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Re: How interested in the PS3 for OS4 are you?
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Actually that's not too far from my own perspectives, but IMO the PS3 is too good of an oppertunity to wait too long, which will be available globally this month. I know quite a few people who would be interested in OS4 for the PS3, but a lot fewer with regard to less multi-functional devices.

What I wrote in response to Carl Sassenrath's OS4 x86 opinions thread (before AmigaOS4.0 was released, Oct 2006):

Yes, that would be excellent for the long run. Having PPC based hardware like the PS3, and older Macs supported wouldn't be bad neither.

I guess some OS4 components will be easier to port to x86 that others (ExecSG and Petunia).

In the meantime it's IMO best to see 'OS4.0 Final' fully supported on the community's own PPC projects (such as the Sam) still under development and the classic PPC expansions. Maybe AmigaOS 4.1?

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Re: How interested in the PS3 for OS4 are you?
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nice PS3 Cell - RSX 20 GB/s

my A1200 BlizzardPPC copy BVisionPPC is only 20 MB/s

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Re: How interested in the PS3 for OS4 are you?
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Today interesting news is expected to come from GDC 2007. Also interesting (Cell usages with Linux):

"This week at Game Developers Conference IBM will show a Linux based PS3 real-time rendering a complex (3 million triangle) urban landscape, at 1080p resolution, using only software rendering techniques"


Edited by MikeB on 2007/3/7 11:35:10
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Re: How interested in the PS3 for OS4 are you?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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MikeB wrote:

Today interesting news is expected to come from GDC 2007. Also interesting (Cell usages with Linux)

Only news from Hyperion or Amiga Inc are interesting news for me. I won't look at the other irrelevant stuffs until I hear something positive from Hyperion or Amiga Inc.
Otherwise it has no relevance for OS4.

So did you contact them? You didn't answer my question.

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Re: How interested in the PS3 for OS4 are you?
Quite a regular
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"This week at Game Developers Conference IBM will show a Linux based PS3 real-time rendering a complex (3 million triangle) urban landscape, at 1080p resolution, using only software rendering techniques"

It isn't a demonstration of the "power" of standalone Cell-based PS3. Imho, it's a demonstration of an PS3 utilizing network of Cell-based machines, be it blades or PS3, and rendering the result in real-time, a further snippet from your link:


the PS3 is able to decompose each frame into manageable work regions and dynamically distribute them to blades or other PS3s for rendering. These regions are then further decomposed into sub-regions by the blade?s Cell processors and dynamically dispatched to the heavy lifting SPEs for rendering and image compression. Finished encoded regions are then sent back to the PS3 for Cell accelerated decompression, compositing, and display

Imho, this is _the_ oustanding feature they're trying to advertise.
(just trying to clarify the matter, the originally quoted first sentence from the link is misleading)

edit: fixing the quotes

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"the expression, 'atonal music,' is most unfortunate--it is on a par with calling flying 'the art of not falling,' or swimming 'the art of not drowning.'. A. Schoenberg
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Re: How interested in the PS3 for OS4 are you?
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Yes and I do my best.

BTW, IMO the Playstion 3 Home is shaping up to be an excellent free service well beyond anything available from rivals.

Basically Home is this Sims like virtual world where you meet and chat with people (virtual keyboard, real keyboard or talk through a Bluetooth headset). There are many customization options for indiduals as well as environments like in your private home.

For instance in your home you can also share photos, music and videos stored on your PS3 through for instance your home virtual audio visual equipment, invite people to your home for playing games, etc.

You can check out the trailer here:

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Re: How interested in the PS3 for OS4 are you?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Hi MikeB,

Been reading elsewhere about the Sony virtual world (what's it called?) and what's awesome is, you can meet people and talk with them, who needs long distance calls anymore, AND how about this?

Every time you call a 1-800 number for customer service, now you can show them just what you're complaining about, a broken piece of furniture, or bicycle, or damage to your house to an insurance company. You can show them a still picture, or a video. If you can't assemble something, they can show you how. Or something to repair on your car... or sink/plumbing, electrical etc. etc.!!!

