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Re: PED81C - pseudo-native, no C2P chunky screens for AGA
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

@Saime :
I did never said that it should be "Amos Only" system ;)
But simply that it may be interesting to add support for it using extension format. The support should handle screen setup. User will create his/her own custom methods for required effects.

I must admit that I read doc and didn't understand how it works but I'll do another check and if I find time, I will maybe look to see if I can do something interesting with it using extension format.

From doc I read this :
does this mean it is a 32 bit value ? Because after you talk about $ww using $wwwwww ..
I don't understand.
Ew... I think I understand you talk about RGB value for the ColorXX register used for the 4th pixel ? Same for others pixels. Right ?

Edited by AmiDARK on 2023/8/1 20:27:43
Edited by AmiDARK on 2023/8/1 20:29:31
Edited by AmiDARK on 2023/8/1 20:41:10
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
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Re: PED81C - pseudo-native, no C2P chunky screens for AGA
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Really impressive.
Should be a definitive + to Amos Professional as an extension

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
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Re: ALS, a new graphics system
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

nice work on Amos !

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
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Amos Professional Official Source Code Release MIT [And future for AGA]
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


François Lionet finally officially released the AMOS Professional Source code in his own GitHub place. Like he decided years ago, it is released under the MIT Licence.

This is the 1st official release he made that makes all of us have now a true official place concerning what can be done (or not) concerning AMOS Professional and its source code.

The link is there :

Thank you to François Lionet for this wise decision that will be positive for the Amiga FANS.

In a second time, it also mean that my previous project to bring AGA to AMOS Professional, that was stopped 4 months ago due to François Lionet desire to put Amos Professional source code under LGPLv3 licence terms, can now restart as François Lionet finally decide to leave it under MIT Licence. And makes it official. It allow me to be more "Free" in the way I can bring my own though of AGA in AMOS Professional.

I decided to re-release the Amos Professional (X) AGA latest build I've done :
Source code will be released under the same MIT licence when everything will be done concerning AGA development.

I have setup a mini website to keep you all informed about evolution of the AGA support for AMOS Professional :


All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
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Amos Professional X : AGA support project
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

2020.09.12 : First official Alpha Release Ver 0.200911 of the Amos Professional AGA (The X Project) is available :

Major improvement for RGB24 AGA Color Support

Double Buffer now working with up to 256 colors
Screen Swap also working with up to 8 bitplanes
Copper List support for RGB24 bits colors complete
Support for HAM8 nearly completed (need to add support for HAM8 in Double Buffer method)
Fixed HELP for AGA Version.
And many more improvements and fixes (Information in the NewsAndUpdates.txt file
Folllow the Youtube channel to get the latest videos about the project : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCfoSCwQe2RTd13Kh56v2Rw

Latest news here :

Latest release here :
https://github.com/AmiDARK/Amos-Profes ... eases/releases/tag/200911

Edited by AmiDARK on 2019/11/17 18:15:28
Edited by AmiDARK on 2019/11/19 10:01:04
Edited by AmiDARK on 2019/11/24 16:18:35
Edited by AmiDARK on 2020/9/14 22:29:03
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
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AMOS Professional native support for 2x16colors DualPlayfield ?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


I started play with the AmosProfessional source code from the marc365/AmosProfessional GIT repository ( available here : https://github.com/marc365/AMOSProfessional )

All the changes / comments I made are available in my own GIT for AmosProfessional ( main branch that contain finished work : https://github.com/AmiDARK/AMOSProfess ... DARK&organization=AmiDARK )

And I get good *integration* results :

These changes are not yet available in my main branch (AmiDARK one) but in the working branch 'Dual-Playfield' ( here : https://github.com/AmiDARK/AMOSProfessional-X/tree/Dual-Playfields ).

So everyone can test these changes.


All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
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Re: AmiDARK Engine "bouncing" back.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

@Templario : Sorry for that.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
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Re: AmiDARK Engine "bouncing" back.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Templario, like Antique said, you can "receive a refund"
You must simply reply to André with a messag saying that you want a refund :)

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
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Re: AmiDARK Engine "bouncing" back.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

@Zzd10h : Thank you for the link :)

@Elwood : Yes, things changed ... And finally, I think it's better in all ways.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
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Re: AmiDARK Engine "bouncing" back.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Thank you all for your support.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
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AmiDARK Engine "bouncing" back.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Hello to everyone.

As the bounty failed due to the fact that the requested sum was not in definitive, reached, and also that I saw that if I accepted the sum, It will not stop some things from being, I decided, after taking the time to breathe and think abount an other way to continue the development of the game engine, to take this decision :

With my financial situation starting to become better ( my wife find a new job few days ago, and it's where she always wanted to work with her new skills/graduate she acquired 2 years ago :) , and for my case, I continue my vocational training that is not yet finished), things should become better withing the next few months for us. And it's a good news :)

So, there is no more *real* need for a financial help like it was decided during 2014 and that leaded on the idea of the community to a bounty. However, I cannot (yet) acquire a new Amiga NG configuration to continue the development and tests the changes (we are always under the official overdebt procedure with French Bank)
That's why, to those that did contribute to the original bounty (and to all those that want), I propose you to contribute in another way to the project.

