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Re: Poor network performance on Sam440ep
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try to change the ram

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Re: Poor network performance on Sam440ep
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I have a Sam440ep mini-itx 666Mhz (not a flex) and i tried to copy an iso file of about 700Mb from my Macbook pro (mid-2010) with bigsur using smb both on amigaos 4.1 and osx. I copied the file not into the ram because my system has only 512Mb of ram so i copied to my download drawer. I copied the file from the shared folder using the copy and paste function of the workbench and it took about 10 minutes.. I don't know if using Dopus is faster than WB. I have to try..

Update: With Dopus it took about 7:40 seconds..

Edited by nubechecorre on 2025/1/12 18:15:50
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Re: Evil's Doom
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i remember that i was able to play it.. i can reinstall it on my amiga 1200 machine. where do you get the archive? from aminet?

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Re: Evil's Doom
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Just can't stay away

Evil's Doom is an aga classic game so you need an aga machine or an emulated one..

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Re: flowerpot, amiga os4 and network drivers
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Just can't stay away

thanks for the help!

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Re: EntwicklerX: Super Star Blast for AmigaOS4.1 released!
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Just can't stay away

Great game as always! Does it run on a Sam440ep mini-itx system?

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Re: flowerpot, amiga os4 and network drivers
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i tried the wizard and also tried to setup custom values but without luck. I am curios if someone else has a laptop without ethernet port if it works.. for the moment i'll take an usb ethernet adapter and see if it works..

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flowerpot, amiga os4 and network drivers
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Hi, i have installed amikit and flowerpot on my new lenovo notebook. Everything was fine but i cannot setup a working network configuration. My laptop has no ethernet port just wifi. Under windows no problem, i can browse the web but under os4, what i have to do to make it work? Do i need some driver?

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Re: Tower 57 Joystick Configuration?
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Just can't stay away

found on itch.io :)

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Re: Tower 57 Joystick Configuration?
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Just can't stay away

where can i buy tower57 for amigaos4?

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Re: QuakeII OS4 Version problems...
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Just can't stay away

ok it was so easy.. my fault! just create a quake2 directory inside env-archive dir and two files with the name cd_unit and cd_device. Inside these two file simply put the device name and the unit.. that's all

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Re: QuakeII OS4 Version problems...
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Just can't stay away


thanks for all the infos. Btw, I would like to use my original cds of Quake II as i have a lot of original copies of the games instead of buying another one, sigh!.

So is there a way to play the music directly from the cd? I see that in the option there is not the sii3114ide.device for the sam users like me.. How can i set it using the quake env variable?

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Re: QuakeII OS4 Version problems...
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As i have different original copies of QuakeII i tried another pc version and this time I used the one shipped with the original copy for amigaos3PPC version and I had no errors during the installation process. Unfortunatly the music is still not working..

The first quake2 cd i used was from "Ultimate Quake Collection" which contains all three quake and despite all the games where on different cds all with its installer, they share a unique license key printed inside the box.. Maybe is this licence key that prevent the installer to work properly?

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Re: QuakeII OS4 Version problems...
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About the mouse, i was able to find the "problem", it was an option (my fault). Now it works (Thanks!)

About the installation errors, I reinstalled the game into another directory and took 3 photos to show you the exact sequence. i wasn't able to log the installation process..

So, now, remains the audio problem..

Resized Image
Resized Image
Resized Image

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Re: QuakeII OS4 Version problems...
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Just can't stay away


Hi Steffen,

i have to reinstall the game and i can log the installation process :)

about the audio cd, yes the cd has cd track indeed i can play the music from the mounted iso using os4 datatypes

about the mouse i checked the different options but nothing changed.. if you give me some hints or tell me where to look up in the docs in can investigate more about it..


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QuakeII OS4 Version problems...
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Just can't stay away

I have just bought QuakeII OS4Version from Alinea Computer and I have some
problems with it:

1) During the installation process (I used the script "Install PC Version"),
the Installer gives me an error about the copy of the pak0 file, it tells
me: "Unable to copy pak0 file" then a requester appears with:
"Installation aborted" but then the installation continues up to the end
without problems. So I am able to run the game.

2) When I start the game I notice that the mouse doesn't work as it should. It "works"
but I am able to use the mouse only to go forward or backward but I am not able
to look up or down.. and I don't know how to fix it..

3) Last problem is about the audio cd..

I use an iso of Quake 2 (created from an original cd using amidvd) and i mounted it using diskimage device. I select this option on the menu of the game and set the unit number as 4. I start the game but I only hear the sound effect, no music at all..
I would like to try the physical cd but i don't know how to set it using
the quake console..

May you help me please?

I have a Sam440ep with AmigaOS4.1 FE update 1 (i tested also with update 2 (i have two different system partitions) but all the problems above remain)


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Re: Amiga OS4, virtual memory and swap partition..
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Just can't stay away

First of all, sorry for the late reply but my job is taking all my spare time now.. hope to solve this problem very soon.. Thank Chris, I'll try today and tell you if it works

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Re: Quake 2 reduced price during time of AmiWest 2024
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Just can't stay away

I bought it yesterday with PayPal, hope to receive the download link soon

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Amiga OS4, virtual memory and swap partition..
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Just can't stay away

I have a Sam440ep with 512mb of ram and a swap partition of 1Gb. Few days ago i tried to unpack a 250mb .7z archive. I was able to view the content of the archive using UnArc but when i tried to unpack it on my harddrive it wasn't able to do this because it run out of memory... So my question is: what about the swap partition? shouldn't it be used automatically by the programs? (in this case by Unarc)..

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Re: AmyCignix and display options
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Just can't stay away

Thanks to all

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