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Re: AmigaOS 4 Monthly Roundup - December 2024
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Thank you for the fresh Roundup!

Happy New Year!

Amiga x5000 ı o2o ı 4GB RAM ı RadeonRX580 | SBlaster Audigy Fx - AmigaOS4.1 FInal Edition

A1200 sandwich

Warp - Croatian Amiga portal
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Re: AmigaOne x5000 Thread
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Quite a regular


Congrats and welcome to the club! Now you have the best Amiga NG hardware, enjoy it!

Amiga x5000 ı o2o ı 4GB RAM ı RadeonRX580 | SBlaster Audigy Fx - AmigaOS4.1 FInal Edition

A1200 sandwich

Warp - Croatian Amiga portal
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Re: EntwicklerX: Super Star Blast for AmigaOS4.1 released!
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Quite a regular

Just purchased it from the AmiStore, everything works perfect! And game is brilliant, gfx effects awesome...what to say...we need more games like that! For my x5000 this night will be to loooong!

Thank you EntwicklerX

Amiga rulez!

Amiga x5000 ı o2o ı 4GB RAM ı RadeonRX580 | SBlaster Audigy Fx - AmigaOS4.1 FInal Edition

A1200 sandwich

Warp - Croatian Amiga portal
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Re: Ktadd's NG Amiga Blog Update
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Quite a regular


Thank you for update and for the nice article!

I am using Medavault regularly and that script will be useful!

Amiga x5000 ı o2o ı 4GB RAM ı RadeonRX580 | SBlaster Audigy Fx - AmigaOS4.1 FInal Edition

A1200 sandwich

Warp - Croatian Amiga portal
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Re: AmigaOS 4 Monthly Roundup - November 2024
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I am glad that you are back I missed your Monthly Roundup..

btw. nice reading, thanks!

Amiga x5000 ı o2o ı 4GB RAM ı RadeonRX580 | SBlaster Audigy Fx - AmigaOS4.1 FInal Edition

A1200 sandwich

Warp - Croatian Amiga portal
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Re: AmigaOne x5000 Thread
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Quite a regular


Congrats! I have x5000/o2o ... X5000 is the best NG Amiga that I had!

Amiga x5000 ı o2o ı 4GB RAM ı RadeonRX580 | SBlaster Audigy Fx - AmigaOS4.1 FInal Edition

A1200 sandwich

Warp - Croatian Amiga portal
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Re: infinite icons theme pack
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Quite a regular

Count me in ☺️

Amiga x5000 ı o2o ı 4GB RAM ı RadeonRX580 | SBlaster Audigy Fx - AmigaOS4.1 FInal Edition

A1200 sandwich

Warp - Croatian Amiga portal
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Re: AmigaOne as a daily driver
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hotrod wrote:@drHirudo

StrICQ was available long time ago.

Yeah, also there was Jabberwocky and Wookiechat, in time you could use ICQ protocol with them.

Amiga x5000 ı o2o ı 4GB RAM ı RadeonRX580 | SBlaster Audigy Fx - AmigaOS4.1 FInal Edition

A1200 sandwich

Warp - Croatian Amiga portal
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Re: Trying to decide between buying an X5000 and an A1222+
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Quite a regular


+1 if you can find x5000, buy it! The best NG Amiga that I had..and I still enjoy to use it. 👊🏻

Amiga x5000 ı o2o ı 4GB RAM ı RadeonRX580 | SBlaster Audigy Fx - AmigaOS4.1 FInal Edition

A1200 sandwich

Warp - Croatian Amiga portal
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Re: 2024-June-Gaming Competition- Friking Shark
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Quite a regular

Score updated 😊


Resized Image

Amiga x5000 ı o2o ı 4GB RAM ı RadeonRX580 | SBlaster Audigy Fx - AmigaOS4.1 FInal Edition

A1200 sandwich

Warp - Croatian Amiga portal
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Re: A1222 / 3D Benchmark over StarBox with different GFX cards
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Quite a regular

Just tested it on my x5000/o2o polaris RX580

StarBox Benchmark 1.0
Resolution: 1920 * 1080
FPS: 527.67

Amiga x5000 ı o2o ı 4GB RAM ı RadeonRX580 | SBlaster Audigy Fx - AmigaOS4.1 FInal Edition

