After several months of development, I am happy to reveal AmiSystemRestore for AmigaOS4:

It is similar to Windows' System Restore facility, and allows you to undo nearly any change made to the Sys: partition. Not only is this a first for any Amiga-like OS, but not even Linux has such a facility (*).
What use is it? Well, if you install a new program, or update an existing one, and it installs a buggy or outdated library (etc) over a good working one, then you can use AmiSystemRestore to revert back to the old one which worked. So you can install lots of programs, without worrying whether they have badly written installer scripts

It is intended to be very light weight & "Amiga like", so you can leave it running in the background all the time. It is also intended to be easy to use, yet flexible enough for power users. It will automatically create restore points when something is installed using the official Installer system, as well as when something is updated by AmiUpdate. And it automatically deletes restore points to save space. You can also create & delete restore points yourself.
As it now has all the features I consider "essential", and no more bugs are being found,
I need some beta-testers to help test it. Testing only requires you leave it running in the background. AmiSystemRestore heavily patches AmigaOS4, so it is likely that there are still bugs which need fixing - which might stop a program working properly, or in the worst case (but rather unlikely!) stop OS4 from booting. So I am looking for technically experienced users, who know how to backup & aren't afraid of (for example) fiddling with their Startup-Sequence!
If you would like to help test it, then please PM me with your email address.(* = unless you count the "snapshot" facility of filesystems like ZFS, but they are hardly user-friendly, and certainly not used by any popular Linux distro.)
Edited by ChrisH on 2011/9/2 9:12:09
Edited by ChrisH on 2011/9/2 9:14:50
Edited by ChrisH on 2011/9/3 8:36:09
Edited by ChrisH on 2011/9/3 9:25:22
Edited by ChrisH on 2011/12/1 18:51:34
Edited by ChrisH on 2011/12/1 18:56:33