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Re: Latest gcc
Not too shy to talk 
ahh looks like installed that wrong sdk..
“The best thing about a boolean is even if you are wrong, you are only off by a bit.”
Latest gcc
Not too shy to talk 
I just reinstalled the SDK and now have GCC v4. I'm wondering, where can I get the latest stable version of GCC?
Is there an easy download available, or do I need to recompile it myself?
“The best thing about a boolean is even if you are wrong, you are only off by a bit.”
Re: rVNCd v1.38 is released
Posted on: 2024/11/5 14:32
Not too shy to talk 
The "DelayFrequency" setting controls how often the graphics ripper takes a short break.
The graphics ripper runs as a low-priority process, and when it retrieves a certain number of tiles, it will take a short break to prevent the CPU from reaching 100% usage.
Setting DelayFrequency to zero (no breaks, disabled) will make it run at 100%, meaning no other process with a priority below -5 will get any CPU time.
DelayFrequency is one of the few settings you can change in real time (if I recall correctly), so feel free to experiment with it to find your optimal setup. Both the tile size and this setting impact CPU usage.
PS: Thank you for your donation. I really appreciate it!
“The best thing about a boolean is even if you are wrong, you are only off by a bit.”
Re: rVNCd v1.38 is released
Posted on: 2024/11/3 23:10
Not too shy to talk 
@Cageman, @ktadd
Yes, you are correct. Currently, it locks the Workbench screen when you start the server.
One of the things to implement is handling different screen sizes so we can cycle the screen. This is still on the to-do list.
“The best thing about a boolean is even if you are wrong, you are only off by a bit.”
Re: rVNCd v1.38 is released
Posted on: 2024/11/1 17:48
Not too shy to talk 
Quote: by Maijestro on 2024/11/1 18:26:34
@rwo Is rVNCd a VNC server? So the other side needs a VNC viewer is that right? I would use this under MacOs but have not been successful so far. Yes, rVNCd is a VNC server for AmigaOS4. You start it up on the Amiga, and then you need a VNC client (or viewer) running on another computer to connect to it. On Windows, you can use viewers like RealVNC, TightVNC, MobaXTerm, or any other VNC client. For MacOS, Linux, or any other OS with a VNC viewer, it should work as well. By default, the viewer connects to the Amiga on port 5900, although you can change this port if needed.
“The best thing about a boolean is even if you are wrong, you are only off by a bit.”
Re: rVNCd v1.38 is released
Posted on: 2024/11/1 16:43
Not too shy to talk 
Quote: by jabirulo on 2024/11/1 11:17:42
Hi, just made a little test/tryout and working fine so far, and seems faster
AWESOME man!!!! Hi, glad to hear it's working for you! The speed should be about the same, though tile encoding could definitely use some improvement. Right now, it only supports Raw and Raw+zlib, and the latter (Raw+zlib) is mostly obsolete, as most clients I've tested no longer support it. But I guess that’s on the to-do list. P.S. Thanks for testing it!
“The best thing about a boolean is even if you are wrong, you are only off by a bit.”
Re: rVNCd v1.38 is released
Posted on: 2024/10/28 22:40
Not too shy to talk 
Quote: Is a port to 68k possible? Hi Spot, Well, I don't think the VNC/Net code would be a problem. I guess the GUI would need to be dropped or rewritten for MUI?. The graphics ripper might be a problem, I'm not sure. The biggest issue is probably the time you'd need to devote to it. So, it's possible, yes, but I don't think I can dedicate that much time to it.
“The best thing about a boolean is even if you are wrong, you are only off by a bit.”
Re: rVNCd v1.38 is released
Posted on: 2024/10/28 18:57
Not too shy to talk 
@NinjaCyborgQuote: NinjaCyborg wrote:No endianness issues? Yes the server can convert to any true color format the client ask for, as long it pixel byte size is either 1, 2 or 4 bytes. Color lookup (pens) are not supported, and I have never tested it. I do know of one client, where the server told the client it was running in 32bit, client said fine, but it ignore the endian format and as the server was sending Big Endian format and the client expected little.. that resulted in colors looking wrong. As long as the client tell the server what format it want, it should all be fine.. but there are many diffrent clients out there.
“The best thing about a boolean is even if you are wrong, you are only off by a bit.”
Re: Close Image
Posted on: 2024/3/17 12:15
Not too shy to talk 
hmm how did I not see that entry..
“The best thing about a boolean is even if you are wrong, you are only off by a bit.”
Re: Close Image
Posted on: 2024/3/17 11:13
Not too shy to talk 
I see, I guess there is no other way..
Thanks for your reply
“The best thing about a boolean is even if you are wrong, you are only off by a bit.”
