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Forum button
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Not too shy to talk

I would like to suggest to put the forum button also in a more prominent place where it is better visible.
For example in the top menu right next to Search or make a larger button below the recent posts.
I think it's a bit small on the left and it's a link that peoples of use.

Thanks and happy new year to all other members and admins!

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Re: Server security on www.Amigans.net
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Not too shy to talk


Do you know how the other Amiga forums are doing this? Are they using some custom forum software? For example I don't remember that this kind of things have happened to Amigaworld so far. But it has happened already twice at Amigans, although this site is newer.
I hope the security will improve over time.

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Re: Bad Teacher
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Not too shy to talk

She looks like a normal fake blonde girl and she doesn't have anything special.

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Re: Probably a silly question but...
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Not too shy to talk


No, I have never been restricted.

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Re: Probably a silly question but...
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Not too shy to talk

Ok, thank you! But why was my profile moderated? I think that I said in my profile that I like my Amigas or something like that, so nothing that offensive.

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Re: Probably a silly question but...
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Not too shy to talk

I also have a question regarding my profile. Under the section "Interests" the word "Rigo" appeared and I have never put it there. Is this some kind of april fool from the moderators?

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Re: OS4 Eastern Boot Jingle
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Not too shy to talk


That boot jingle is a bit too long! OS4 boots so fast that it keeps on playing while you are already browsing the internet!

Maybe they should make it more short. But I generally like it. It's not a very agressive sound.

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Re: OS 4 or 4.1 on Pegasos 1?
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Not too shy to talk


I did not know that it has been tested that far. Maybe they should have finished it, maybe not.
I dont thinkt there are too many of these hardwares out there still, so maybe they would not have sold too many. Pegasos 2 was a better idea and it is much faster!

Especially the version for old PPC-Amigas was a good idea because they have sold many licenses as I have heard. They will also update this version, which is a good idea, because this is how the money flows in. I think they need quite lots of money for X1000 development.

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Re: Serious AmigaOS future discussion
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Not too shy to talk


I think printing is very important! In the old AmigaOS 3.x, it was already sometimes a hazzle to make some printers work. Luckily I had Turboprint. But I think this is a very basic thing that needs to be supported by the OS itself.
The OS should detect common printers connected via USB and install the drivers for it.
As you pointed out rightfully, it is very difficult to approach users that have not seen an Amiga before and say stuffs like:

"Hey we have this new X1000 Amiga, it's very cool and fast, therefore it costs 1800 EUR. But sorry, printing is not implemented yet, you only have to follow these 47 steps and pray a mantra until the hardwares work."

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Re: Demonstrate Amiga OS 4.1 in Prague 23-24 August 2008 ?
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Not too shy to talk


I can ask you the same, what planet are you from nbache? There is no competition. Nobody can buy a new Amiga with OS 4.1 at the moment. And even if suddenly some hardware appears, I dont think anybody will consider it as a real alternative to a Mac or a Windows PC.
It's only for us, who have a special relationship with the past of the Amiga.

I think the reason why we dont see any numbers is rather that they are so small that it's a shame. The peoples from moobunny will immediately rant about these numbers if Rogue would post them! :-S

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Re: Amigans.net Membership is a joke!!!!!!!!!
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Not too shy to talk


I did not feel insulted by Mikey's jokings, no way! I just would like to say goodbye.

I think Amiga as a next generation system is going nowhere. There are no new users, the old systems will slowly die and the interest will wane, so there will be no new games or apps.

I am most interested in Amiga games and (very strange) the best system to run them is not a next generation Amiga but a Windows PC! You can start them with a mouse click and they load very fast and play smooth. No hassle. And Winuae is the best developed Amiga emulator there is.


I prefer Firefox instead of Internet Explorer and never had a problem with viruses on my old PC. I always used a freeware virus programm. I think if you are a little careful and don't open all the email rubbish, you won't have many problems.


I had a look at Ubuntu and I really like it by the looks. Maybe I will try to use it in dual boot with Windows.

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Re: Amigans.net Membership is a joke!!!!!!!!!
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Not too shy to talk


Please delete my account, I would like to leave this forum.
Next week I will put up all my Amiga stuff for auction and finally buy a new PC with Windows.


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Re: Amiga Only In 2008
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Not too shy to talk



LiveForIt wrote:

I want the Amiga 1200 to stay in its desktop case.

not so easy once you upgrade it whit 060 it get to hot, start melting plastic cover on bottom housing.

The 68060 does not get so hot, you don't even need a fan! 68040 on the other hands get very hot!

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Re: Will the release of AOS4 spur development?
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Not too shy to talk



Hans wrote:

I hope so. I'm struggling to get any developer interest in bringing wxWidgets to the Amiga. There are certain kinds of apps that I'd like to develop (video-editing), but I can't even start on that yet because the animation datatype needs to be updated to support modern video formats, and I need wxWidgets so that I can easily port it to other platforms too (otherwise the market's just too small).

I think the point is the TYPE of apps that we can expect from developers. These are mainly hobby peoples, so the development will be focused on smaller apps and utilities. Further, there will be ports of existing apps.
There are some glorious exceptions however, like Wookiechat for example.
But in general, and what keeps me thinking is that there won't be many "special Amiga apps" that don't exist on other OS and that made Amiga so special.
Amiga was famous for video editing for example. These times are over now...

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Re: Anyone working on an AmigaOS4 Xmas theme?
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Not too shy to talk



LiveForIt wrote:

Looks look, did not expect it.

Looks look?

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Re: 12/13
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Not too shy to talk



Raziel wrote:

I think what @Helge meant was what Satellite is displayed
in front of what Planet in your Avatar

I'd like to know too - may i guess, one of Jupiters moons?

It doesn't look like a satellite. The shape looks indeed more like a moon of a planet.

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Re: Will the Real "Amiga" Please Stand Up?
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Not too shy to talk


I am getting very dizzy from all this lawsuits. I must say I stopped to read most of the court documents because they are very boring.
Is there already any date until when the case will be closed, or can the companies continue to submit documents until they are green in the face or bancrupt?

I hope the lawyer will make a decision soon.

In a new document I read that Amiga Inc claims that the Frieden's are now suing both Amiga Inc and Hyperion. Do you think this is true?
I can't believe this whole mess could get any more confusing, but it still does.

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Re: Will the release of AOS4 spur development?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

I think that OS4 Classic will have positive effects on development. But don't expect something earth-shattering. Maybe 5-20 new developers will be added, while 10 developers will have to give up due to broken A1's. :-S

But I agree with Rigo, an updated SDK is urgently needed!

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Re: 12/13
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk


What is it? I don't really know what that photo shows.

May I ask you what your avatar is about? You can answer it in the dedicated thread. Thanks!

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Re: Where are the AmigaOS 4 classic screenshots?
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Not too shy to talk


Why do we need AmigaOS4 classic screenshots? Does it look any different than OS4 on A1's? I have seen a few shots, but none of them looked like it was different.
So there you go.

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