cdplayer.library V37, as for how well they are implemented that remains to be seen. I did do some testing with the included example code and an audio CD mounted with diskimage.device though and it seemed to work more or less correctly.
Source code of the library is included in the archive under a BSD license.
Hello, Does the new cdplayer lib means that it will work only with newer IDE CD/DVD? I had tried it on Ep440 AOS4.1u3 with Exodus (SATA DVD), but no luck on playing the music.
Re: SAM 440ep mini itx questions
Posted on: 2011/11/4 21:40
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Quote: TheDaddy wrote: Thanks for the info.
So if you put 1GB the SAM will only recognise 512MB?
Have you found a compatible SamEp440 1GB Ram module? It isn't a module that you can find in every store, it has a special interface (DDR DIMM 100 slot aka laptop like). Anyway, found out that SamEp440 has a 512 max limit (see right side "Technical Specs" http://www.acube-systems.biz/index.php?page=hardware&pid=1 ), though it may be doable to solder more on it. EDIT: Here, check this page : http://www.acube-systems.biz/index.php?page=hardware&pid=6 the maximum offered is 512MB (just like the Flex edition, same RAM type).
Re: SAM 440ep mini itx questions
Posted on: 2011/11/4 17:58
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I have the rev-C SamEP667Mhz.
It features one bank of RAM and I have installed 512MB on it. The ram module is DIMM 100 pins. There aren't any 1GB AFAIK. So, unless you can solder another 512MB there isn't any other way.
Regarding OS4, I would suggest to go for a clean install: Download AmigaOS4.1 update 1, unpack/burn the iso on a cd, format the HD, install Update 1, install update 2, install update 3, then run AmiUpdate so as to have any possible core components as much up to date.
As for GFX, 9250 comes with doubled the GFX amount (128MBvs64MB on board), however, it will be noticeably slower (e.g on 3D games) since the on-board run on 66Mhz, while the PCI on 33MHz.
You can have your SATA ports fully populated, as you mentioned.
Re: New Games possible?
Posted on: 2011/10/14 19:49
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Trine? Not intense? Have you check it? 1) The platform targeted should support PsyshX engine and 2) It is as intense as it can be for a full blown 2D with stunning visuals (on modern resolutions aka => 1680x1050 of course).