Close Image
Posted on: 2024/3/17 10:14
Not too shy to talk 
I'm in the need of a Close Image for ClickTab, trying hard to avoid providing external images.
CLICKTAB_CloseImage, IIntuition->NewObject( NULL, "sysiclass",
SYSIA_DrawInfo, dri,
This is not working out.. I bleave I had this problem once before, but I can't remember were, so can any help me out?
“The best thing about a boolean is even if you are wrong, you are only off by a bit.”
Re: ListBrowser's WrapText
Posted on: 2023/9/10 12:20
Not too shy to talk 
Thanks for the feedback. I found my problem, when I was adding the List to the ListBrowser, I also had AutoFit and that broke it.
“The best thing about a boolean is even if you are wrong, you are only off by a bit.”
ListBrowser's WrapText
Posted on: 2023/9/9 22:10
Not too shy to talk 
I'm trying to get my text string word wrapped.. but I'm not having any luck .. any one that have mastered this?
LAYOUT_AddChild, GUIObjects[ GID_Status ] = IIntuition->NewObject( ListBrowserClass, NULL,
LISTBROWSER_ColumnInfo, & StatusColumnInfo,
LISTBROWSER_Labels, & StatusList,
n = IListBrowser->AllocListBrowserNode( 3,
LBNA_Column, 0,
LBNCA_Text, msg->cl_Time,
LBNA_Column, 1,
LBNCA_Text, str,
LBNA_Column, 2,
LBNCA_Text, msg->cl_String,
“The best thing about a boolean is even if you are wrong, you are only off by a bit.”
Re: gcc 9 and 10
Posted on: 2023/8/20 12:47
Not too shy to talk 
@joerg Quote: Issue #6: Using .init_array/.fini_array instead of .ctors/.dtors requires changes in the C libraries, maybe even in elf.library. Regarding the constructor/destructor change, is it just a simple modification in crtbegin and crtend? After all, it's just a list of pointers that get called if I'm not mistaken. If we start using the .init_array/.fini_array, we need to add a priority parameter. But other than that, it should be simple, or am I overlooking something? edit: I played a little around with gcc and the linker. it looks like we need an update too adtools as I could not get gcc or the linker use .init_array's.. I tryed with a test source to create .init_array/.fini_array instead of .ctors/.dtors elf sections with this gcc -c tst.c -mcrt=clib2 -Wl,--init-array -z initarray but it did not work :/
Edited by rwo on 2023/8/20 15:43:37
“The best thing about a boolean is even if you are wrong, you are only off by a bit.”
Re: Is gprof ever works on os4 ? It is! And can be still!
Posted on: 2023/8/14 23:00
Not too shy to talk 
@kas1e I looked at the archive you linked to earlier (clib2_profile_library.zip) in the profile_gmon.c there is this line Quote: frompc = 0; /* FIXME: was p->lowpc; needs to be 0 and assumes -Ttext=0 on compile. Better idea? */
Is this your change? Can it be as simple as changing it to 0x01000000 ?
“The best thing about a boolean is even if you are wrong, you are only off by a bit.”
Re: What happened to Exec interface's Reschedule function?
Posted on: 2022/8/20 19:56
Not too shy to talk 
struct Task *task = FindTask(NULL);
// changing the priority will trigger a reschedule
// TODO - User IExec->Reschedule()
oldpri = SetTaskPri(task, -10);
SetTaskPri(task, oldpri);
Well I beleave this will fail to reschedule if the Task already is running at pri. -10.
“The best thing about a boolean is even if you are wrong, you are only off by a bit.”
Re: /usr/local/amiga dir
Posted on: 2022/8/15 0:11
Not too shy to talk 
@rjd324 yeah .. I'm trying to follow the instruction on that page but my full compile fails .. so i'm trying to figure out why and when I looked at some of the makefiles like this one https://github.com/sba1/adtools/blob/master/binutils-build/MakefileI can see its compiled with a prefix too /usr/local/amiga so I was wonder if it was be course I dident setup up this directory
“The best thing about a boolean is even if you are wrong, you are only off by a bit.”
/usr/local/amigaos dir
Posted on: 2022/8/14 23:17
Not too shy to talk 
Okay I have a stupid question
First i'm playing around with ubuntu trying to setup a cross compiler..
playing around with adtools .. I see refrence to /usr/local/amigaos so I was wondering what is suposed to be put into that dir?
my bet is it mimic our amiga sdk: dir but i'm not sure
“The best thing about a boolean is even if you are wrong, you are only off by a bit.”
Re: Enhancer Pack 2 is all you need!!
Posted on: 2022/8/13 21:16
Not too shy to talk 
yes .. if it really is a system font. It would indicate that this font is broken or missing. A reinstall would be a good idea.
“The best thing about a boolean is even if you are wrong, you are only off by a bit.”