A1200 sandwich

Warp - Croatian Amiga portal
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Re: 2024-June-Gaming Competition- Friking Shark
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Quite a regular

I am here again :)

Score: 84108

Resized Image

Amiga x5000 ı o2o ı 4GB RAM ı RadeonRX580 | SBlaster Audigy Fx - AmigaOS4.1 FInal Edition

A1200 sandwich

Warp - Croatian Amiga portal
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Re: Amiphoto
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Quite a regular

K-L wrote:@Thread

Regarding AmiPhoto that I've been using since many years now, it would be great if it was updated to support latest technologies (Nova for example, as does Multiviewer) to speed up processes.

Let's hope you get your keys soon!

I have CD version of AmiPhoto and using it for a long time, and I also think that new updater with better support will be more than welcome! 😊

Amiga x5000 ı o2o ı 4GB RAM ı RadeonRX580 | SBlaster Audigy Fx - AmigaOS4.1 FInal Edition

A1200 sandwich

Warp - Croatian Amiga portal
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Re: Hello from Poland
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Quite a regular

Welcome! 😀

Amiga x5000 ı o2o ı 4GB RAM ı RadeonRX580 | SBlaster Audigy Fx - AmigaOS4.1 FInal Edition

A1200 sandwich

Warp - Croatian Amiga portal
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Re: Hello!
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Quite a regular

Welcome back! And great to hear that we have new a1222 user here 👊🏼

Amiga x5000 ı o2o ı 4GB RAM ı RadeonRX580 | SBlaster Audigy Fx - AmigaOS4.1 FInal Edition

A1200 sandwich

Warp - Croatian Amiga portal
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Re: ktadd's Amiga NG Blog Update
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Quite a regular

ktadd wrote:May 8, 2024 update of ktadd's Amiga NG Blog.
A1222 Plus up and running. What now?

Nice reading, tnx for the update. It is very useful for new a1222 users.

Amiga x5000 ı o2o ı 4GB RAM ı RadeonRX580 | SBlaster Audigy Fx - AmigaOS4.1 FInal Edition

A1200 sandwich

Warp - Croatian Amiga portal
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Re: My Amiga Projects
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Quite a regular

TheMagicSN wrote:Hi!

Update to my projects:

Sin: No change since last time sadly. Still in works:

Two secret projects: They will be in the focus now actually, or one of them will. Both for OS4 and 68k. Currently mainly work on OS4 version is done.

Thanks for the update. I'm waiting for the Sin port...and of course I'd like to know more about those secret projects :D

Edited by VooDoo on 2024/5/14 11:28:50
Amiga x5000 ı o2o ı 4GB RAM ı RadeonRX580 | SBlaster Audigy Fx - AmigaOS4.1 FInal Edition

A1200 sandwich

Warp - Croatian Amiga portal
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Re: Amiga X5000 and Sound Blaster Audigy FX problem
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Skateman wrote:Wow... this is not good

The news of @geennaam halting his projects is a devastating blow to the Amiga community. His projects were the single biggest hope for securing the future of our beloved Amiga hardware platform.

It's deeply frustrating to see such potential go untapped due to a short-sighted vision. @geennaam's work could have benefited us all. Hope he will return some day....

+1 … @geennaam stay with us 👊🏻

Amiga x5000 ı o2o ı 4GB RAM ı RadeonRX580 | SBlaster Audigy Fx - AmigaOS4.1 FInal Edition

A1200 sandwich

Warp - Croatian Amiga portal
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Re: AmiUpdate 2.50
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Quite a regular

Installed last version 2.52 and it works perfect. Thank you on the update!

Amiga x5000 ı o2o ı 4GB RAM ı RadeonRX580 | SBlaster Audigy Fx - AmigaOS4.1 FInal Edition

A1200 sandwich

Warp - Croatian Amiga portal
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Re: My Amiga Projects
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

thanks for the video, it is great!

PS. I will buy it :D

Amiga x5000 ı o2o ı 4GB RAM ı RadeonRX580 | SBlaster Audigy Fx - AmigaOS4.1 FInal Edition

A1200 sandwich

Warp - Croatian Amiga portal
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