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: 2024/3/26 10:15
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I have wirtten down some notes about Enhancer 2.0:
- Archiver: if I enter a path in the "Destination" string gadget, it does not create a new drawer automatically, as does the default system utility Unarc. it is very convenient to have the option for an automatically created drawer. (And while at it, please add the option to create a drawer with/without icon) - Archiver: does not offer the option to assign a default destination dir where the archive should be unarchived to. e.g. UnArc tooltypes (DESTINATION=) - Archiver: A tooltypes option for Archiver to open at certain coordinates and Window Size would be very handy (See UnArc tooltypes) - Archiver does not change to the actual Tab when drag&dropping an archive to its AppWindow. IMHO there should be at least an option in the preferences to change focus to the new Tab. - Archiver Tabs appear to be a kind of unuseful, when it is unarchiving a big archive, the GUI is blocked. It is not possible to change to another TAB and continue working. - Archiver: IMHO the keyboard shortcuts are a little unconventional; e.g. "l" for "select all"? Why does it not stay close to system style and use "a"? - Archiver: IMHO, the GUI needs an overhaul. The "Open" button is mispositioned. - Archiver: in the Compress window: - does not show a list with the files which are to be compressed. - - the Destination and File-name string gadgets are not editable.
- InfoWB: Please add the option "CREATEICON=ASK" either in tooltypes or as a setting. Sometimes I'd just like to add a comment to a file, and the extra step to reopen the InfoWB window and delete the info is cumbersome. - infoWB: Actually all of the Tooltypes offered in RAWBInfo are usefull, size of window, posistion of the window, etc.. - InfoWB: The default tools for "default tool" can not be changed or added. - InfoWB: The option to "SHIFT" click to toggle a tooltype on or off is dearly missed. - infoWB: There is a significant lag between requesting the "info" window and the window acutally opening. It feels soo.. windowsy.
- Most of the new commands in C do not have an proper documentation for the Keywords they use.
- Utilities/Clock: either a bug in the LOCALE variable or in Clock, my Locale is set to Austria the date format is "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM.SS" but "Clock" is stubbornly showing "HH:MM:SS Weekday, DD. Month YYYY" - The documentation for Utilities/Clock does not explain the possible Tooltypes and its options. - Exchanger: Enhancement request: show the keyboard shortcut (hotkey) for the selected commodity in the "information box" e.g. Name: ClipViewer Description: Cliboard History manager State: Enabled Hotkey: "ctr alt x"