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Re: USB keyboards and Uboot - on a Sam460ex
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Quite a regular

The following worked for me under Windows 11 with Putty and Teraterm for both Sam460ex and X4000/40 .
Using long Ethernet cables I was able to have the computers separated also. 1 pair of adapters required for both Amiga machines .

https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0055CRAF6?r ... yo2ov_dt_b_fed_asin_title

https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0029L0V48?r ... yo2ov_dt_b_fed_asin_title

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Re: Sam460LE - linux Debian / Ubuntu instalation questions
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Glad that these still work .

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Re: Sam460LE - linux Debian / Ubuntu instalation questions
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By the way HDMI audio and some USB audio devices should work with these kernels if you need an option something for audio,

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Re: Sam460LE - linux Debian / Ubuntu instalation questions
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Quite a regular


Glad to see that you are making progress.

There was no working graphics hardware acceleration for any of the graphics cards however .

The graphics card firmware is embedded in the kernel .

The later Sam460ex kernels that I did should have support for the Radeon HD6800 series. Untested however .
Have uploaded the last one to Dropbox at the link below.

Sam460ex-4.9.38 kernel

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Re: Sam460LE - linux Debian / Ubuntu instalation questions
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


The newest Sam460 uboot supports fat file systems so you can try.
when I did the script it was not an option.

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Re: Sam460LE - linux Debian / Ubuntu instalation questions
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Quite a regular

; This file can be executed from AmigaOS 4.x to get the Uboot variables correct using the excute command.
; If the onboard SATA is active then the hard drive attached is /dev/sda and first hard drive attached to a sii pci SATA card is /dev/sdb with the first USB device being /dev/sdc.
; if the onboard SATA is deactivated or not present as in the case of the Sam460cr, the the first hard drive attached to the sii pci SATA card is /dev/sda with the first USB device being /dev/sdb.
; change devices for the SATA drive and the USB thumb drive to match your configuration in the nvgetvar lines below then execute this script.
;The examples below uses /dev/sda6 which is the 6th partition on the first hard drive drive connected.
;The USB thumb drive partion is normally going to be the second partition of the first attached usb storage device. in this case /dev/sdb2 .

; To boot Linux from a Linux partition on a USB thumb drive from the U-Boot shell use
;run lb2
;To boot Linux from a hard drive partition from the U-boot shell use
;run lb1
;To boot from tftp server (Fastest boot option)
; run lb3
; the following ip addresses need to be set for tftp with the correct addresses for your server and your Sam460
;nvsetvar serverip=
;nvsetvar ipaddr=

nvsetvar uimage="uImage-460"
nvsetvar dtb="sam460.dtb"

nvsetvar bootargs="root=/dev/sda6 console=ttyS0,115200 console=tty0"
nvsetvar ub="setenv bootargs 'root=/dev/sdb2 rootdelay=10 console=ttyS0,115200 console=tty0' "
nvsetvar lb1="ext2load usb 0:3 1000000 ${uimage};ext2load usb 0:3 2000000 ${dtb};bootm 1000000 - 2000000"
nvsetvar lb2="run ub ;run lb1"
nvsetvar lb3="tftp 1000000 ${uimage};tftp 2000000 ${dtb};bootm 1000000 - 2000000"

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Re: Sam460LE - linux Debian / Ubuntu instalation questions
Quite a regular
Quite a regular



Have not done Linux for about 7 year snow so I am rusty .

My later kernels needed to be booted via Uboot
Their size was too large to work with the existing parthenope.
I had a script that would set up the variables .

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Re: Attempting to upgrade Sam 440 with an R7 240 or HD 7770
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Re: Attempting to upgrade Sam 440 with an R7 240 or HD 7770
Quite a regular
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If you have not and have a chance to please test again with the RadeonHD version 5.20 driver

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Re: Sam460LE 1.10 Ghz Pre-Order!
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


I actually used on old model SIL3112 for many years with no problems. Have 3 of this model. Using one on an X5000 currently.

