I have no intention to create something commercial or open source.
The interface is completely different from what is available on your X1000 so what I am creating is X5000 exclusive anyways.
The A1222 doesn't have a xorro slot and the XMOS XS1 is EOL. If a future next gen amiga will happen and still have a xorro slot, the xmos binary and probably the interface won't be compatible anyways.
Yet, xena offers a "low cost" way to expand the X5000 with custom homemade solutions since it circumvents the PCIe interface and includes a 1000MIPS cpu.
Therefore it would be nice if future A1s would at least offer a (buffered) LBC interface.
Anyways, I've already learned a lot about the features and limitations of the xena interface and XMOS chip. Unfortunately, I have to work around some shortcomings as a result of the implementation.
So I am still in the discovery phase.
Next step is to transform my Xenaprobe into a xena device driver which contains the xmos loader and a configurable communication interface.
After that I'm going to port the
C64 SID player with a redirect of the synth samples to AHI as a proof of concept.
If all checks out then I'll start a first hardware project.
This will be a high end audio card with
- high quality DACs
- High Quality ADCs
- High quality OPAMPs
- S/PDIF out
- wave blaster interface (I still have the DB50XG, but there are also new tiny
gs wave table synthesizers .
The XMOS can do:
- x Band equaliser
- Audio effects
- channel upmixing (eg 2.0 -> 5.1)
- Virtual HP surround
- x ch input audio digital mixing
- multichannel -> S/PDIF (a52 encoder)
- Maybe keep the SID player for fun

I order to connect all the DACs ADCs, I'll need a CPLD/small FPGA to provide the I2S interfaces. It would be a waste to use xmos threads for this pupose
Edited by geennaam on 2023/12/17 15:51:37