AmigaOS4: Super Star Blast - Space ShooterSuper Star Blast has been available on PC and consoles for a while now.
We are pleased to finally be able to release the AmigaOS4 version of the game.
You can get the game as digital download version on your favorite AmigaOS Shop: @AlineaComputer @A-Eon

Super Star Blast is a space based game with challenging levels of increasing difficulty.
All enemies must be shot down to finish a level and go to the next one. A scanner around the player tells roughly where the enemies are located.
The player ship can fly forwards to attack and backwards to fight during the retreat against the opponents.
After clearing a level you can purchase equipment to boost the ship, as well as extra shields and firepower or more ships.

Features:-Massive challenging levels of increasing difficulty
-Enemies with unique flying and fire characteristics
-Upgrade center (agility, fire power, shield, ships)
-Single player campaign
-Simple and clean 3D space graphics
-Quality and performance Settings
-Warp3D Nova / OpenGLES Support (required!)
Hardware Requirements:AmigaOS 4.1 F.E. Computer with Warp3D Nova/OpenGLES compatible graphics card
Disclaimer:Because of the many different configurations, it is difficult to cover all problems. Just send us an email to and we will try to fix bugs.
Also play with the quality and performance settings to adapt the game to your hardware.
The "FPS" setting shows you the current frame rate.
In the ToolTypes you can also activate your own screen mode. If the setting is put in brackets, the Workbench resolution is used.
Shop Links: ... per-Star-Blast::1399.htmlhttp://www.amistore.net for your support!