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Re: AOS 4.1 FE reinstall and preparation for update 3
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I will go just directory by directory, as you have it after you unpack Enhancer archive:


C: dir. Copy only files which you don't have. No overwriting ! There will be not many, but few.

Classes dir: all the _new_ classes only from Gadget dir. Also infowindow.class and images/shared.image. I.e. nothing which will overwrite anything. That to have ability to use not so many, but still, apps which use those classes.

DEVS dir: can be also installed almost all, except Datatypes dir, there better go "one file at time" copy, just to be sure you not overwrite old one.

As a note for both dirs, dont bother to install those "AK" datatypes related things : Warp/OS4 datatypes for all those graphics filetypes from Oliver are faster and better.

Documentations dir: fully can be installed of course.

Firmware dir : also fully can be installed (need it for radeon video hardware accleration and co).

Internet : can be too (just single file)

Kickstart : all can be installed.

L: all can be installed.

LIBS: install all, just one by one, to not overwrite of what you already have. I.e. no datatypes.library overwrite should be done, no z.library overwrite as they originals. And no .zip and no .codesets, as you probabaly may have latest/better version version. General rule - copy all what you not have, and if when copy you will have "replace?" then skip, of course. So only new libs and co.

Locale: if you not in locale stuff and Enlighs lang is ok, skip it all together.

Prefs: There need to be carefull. They have overwrote there some, like Sound.prefs (and they have few bugs in, which wasn't ever fixed, and i tired years ago to asking for). Datatype as well no need it. And also, just nothing which overwrite originals.

SDK : if not in programming stuff skip it (and basically it anyway badly structured and not mantained well).

System: Be sure not overwrite some bits too (for example Format can at first looks more fancy, but it have bugs which original on os4 didnt' have).

Utilities: All can be installed.

But be sure you do it all by hands. No auto install.

Then, you will have clean os4 with bits from Enhancer which not broke your system and you will have best of progarmmers involved in (like work from Hans on 2d/3d drivers, warp3dnova, work of Daniel on ogles2, work of Andy on Multiedit,Multiviewer and XDock, work of Trixie on some classes, and some old and a bit updated tools like AmiDVD, SFS2, Tunenet, etc).

Hope it helps


But is it worth to use components which overwrite AOS4.1 FE original files in C, Prefs, Comodities, Datatypes folders? I understand that some of them might have some improvements/fixes to FE original files, however if at some point FE update 3 is released, that will be even bigger confusion.

To be honest there almost none improvements over originals. Only replicas with bugs. Some was ok (like sound.prefs), if only it didn't have bugs (enhancer's one visually better).

But lately, they switch to their own classes, code of which done to have same code base for os3 and os4 , and , some bits just looks really dated in compare with os4 classes coming in original installs. I.e. some button to press and some titles of some replaced classes looks really dated.

In other words : install all what new, replace nothing, and that will be fine.

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Re: copy 54.11 fails to indicate non-extant file/folder and returns successfully
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Problem that nothing new added in this reimplementations, just a buggy copy of originals with restricted functionality. Next, they not open sourced mean tied the same ussues: controled by one person giving another variant from another company.

Also, as they want to have it be the same for os3 and os4 mean more messy code, and no use of specific os4 only bits. Also, they know no internals of dos.library and what new were added by Colin in last years, mean their variants its just buggy os3 versions compiled for os4. Os4 users should be for sure not install those commands if they not want troubles.

I even did't want to guess why the reimplement easy small commands and not real stuff like graphics.library, or dos.library, or whatever else : that hard. But wrote clock, calendar or buggy copy command surely more important.

And in end of all, decission by Mattew versionin reimplementations with 54.x theme, cleary point on cheap dirty move, like pretending to be same commands, just better. See, ppls now wrote about bugs in some of their commands with point on 54.x, make it think like it bugs in originals. Blew!

Now, when update3 on horisont, some users will have a mess for sure mixing originals with those reimplementations. But that will be their problem then. But base line for update3 surely NO other than originals parts of os should be in use.

