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Re: AmigaOS4.1 [On a SAM] and WarpOS apps
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Use the software render and double buffer, should i use the tripple buffer instead ?

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Re: AmigaOS4.1 [On a SAM] and WarpOS apps
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And thank you again for the technical explanations. I understood them but how did you fix the problem for the Book-E model ?
With an ISI handler (IExec->SetTaskTrap(TRAPNUM_INST_SEGMENT_VIOLATION, ...)) which adds the executable bits in the TLBs in WarpOS tasks.

If I really understand, on G3 for example, you did set the execute flag of the page where the code was copied ?
Yes, but it's not page based, the segment registers (16 * 256 MB) are used for it.

With the MMU related functions in exec ?
No, they don't support something like that, for normal OS4 code it's not required, and shouldn't be possible, to mess around with such things.

On Sam440, what happened before the fix ?
Nothing, the OS4 powerpc.library checks the supported hardware and version 16.39 couldn't be opened on the SAM440.

I just try to improve my knowledge in AmigaOS programming.
Most of it isn't AmigaOS related, just low-level PPC assembler programming.

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Re: AmigaOS4.1 [On a SAM] and WarpOS apps
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Unfortunately it still doesn'work. I get a bad GR from AmigaWriterPPC Layout.

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Re: AmigaOS4.1 [On a SAM] and WarpOS apps
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Not too shy to talk

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I just try to improve my knowledge in AmigaOS programming.
Most of it isn't AmigaOS related, just low-level PPC assembler programming.[/quote]

I like that, too !

Thank you for sharing your knowledge, it is interesting to learn more about PPC programming, exec functions, WarpOS, ...

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Re: AmigaOS4.1 [On a SAM] and WarpOS apps
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Quite a regular

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Yes, use tripple buffer, that will sorth the graphical glitches.

Use hardware render as that will have the character moving really smoothly.

Do both and you will really see the difference

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Re: AmigaOS4.1 [On a SAM] and WarpOS apps
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Does the hw render work ?

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Re: AmigaOS4.1 [On a SAM] and WarpOS apps
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Yes, still get lockups mind.

I have been trying the version with the Hyperion update.
Will try it again without.

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Re: AmigaOS4.1 [On a SAM] and WarpOS apps
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Warposemu doesn't work at all for me with my SAM. On AOS4 classics (and a A4000, 604e/233Mhz, MediatorPCI, Voodoo 4500) it works great!

I tested the following software on SAM:


It starts and it's really fast as hell. Never imagined that Wipeout could be so fast Unfortunately, the games freezes the entire system after not even a full round during playing. I tried every possible combination in the setting. No luck. It always freezes the System. It works great and without problems with AOS4 classics.

(It's a pity that it doesn't work on SAM as it's my favourite game!)


GLRendering doesn't work at all. I only see screen with green colours in the left upper corner and right lower corner which changes slowly to red/yellow at the middle diagonal line.

Software Rendering works untill the intro movie starts. Then the game freezes (not the system), so you only can see the initial picture of the movie.

Payback works perfectly on AOS4 classic.


It works, but you don't see any textures and there's a refreshing problem. You also can't see the fonts, so it's impossible to quit the game again.

GLQuake_AOS4 (no warpos emu) works, but even though it's fast, it's not constantly fast. Framrates drop dramatically (even in small rooms) in constant Intervalls.

All in all, GLQuackeWOS on AOS4 classic works even better than GLQuake_AOS4 (which doesn't work at all on AOS4 classic).

1) Quake_AOS4 (not the gl-version) has also texture problems which makes it unplayable.
2) The GREAT Quake-extension MALICE doesn't work with any quake version on AOS4.1 & Sam. A grimreaper appears immediately. Malice perfectly works on AOS4.0 classics

Freespace/shogo/Heretic II: I was not yet able to install it on SAM. Installation breaks after a while.

Tales Of Tamar:

Works on AOS4 classics without problems with (and without) warposemu. On SAM I get during startup a GrimReaper which cannot be ignored, so the game doesn't work with SAM.

I keep on going to find something which works on SAM and warposemu
But what is the reason, that everything with warposemu behaves so different compared to AOS4.0 classic?


Edited by nexus on 2008/11/12 11:22:57
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Re: AmigaOS4.1 [On a SAM] and WarpOS apps
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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@nexus : I've tried GLQuakeWOS and I get the same results than you. I've also tried GLQuakeOS4 and I also get the same results than you.
I've not tested the other games as I don't own them ... Excepted WipeOUT 2097 .. I must find where I have put my game CD :p

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Re: AmigaOS4.1 [On a SAM] and WarpOS apps
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GLQuake_AOS4 (no warpos emu) works, but even though it's fast, it's not constantly fast. Framrates drop dramatically (even in small rooms) in constant Intervalls.

Try if running it with -nomtex makes any difference in the game playability

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Re: AmigaOS4.1 [On a SAM] and WarpOS apps
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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But what is the reason, that everything with warposemu behaves so different compared to AOS4.0 classic?
Do you have a sound card in your classic Amiga? If not a part of the problem is AHI. No idea why, but AHI causes problems in nearly all WarpOS games, for example background music has to be disabled in FreeSpace, Herertic II and Shogo or they crash. Try if disabling sound helps in other games as well.

