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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
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Nor here, SGrab and X-Dock respond to the RAmiga-H combo only when their windows are active.

There nearest I can get is when SGrab becomesa ctive after hiding X-Dock or vice verca then if I hold Ramiga and click H twice both will close, so a keyboard bounce *might* cause this issue in certain circumstances.

X-Dock 1.x auto activated the window this might also cause focus issues, X-Dock 2 (for which I take the blame ) never does this.

X-Dock 2 has a commodity active to handle mouse overs of the icons, but does not have a hotkey set, so there should not be any issues in case the user had manually programmed hotkeys that clashed.

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Just popping in
Just popping in

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The Clock v.53.29 can cause a problem with MUI programs when dragging objects, resulting in a system freeze. If I open the clock on WB screen in analog (with arms) mode, and then open e.g. YAM and try to drag an attacment of a mail message to a disk, I get a system freeze (mouse and keyboard do not work, the clock stops). Also Odyssey shows similar problems. This issue is 100% reproducible in my X5000.

If I change the clock mode to analog or go back to v. 53.21 Clock, the problem dissappears completely.

According to the analysis of Thore Böckelman (http://muidev.de/ticket/431), the new clock version seems to use for unknown reason 'global screen locking', which causes a conflict with MUI programs used on the same screen. I'm not programmer, so please have a look in that ticket to see more details! There are also a couple of workarounds mentioned in it.

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
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I've been asked to look at this, I can confirm that the lockup occurs when draging an MUI element after a couple of ticks of the clock.

It only occirs when compositing effects are of *off* on the screen. It also doers not occur with the X-Dock Cloak.dockapp (which uses the same underlying gadget).

Thor makes reference to "global screen locking" as there is no such thing I guess he means one of


but Clock calls none of these.

Whilst I have registered at the MUIDev site there is a delay authorising my account so can't post this there, if you could ask him for clarification on the above that would be very helpful.

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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X-Dock shows a little graphics glitch here on X1000. It only appears when selecting "rounded corners" in the X-Dock preferences.

Resized Image

https://www.dropbox.com/s/s8uzqvvps3vv ... 6_10-Apr-20-09h43m18s.jpg

AmigOS4.1FEu1, RadeonHD v3.7.

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Quite a regular
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Minor issue:

When set to the "digital" mode, the clock v53.29 does not reflect the Locale setting for the date, even if the option "Settings/Date and time format/locale" is selected.

For testing purposes I have set my country to "Austria" the date format in Workbench is similar to the ISO 8601 Date format: "2020-04-10" but Clock displays it as "Friday, 10. April 2020"

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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I see that glitch if I use a 16 bit screen.
Goes away with a 32 bit screen.


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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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You are right, thanks for hint! :)

I exclusively used 32bit screens until recently, I switched to 16bit because I was tired of the monitors switching times when using AmiCygnix..

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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with the last AmiCygnix version you can use a 32 bit screen, though it's a 16 bit screen converted on fly to a 32 bit one so it's slower than a 16 bit one

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Home away from home
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Not sure if it's possible, so i'll post here first before opening a FR.

MultiEdit 1.12 (05.03.2019)

Sometimes i got really long text line with no line breaks (i.e. c&p from websites) and i have to manually set linebreaks to make them readable from within Notepad/MultiEdit, since both programs simply print the line as long as it is, which makes it hard to read and edit.
A workaround would be to use MultiView(er), but i cannot edit the text there.

My question would be, is it possible to add an option to MultiEdit to set linebreaks automatically at a given position, f.e. on column 80, and let MultiEdit figure out where to set the breaks for the whole text?

I'd be happy with a simple "word-breaking" mechanism (set the break between full words, but always respect the maximum column setting), but if it's doable a "word-splitter" would be neat as well (split words in "half" were allowed, while still maintaining the maximum column setting, e.g. astro-nomy).

It's more or less "word-wrapping" but not "as-you-type" but performed on a load text.


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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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X-Dock 2.42 does not allow to change the screenmode, I alway get a "Intuition is attempting to reset the Workbench screen. Please close all windows, except drawers" notification.