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Re: copy 54.11 fails to indicate non-extant file/folder and returns successfully
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Wasnt it clear because of many bugs that no one should use those replacements over originals ?:)

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Re: A1200NG motherboard appears at AmigaKit
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Why not? A-EON owns ExecSG as well as several other key components of AmigaOS 4.x, or at least has exclusive licences for them,

The only developer working for real on ExecSG still is Thomas, and i doubt he will make ARM version of it. More of it, i think there just no "political wish" from AEON to concetrate money and force to make it reality. It needs some basic components rewriten from scratch (not only kernel, but also graphics.library, other modules, drivers, usb things, etc, as they have no control over it). And i fear, it all will be the same buggy as those few simple commands they tried to rewrote before. So.. it needs some really skilled developers, and few years of work, to make some "barebone working arm version of very limited and basic arm based os4". Plus PPC emulator is another big issue which we have no developers for to deal with.


IMHO the A1200NG board is useless junk.

IMHO same as this 600gs. I really surprised that some of us find it interesting because it just another emulator with aros on it. WinUAE deal with everything years ago, dunno what else there needs for. But seems there someone willing to play with and pay for, so it even cover years of working on.

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Re: Xmas Card Design 2024 - Started on A600GS Finished on X1000
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As always awesome! Pity through that you shift your dev time on a600 instead of os4, but we can do nothing about :)

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Re: EntwicklerX: Super Star Blast for AmigaOS4.1 released!
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Wow! Quality! Will take few !

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Re: Recompiling MiniGL 68k ?
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I did compile minigl for aros x86 10 or more years ago, and it was almost without changes and i use it for few minigl ports. It was casual gcc. I.e if you have warp3d includes and working w3d, that all matter of few little changes in makefile and maybe very little in sources to compile for 68k.

But i werent allowed to release aros build of minigl separately: license allow amugaos only, and on intiitionbase.com when it was alive i had some hot discussion when were pointed on. So be sure all ok there before jumping on

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Re: version check and compare from python
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Not only that, but yeah, and in my case 100 will be less that 99 because the comparison happens character by character. I can wrote it all correctly, like this:

result os.popen("c:version mylibrary").read().strip().split()
len(result) > 1:
v1v2 result[1].split('.'), "1.100".split('.')
v1 += ['0'] * (len(v2) - len(v1))
v2 += ['0'] * (len(v1) - len(v2))
all(int(a) <= int(b) for ab in zip(v1v2)):
"less than 1.100")
"higher than 1.100")
"Failed to get version")

But were hope someone can come with something based on 2-3 strings only, without involving this digital/len comprassion. Something amiga native, etc..

Edited by kas1e on 2024/11/23 7:55:21
Edited by kas1e on 2024/11/23 8:02:32
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version check and compare from python
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I need to check by c:version from python script, if we had some library equal or lower than version i need. Code should handle all subversions include something like xx.100, etc. I can do it all with some big code by using something like:
version_info os.popen("c:version sys:Libs/mylib.library).read().strip().split()

And then compare first and second part, etc, but that all looks like a bit too much for such simple stuff , so i tried to do something simpler, like:

if ((os.path.exists("Sys:Libs/mylib.library")) and 
os.system("version >NIL: *>NIL: Sys:Libs/mylib.library 1 100) >= 0)):
        print(we have library equal or lower 1.100)
no library or greater than 1.100")

But this way not work.. Have anyone any idea ?

Edited by kas1e on 2024/11/23 7:55:44
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Re: Lha issues
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Right.. So -H2 then. But then some ppls may have not up2date unpacking tools => unarc will fail => unpacked content will fail..

But probably there is no other way to bugfix around it, only by pointing out on needs to install proper version of unpacking tools.

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Re: Lha issues
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maybe it skips files in these cases

Files not skipped: i can see them when i list in dopus4 on os4, but when i tried to check them in total commander on win32 : then there is none of some files. Sometimes, ready archive simple corrupted (even on os4). Once i switch to -H2 all going well (at least, visually in brief check).

Pretty strange! -H0 mean to have all go without compression, so kind of expected to put files as it..

edit: Oh, i find out why i use -H0 , that why:

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Re: Lha issues
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Seems at least H2 produce archive without additional file in the root and in total commander all files can be seen.. at least fir brief check.