Well hey, it's a video phone +++

What will be cool is going down to the inventor's club....

Anybody seen that machine that makes letters on the surface of water???

Support Amiga Fantasy cases!!!
How to program: 1. Start with lots and lots of 0's. 10. Add 1's, liberally.
"Details for OS 5 will be made public in the fourth quarter of 2007, ..." - Bill McEwen
Whoah!!! He spoke, a bit late.
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Re: How interested in the PS3 for OS4 are you?
Just popping in
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I don't want to comment too much on the ongoing lawsuit between Amiga Inc and Hyperion, but as this is related and now out in the public, IMO some interesting food for thought:

Most relevant parts, underlined:

Thomas Frieden: "I think what we lack is definitely a high-end system. The low end is pretty much covered, but we need some "beast" with a G5, or even better a cell... The Cell is extremely interesting, especially since Toshiba's roadmap shows a lot of promise about it in the future.

Bill McEwen: "We are working with IBM very closely on the Cell, and they have offered us some support for Cell. RJ Mical agrees with you as well about the cell."

Hans-Joerg Frieden: "Cell is certainly the way to go for the longer term future."

Bill McEwen: "OK, the next reason that I am asking is becuase we have been approached by Sony on PS3 stuff. They want to have Amiga available on that platform :)"

Hans-Joerg Frieden: "THe PS3 is a logical target"

More full story here.

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Re: How interested in the PS3 for OS4 are you?
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To confirm the earlier note that PS3 would not carry the PS2 chip in Europe

With the latest firmware updates the EE chip is almost as good as rendered redundant. All major PS2, PS1 games are well supported by the PS3 and with upscaling and smoothing options can easily be considerd a superior option in comparison to the original consoles, especially for the HDTV owners but smoothing also works with ordinary TV sets. DVD upscaling is now also supported, amongst many other improvements.

Some before and after shots (Upscaled from 480i/p to various settings):

Doom (PS1)

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Klonoa: Door to Phantomile

Various games upscaled:
God of War 2:
Shadow of the Colossus:
Dragon Quest 8:
Kingdom Hearts II:
Silent Hill 3:
Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence:

Tales of Souls:

Comment for poster: "if you view the pictures in a slideshow, the clothes get noticeably cleaned up a bit, but it looks MUCH better in motion than it does in still comparisons. Take note again that I'm working with 1080i as well."):




After (1080i):


After (1080i):

Ridge Racer V


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Re: How interested in the PS3 for OS4 are you?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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This article was published in January, before people know troubles between AInc and Hyperion. Of course PS3 could run OS4 or MorphOS ... this does not means it can happen with the current situation.

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Re: How interested in the PS3 for OS4 are you?
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Just popping in

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This article was published in January, before people know troubles between AInc and Hyperion. Of course PS3 could run OS4 or MorphOS ... this does not means it can happen with the current situation.

Actually I already commented on the disagreements between Amiga Inc and Hyperion here at Amigans.net and on AmigaWorld.net. So maybe this shouldn't have come too much of a surprise, although I was hopeful they would have been able to settle things outside of the courts.

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Re: How interested in the PS3 for OS4 are you?
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At this time, i would have Amiga OS4 running on any thing, at least that way i stand a chance of being able to buy it.

Yes let's have OS4 on the PS3, i have a PS3 and this systems rocks.


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Re: How interested in the PS3 for OS4 are you?
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Just popping in

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If its all true - there is a 10GB partition on my PS3 ready to be boinged.

Sven Harvey
Amiga Mart in Micro Mart (in 2 out of 4 issues on average with a following wind)
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Re: How interested in the PS3 for OS4 are you?
Just popping in
Just popping in

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For what it is worth, AOS4 on the PS3 is to me vital. Missing this opportunity would be criminal. With AOS4 quick booting small footprint, and sympathy from Sony itself, it would be an ideal point of expansion for both systems.

Now we are running X server, we can even outgun Linux on such a system (Yellow Dog is complete overkill).