Additionally there could be some hardware banging, for example the WOS version of one game (IIRC Payback, but I'm not sure) accesses the classic Amiga audio hardware directly and only the m68k version supports sound in a system legal way, WipeOut2097 writes some debugging information to a fixed address in chip RAM without even trying to allocate it (the OS4 powerpc.library includes a workaround for this bug), etc.

When using hardware 3D it should be obvious why there are much more problems on Radeon cards than Voodoo and Permedia: There was no Warp3D support for Radeon gfx cards yet when these games were written and they could only be tested with Permedia and Voodoo cards, bugs which don't cause problems on these cards couldn't be found.

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Re: AmigaOS4.1 [On a SAM] and WarpOS apps
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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It is the same problem that i had with the micro do you remember ? and still is present also with the sam..

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Re: AmigaOS4.1 [On a SAM] and WarpOS apps
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@joerg Quote:
for example the WOS version of one game (IIRC Payback, but I'm not sure) accesses the classic Amiga audio hardware directly and only the m68k version supports sound in a system legal way

Yes, it is Payback. I did pester the author a long long time ago to fix this "optimisation", but he never did

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: AmigaOS4.1 [On a SAM] and WarpOS apps
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yes, with this option Quake works far better (but it doesn't look so nice anymore).


Payback68k and PaybackWOS works in software rendering mode with AOS4.1 smoothly if you rename the audio- and video-file in the video-drawer of payback. Afterwards, payback doesn't try to playback the video but simply skips it.

So Payback is my first WOS-Games, that works on SAM with warposemu-lib Great! Cannot say anything about music because i had not switched on my stero for testing. But at least it works! (turning Gouraud shading throws a GrimReaper, but it can be ignored. Afterwards, the game is even faster).


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Re: AmigaOS4.1 [On a SAM] and WarpOS apps
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Just popping in

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joerg wrote:

But what is the reason, that everything with warposemu behaves so different compared to AOS4.0 classic?
Do you have a sound card in your classic Amiga?

I have, but it's not supported by AOS4.0, only by AOS3.9. (TerraTec 512i)


If not a part of the problem is AHI. No idea why, but AHI causes problems in nearly all WarpOS games, for example background music has to be disabled in FreeSpace, Herertic II and Shogo or they crash. Try if disabling sound helps in other games as well.

For WipeOut2097 and SAM/warposemu, I couldn't find a setting which works. It crashes quickly after starting a racing (and it does not on AOS4.0/A4000/warposemu).


When using hardware 3D it should be obvious why there are much more problems on Radeon cards than Voodoo and Permedia: There was no Warp3D support for Radeon gfx cards yet when these games were written and they could only be tested with Permedia and Voodoo cards, bugs which don't cause problems on these cards couldn't be found.

I see. Some Hardware-rending seem to work, though (like in Wipeout2097 (at least for a short time)).

Thanks for the explanation.


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Re: AmigaOS4.1 [On a SAM] and WarpOS apps
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Payback68k and PaybackWOS works in software rendering mode with AOS4.1 smoothly if you rename the audio- and video-file in the video-drawer of payback. Afterwards, payback doesn't try to playback the video but simply skips it.

So Payback is my first WOS-Games, that works on SAM with warposemu-lib Great! Cannot say anything about music because i had not switched on my stero for testing. But at least it works! (turning Gouraud shading throws a GrimReaper, but it can be ignored. Afterwards, the game is even faster).


I'm in touch with the Payback authors actually (for his Iphone version).

If you have problems with payback on AOS4.1 with SAM or AONE, I will transmit the problems.

Thats not mean at all james daniels will make something
(no more amiga working) but who knows (for the good old days maybe).

A1200+Mediator+VooDoo3+060/50+96mo+IIYAMA 17"+CD,CDRW,ZIP SCSI-KIT
SAM440EP on Mapower 3000+AOS4.1

Amiga Docs Disk Preservation Project
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Re: AmigaOS4.1 [On a SAM] and WarpOS apps
Home away from home
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Are you sure he's working on an Iphone version of Payback?!? Big news if true, as not read this anywhere else.

BTW, I did ask him recently whether he could recompile the PPC version with the system-friendly audio enabled (which he had added back in the last 68k version), perhaps unsurprisingly without any reply so far. But maybe the more people that let him know their interest in PPC version with working audio, the more likely he might consider it...?

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: AmigaOS4.1 [On a SAM] and WarpOS apps
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Quite a regular

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It's sure he actually made a Iphone version of Payback .

I'm waiting a little about another peoples who would like to make a comment about the version of Payback (68k or PPC) on AOS4.1 with SAM or AONE.

I will transmit the result to James (if necessary) and will try to ask him about an install of an amiga environment on a PC near him, for fixing Payback (if necessary again).

After he will made or not the fix, that will be his choice (for the good old days maybe

A1200+Mediator+VooDoo3+060/50+96mo+IIYAMA 17"+CD,CDRW,ZIP SCSI-KIT
SAM440EP on Mapower 3000+AOS4.1

Amiga Docs Disk Preservation Project
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Re: AmigaOS4.1 [On a SAM] and WarpOS apps
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AmiDevCpp is worth a look, since it supports compiling for OS4 on Windows, and installs very easily. OTOH, I'm not sure that it supports WarpOS (although maybe that could be fixed).

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: AmigaOS4.1 [On a SAM] and WarpOS apps
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NightlongPPC is working for you? It crashes here, right away. :(
Which version do you have? One of those:


Maybe I am missing more/other libs to run it?


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