Strange that files which were invisibly in totalcommander are in root of archive, and small by names. All looks like that something mess up archive a bit when i use H0, and this cause issues such as invisibly files/dirs and new additional files creations. Like filestructure mess up when lha pack it

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Re: Lha issues
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Yes of course i change some bits into directory which i want to pack, but how it can have any meaning to the whole general packing and making some files be missing to be viewed and creating files i don't have inside with content from other files ? It just seems like it create broken archives now which by luck kind of work.

Also, what i do lately is install this: http://os4depot.net/share/library/misc/xad_lha.lha due to "Underscrores instead of Spaces when unpacking" , but not sure if it can have any impact on the packing by pure lha..


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Lha issues
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Is our latest up2date Lha packer is 2.15, i.e. this one ?

Why i ask, that because i meet some strange problem:

I do pack some archive like this:


lha -H0 a -r -e archive.lha #?

Now, while archive ok and all files seems to be visibly on os4, in total commander on win32, when i come to the directory i didn't see some of the files.

Yes, one may say "so go check your total commander with lha unpacker in", but then, i packed the same files before (few weeks ago), and total commander show them all just fine.

It looks like or archive simple broken still (just by luck didn't bring error on os4), or something weird happens somewhere..

More of it archive start to contain some files which shouldn't be there (i.e. like some self created file inside with of archive with name of archive). Or, like some copy of some file with different name in other place (and not where it should be)

Any ideas ?

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Re: Pegasos2 with RadeonHD/RX via bridge
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I tedted those agp adapters from ebay few pages back: didnt work, but check for more info in previos posts about, maybe you will have some ideas.. i also wrote to author, but have no answer

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How to made from shell commands some directory to be a default one while being in the other one ?
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I have this situation: I need to run some installer script being in some place. The installer script takes some directories from the root of the directory where it placed (but we not in that directory).

Is it possible to call some shell command telling that "this directory now the one which is root one" , while still being in other one when we run this script.

I.e. install script have let's say "copy dir1 to ram:", and it placed in "work:aaa/bbb/installer_script". So, being in any other directory i need to run "installer work:aaa/bbb/instller_script", and this "copy dir1 to ram" from this script should take dir1 from the place where this installer script is placed, and from the place where i am are.

Of course, it's easy to change the installer script itself, but just curious about some easy way to do what i need.


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Re: Pegasos2 with RadeonHD/RX via bridge
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I need to made some tests with all latest drivers/kernel/etc updates (Hans improve few bits in regards to peg2), but what i can say for sure, is that for pegasos2 we do have GART working in beta of RadeonHD/RX drivers, while for sam460 still not. This, in turn mean that bit 3D games (like SuperTuxKart, Worlds, Nigh of The Zombies, HCraft, Heretic2, Quake3, etc) : on Pegasos2 even with slow memory and it's age are faster.

But when it comes to casual workbench usage , sam460 one reacts better.

For example Heretic2 for pegasos2/radeonrx:

minigl 640x480   35.2 fps
            minigl 1024x768  
32.4 fps
            minigl 1920x1080 
34.3 fps

            gl4es 640x480    
36.8 fps
            gl4es 1024x768   
37.1 fps
            gl4es 1920x1080  
40.2 fps

And same Heretic2 but on sam460/radeonrx:

minigl 640x480   15 fps
            minigl 1024x768  
15 fps
            minigl 1920x1080 
15 fps

            gl4es 640x480    
20 fps
            gl4es 1024x768   
20 fps
            gl4es 1920x1080  
20 fps

So definitely if next RadeonHD/RX drivers will be without GART support for SAM460, then PEG2 even with bridge and RadeonRX will be better in terms of 3d games (but not for casual wb usage. Visually all ok, just GfxBench show not so good results in writepixelarrayy/readpixelarray/etc functions in compare with sam460). But if there will be a fix for sam460 to have GART working, then it should be better because of better memory bus/etc in comparison with aged pegasos2

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Re: 2024-October-Gaming Competition- ProtoType
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25935 :)

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Re: 2024-October-Gaming Competition- ProtoType
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Did you play with GamePad or keyboard?

Only keyboard, only hardcore :)

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Re: 2024-October-Gaming Competition- ProtoType
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