Amiga HW could also fill in the gap for a domestic server, a much needed device. plus as a standalone for the community.

The PS3 makes an ideal entertainment hub for domestic video and music streaming, so forget the idea of the Games console and TV, rather console, monitor, speakers becoming hubs spread throughout the house and used for anything digital (the price is only high at the moment).

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Re: How interested in the PS3 for OS4 are you?
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The PS3 makes an ideal entertainment hub for domestic video and music streaming, so forget the idea of the Games console and TV, rather console, monitor, speakers becoming hubs spread throughout the house and used for anything digital (the price is only high at the moment).

Sorry for my ignorance, I am not too informed of these technical details: Is there a possibility to direct the PS3 video output to two devices at the same time?

Is was thinking of this: You want to see movies and play games, but also use the PS3 as a serious business computer.
In this case I'd need to connect it to my television AND to my 19" computer monitor. Is this possible or can the video output be streamed over the air?
When I am programming or using text applications, the television from my living room is not the best choice and makes my eyes bleed.

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Re: How interested in the PS3 for OS4 are you?
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The PS3 uses wifi to stream movies and games to the PSP.

In terms of monitors vs TVs the convergence with HDTV means no practical difference.

In terms of business, the machine can be booted in the otherOS mode and the GameOS need never be seen.

It is very versatile.

As a fixed architecture, when the prices go down over time, it makes an excellent and stable business machine (business is not all that demanding on HW for the most part).

It is no replacement for desktop computers, but the rub is that often a desktop computer is over kill for what is required. The fixed architecture makes maintaining a computer network much easier.

There is a real opportunity, to side step a lot of legacy-ware in the business community, over time, simplify computer deployment and do so for a good many years.

Personally, when the time is ripe, and the costs diminish, I would like to use it as a standard student school computer (instead of a big box, it could be virtually mounted on a sturdy LCD stand).

When the price falls to less than 75% of its present cost, it will be an easy choice in a lot of areas, not the least in the home.

As a teacher, if AmigaOS was available, with a few more apps from the Linux world, I would have no problem recommending it to parents as an ideal student computer, not the least because it can also play games.

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Re: How interested in the PS3 for OS4 are you?
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Sorry I missed the point of some of the things you are asking about.

I was thinking in terms of LAN/wifi streaming. There are ways of doing what you want, but they are bulky at best and quality might become an issue.

Basically you would need to have a cable out to a RF home TV transmitter (I have seen none yet that could deal well with HDTV, but that might only be a matter of waiting. If your TV is old, cheap transmitters can be bought. I currently use two switch boxes together to redirect three cable pictures to the TV - it is primitive but it works (as I have Foxtel, a DVD player, HD receiver and PS3 all going into the one monitor).

Ideally, and it is what I am thinking of doing over time, is to have a dedicated server, and use the PS3 as terminals where you need them (hence the price has to become modest).

If AmigaOS got onboard and Sony wanted close integration, given what already happens with PSP, it should be possible to stream games from the PS3 to a computer as a screen

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Re: How interested in the PS3 for OS4 are you?
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Thumbs up. We need more platforms.

As to your charts, we are way past "launch" time. XBox 360 is the machine with the games on the shelves here in the US and the system people are talking about.

That said though I'd buy a PS3 to be my Amiga.

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Re: How interested in the PS3 for OS4 are you?
Just popping in
Just popping in

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The latest PS3 update on includes domestic server loading. It took a few minutes to get my PC laptop filesharing and it works well even for video.

This is an area AmigaOS needs to get into and soon.

SAM as a passively cooled board would be ideal as a domestic server.

AOS on the otherOS as well, please.

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Re: How interested in the PS3 for OS4 are you?
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Time to get a Logic 3 Mediaboard (keyboard with a touchpad built in) for my PS3 I think... now I just want OS4 with 2 boing ball stickers... one for the machine and one for the keyboard ;)

Sven Harvey
Amiga Mart in Micro Mart (in 2 out of 4 issues on average with a following wind)
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