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Joined: 2022/11/8 15:30 Last Login
: Today 4:18
From Backnang
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I was asked what is the difference between the two versions, the one from 20 years ago and the newly released OS4 version.
Here we go:
- H2 for WarpOS (20 years ago version) is not PPC native, but uses the context switch mechanism of WarpOS while H2 for OS4 is fully PPC native
- The new version offers GL4ES so it runs on newer (Warp3DNova) 3D Cards also while the old one only runs with MiniGL (the new version supports both MiniGL and GL4ES - and SW Renderer too which the old one also did, old one did MiniGL and SW Renderer)
- Much newer version of MiniGL which supports multitexturing while old version didn't - multitexturing speeds the game up and improves effects. Also old version had some graphics errors on some 3D HW due to the MiniGL version used there still an old version of MiniGL while now for the MiniGL renderer the latest version is used (a version which was not yet available back then)
- Multitexturing basically means several texture unit of the 3D Card can calculate at the sae time, can be up to 25% speedup in H2
- Higher resolutions - 1920x1080 and 4k supported (1920x1080 runs 97 fps on a x1000 with RadeonHD)
- The way the WarpOS version dealt with CD Audio no longer works with more recent CD Drives. The way the OS4 version does it always works. And also offers playing from mounted ISO instead of from a physical CD. Also it is no longer required to put the CD in drive during playing. CD is only needed during installation (and CD2 for CD Audio but if you leave it out the game does not complain, it just skips the CD Audio then)
- full AmigaInput support - you can set 3 sources for every action (mouse, keyboard, gamepad for example)
- The installer of the old version caused problems for some people. These problems have been fixed (it is a complete new installer, Commodore installer no longer used). Also no problems about "low on stack" anymore.
- The WarpOS version sometimes had some rare crashes. This has been fixed in the OS4 version.
- For multiplayer asides from the built in multiplayer there is THF 3.0 (sadly not 5.0 as the 5.0 source code is not available). The OS4 version of THF has bugfixes the WarpOS version of the Addon did not offer. Also the OS4 version works with all maps from THF5 (even though not all features from THF5 are supported). I hope I might still manage to get Grinbots integrated into the OS4 THF 3.0 build, but might be some time till I find time for this.
- Packaging and printed manual in much higher quality
The port was basically redone from scratch
Features only in the WarpOS version:
- PSX Port and other classic-only input-hardware (but there are AmigaInput Drivers for PSX Port etc., so it is also supported for Classic machines) - AGA Mode (not sure if this was in the release version of H2 WarpOS, I think it was but not sure right now) with HAM8. OS4 H2 requires Graphics Board.
Best regards, Steffen