It's quite simple : You can make a donation to the project directly from the official website.
Just here : http://www.amidark-engine.com/spip.php?article6
And mention in the donation comments, to which platform your donation is dedicaced between : AmigaOS4, MorphOS, AROS, AmigaOS68k
You can choose 1, 2, 3 or 4 of these platforms. Your sum will be splitted equally to all platforms you'll have choosen.
You can also choose simply that your donation is only used for the "engine development". But don't forget that to purely continue improvements, bug fixing, it's really better to have at least one Amiga NG computer on which I can test what I changed (until to see beta tester, send them files, wait for their feedback, etc... process that can be really slow and cause of time lost in the development).

And what will happen to your donation?
From now, I'll keep a diary of all donations (like it is done in a bounty), and the sum acquired.
When I'll get enough, I will acquire new Amiga NG computers to continue the development of the AmiDARK Engine (per preferency AmigaOS4 one, but MorphOS and AROS are also in the run and all will depend on you and your choices!).

Initially the donation will be used depending on which AmigaOS platform you'll set it but, if the sum acquired for a dedicaced platform is higher than the need to acquire a computer for it and OS licence for it, the remaining value will be splitted equally for the other platforms.

It's an idea that will probably takes many months to reach enough for some of the four platforms so, I decided to launch it now. It will probably leave me enough time to finish my vocational training (should be finished before august 2015 ending). That mean the project should restart before ending 2015.
Here is concerning the financial part.

For now, concerning the Engine and its progression/evolution, here is what is decided :

1. The engine will be entirely restructured.

2. If BSZili agree, I will keep some of the changes he've done to the engine for the new engine. I will personaly check and choose which changes will be kept.

3. Concerning Daytona675x bug report (and I've already saved all of them on my hard drive)
3a. During the Review, I have already fixed some of them and I will continue fix all I think that are important firstly.
3b. All that is purely "coding style" will maybe not be fixed as user will never get access to the engine source code itself, the only important thing is that the engine work perfectly. They're not a high priority as there are more important things to do before.
3c. All the "checking" that can lead to *crash* on *unstable* behaviour will be added during the integration and the development of the "Error Handler". Don't forget that more checkings = slower engine.

4. During the time I will not have a new AmigaOS NG computer, I will concentrate on fixing bugs and adding the "Error Handler" system.
When I'll have at least one new Amiga NG Computer, I will continue bug fixing but, I'll restart to add new features to the engine. I will consider these computers as "community computer". That mean I will never resell them even if I'm on the need.

5. Concerning the roadmap, the main goal is to keep a high percent of compatibility with DarkGDK (with the command set names and, I'll add #define to allow direct compatibility (to transform deXXXX functions to dbXXXX functions naming convention). And once the engine will be finished to Add an IDE to makes an AmiDARK BASIC based on AmiDARK Engine and as compatible as possible with DarkBASIC Professional.

6. Concerning the evolution of the engine itself, I will continue to work on a *secret* part of the engine that can makes it become really powerful for Demo Making. It's a *Sequential 3D Engine system*. The current structure of the engine already allow this but, I must add a new "module" that will be dedicaced to this task by adding specific command to handle *render lists* for this job.

Of course, it's a work done on my "free time". That mean I cannot confirm a precise "speed" in the development progress.


All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
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Request for review: AmiDark Source Code
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Please check the link because A. Siegel posted only on amigaworld :(
Link : http://amigaworld.net/modules/newbb/v ... p?topic_id=39792&forum=15

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
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Re: AmiDARK Engine Sources for sale
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

@All :

I must admit that ... I understand nothing to all your speeches :p lol
No ... In fact not really ..
Generally, Amiga open source projects are on which hoster ?

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
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Re: AmiDARK Engine Sources for sale
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

A friend adviced me https://github.com/ for the repository of the sources ... I though about http://sourceforge.net/
Which one is the best and the easier for the files ?

I know nothing about how these systems works, how to upload and update files ...


All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
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Re: AmiDARK Engine Sources for sale
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I know that ;)
And that's what I'll do

db is prefix for DarkGDK function because in reality, TheGameCreators firstly create DarkBASIC Professional (as .DLL files) and then created DarkGDK...

Concerning DarkBASIC, I'll create a "converter" that will read the DARKBASIC style file and will convert it to C syntax using AmiDARK Engine commands & functions ;)
But this converter will be started when the full engine will be finished.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
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Re: AmiDARK Engine Sources for sale
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Hans showed the good link.
I think I will do some sort of MACRO or Wrapping to change the prefix from "DE" to "db" so user can use both "DE" or "db" ...

I must just check if GCC can use MACRO or if I must create Wrap.

EDIT : Just saw the Alain post. I will check this for my needs :)

Edited by AmiDARK on 2014/12/10 9:32:15
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
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Re: AmiDARK Engine Sources for sale
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Thank you all for your support, and especially Hans for your motivation to help this project :)
The bounty page is now updated with videos & website.
I'll try to add more content soonly.


All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
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Re: AmiDARK Engine Sources for sale
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Done :)
And news is available now :)

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
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Re: AmiDARK Engine Sources for sale
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Here it is, the bounty is up : http://www.power2people.org/projects/amidark/

Should I post a new on the forum ?

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
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Re: AmiDARK Engine Sources for sale
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Thank you.

I have improved the description for the BOUNTY and sent it to power2people.org on Wednesday evening.
Now waiting for them to validate it (or not) ...

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
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