A newer model gave problems on box the Sam460ex and also on an X5000 so card may be faulty.

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Re: after Enhancer 2.2 upgrade, Emotion Locks up Playing MP4 Video
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Quite a regular

@AmigaSociety& @mbrantley

If you have a Radeon SI card and a Radeon SI drive version lower than V 5.x you will need to remove or rename the video hardware acceleration library . libs/va.library .

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Re: Pegasos2 with RadeonHD/RX via bridge
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Quite a regular


Was using a single card. so no display.
Serial Debug indicated an endless loop.
Power was as is . No external power .

Based on some later success of others with the P17C9X and external power one can probably narrow the issue down to either power or the PEX 8112 or both in the case of the Sam440ep.

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Re: Pegasos2 with RadeonHD/RX via bridge
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Years ago with the PEX 8112 and Sam440ep-flex, cards up to Radeon HD 6000 series worked. Could not get a Radeon HD7750 which was the lower end Radeon SI card to work .

By the way the PEX 8112 will work with one of the X5000's PCI slots to give an extra pciex1 slot if you can't get it to work with the Peg II.
Currently using mine on an X5000 with a pcix1 HD audio card.

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Re: NVMe device driver
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Quite a regular


You could try setting the flag from linux .

Prevent GPT partition automounting
The automounting can be disabled by setting the partition attribute 63 "do not automount" on the partition.

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Re: NVMe device driver
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Try unticking the automount flag for the partition.
Mount the partition by using a mountlist file .

Ran in the problem a long time ago.


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Re: Sam460LE 1.10 Ghz Pre-Order!
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Yes same write then verify process for all 3 chips with an offline programmer.
2 work and 1 does not .
also the replacement SST39lF040 chip from ACube does not.
Reads ok as I copied the contents and used to flash the 3
ATMEL AT4BV040B chips.

So your theories re "timing or voltage issue that shows up as a batch related issue" are on the table.

The update process for two of my ATMEL AT4BV040B failed with the ACube updater .

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Re: Sam460LE 1.10 Ghz Pre-Order!
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Did some more testing today.

Re flashed an AT4BV040B from a Sam440ep-flex with Uboot 2015.b and that works .
Seems that that actual working eeprom from yesterday was actually from the old Sam460ex board and not the current one .

So Working eeproms

(From Sam440ef-Flex)
(From Old Sam460ex)

Not Working

(From Current Sam460ex)
(Replacement from Acube)

Edited by Spectre660 on 2023/3/18 1:13:07
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Re: USB port fail during AmigaOS4.1 FÉ install on X5000
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Quite a regular


Took me a day and a half to work this one out by myself
when I got my X5000/40 motherboard .
As mine was a replacement/upgrade deal it was just the bare board
and no emergency boot media .

trixie wrote:@Spectre660

Solution is to create a custom ISO or USBBoot drive replacing ehci.usbhcd with the version from the AmigaOS 4.1FE update2 archive or the mouse and keyboard wont work.

I would expect this to be the dealer's job, not the customer's. Especially when such an expensive machine is in question.

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Re: USB port fail during AmigaOS4.1 FÉ install on X5000
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Good Luck.

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Re: Sam460LE 1.10 Ghz Pre-Order!
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Thanks for your assistance .

Finally got My Sam460ex up and running today.

For some reason I cant get the Sam460ex to boot using the replacement U-Boot eeprom from A-Cube with U-boot 2015-b.
The image is good as I saved it and used it to re flash my original eeprom which allows the Sam460 to boot.

Also have the problem of no boot with my oldest eeprom from a damaged Sam460ex. this I also flashed with the same U-boot image form the newest ACube replacement that works with the original eeprom. Weird .

Took this long to get a eeprom programmer then further delay
in getting the PLCC-32 Socket to DIP-32 Adapter that was not actually included .
UPS also misplaced the incoming replacement eeprom from Acube for about a month.

m3x wrote:@klapdeur and all

we'll send a replacement uboot bios to all affected users.
Just send an email to info@acube-systems.com with your board serial number and full shipping address.

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