AmiDock behaves better and automatically quits and reopens after the screen mode change.

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Maybe is some updated appdock.
Try to launch X-Dock with a "minimal" items set (or just if possible with none, just X-Dock)

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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I dont if it is a bug or a missing feature : correct me if I am wrong but MultiEdit and Multiviewer seems to share the same root so why in the former (MultiEdit) I can scroll my open file with the page up/down cursor and not in the later (Multiviewer) ? really annoying to scroll with the mouse wheel lengthy text...

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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You can use Shift-cursor up/down and Alt-cursor up/down (the classic Amiga keys for those purposes).

But I agree, it would be nice to also be able to use the Page up/down keys like e.g. in NotePad, and like on other platforms.

I keep hitting them in vain until I realise.

Best regards,


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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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There are many problems with the Format app in Enhancer, are these known? Not least, when you choose a drive from the picklist, it populates the format dialog with the 'selection - 1' from the picklist i.e. the wrong bloody disk!

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Home away from home
Home away from home

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I'm not able to use parts of my system now...due to a constant listviewer.gadget crash on Format, Updater, etc. (every stupid program that relies on it)

Awesome btw, that even Updater is freezeing, since now i cannot even get a bug fixed version (if ever), so..

clap, clap, clap

to AEonKit.

Here is a partial serial grab (if anyone cares, which i highly doubt)

Dump of context at 0xDF82F000
Trap type
DSI exception
Machine State 
(raw): 0x100000000200B030
Machine State 
(verbose): [Hyper] [ExtInt on] [Super] [FPU on] [IAT on] [DAT on]
Instruction pointer0x7F63F810
Crashed process
Format (0x5441B370)
DSI verbose error descriptionAccess not found in hash or BAT (page fault)
Access was a load operation
7F63F878 50790E80 00000000 6FF3D000 80000009 00000001 00000001 FFD4D4D4
61793BD4 00000000 FFA9A9A8 02020D7C 2A844884 603961D0 00000012 00000000
50792120 00000018 53A451A0 53A45260 00000018 0000004A 00000028 00000027
53A40000 80000009 00000001 00000012 00000000 50667F38 80000002 50667EA4
2A844888   XER20000000  CTR022E42A4  LR7F63F878
40000000  DAR6122E57C

FFF8000082004000 FFD6D6D6FFD6D6D6 FFD6D6D6FFD6D6D6 FFD6D6D6FFD6D6D6
FFD6D6D6FFD6D6D6 433000008000002B 3FF0000000000000 4330000080000000
4038000000000000 41E0000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 8000000000000000
0x8000000000000000  HID10x000000005CE993B1
0x4400240000080180  HID50x0000006600000080

00000000000000000000000000000000 FFD6D6D6FFD6D6D6FFD6D6D6FFD6D6D6
FE01E817FE01EE11FE01EC13FE01E817 FE01E817FE01EE11FE01EC13FE01E817
FE01D52AFE01D52AFE01D52AFE01D52A 00000000010101010202020203030303
00000000000000000000000000000000 EC13E41BF10EEB14EF10E916EC13E41B
FFD6D6D6FFD6D6D6FFD6D6D6FFD6D6D6 00000000010101010202020203030303
: 001002120414061608180A1A0C1C0E1E 01000100010001000100010001000100
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
00000000 VRSAVE00000000

Disassembly of crash site
7F63F80039000000   li                r8,0
91010020   stw               r8,32(r1)
7F63F808810A0004   lwz               r8,4(r10)
7F63F80C54EA083C   rlwinm            r10,r7,1,0,30
>7F63F8107D48522E   lhzx              r10,r8,r10
90C10010   stw               r6,16(r1)
7F63F81890810008   stw               r4,8(r1)
7F63F81C7FA4EB78   mr                r4,r29
9141001C   stw               r10,28(r1)
7F63F82490A10018   stw               r5,24(r1)

Kernel command lineserial debuglevel=0

Registers pointing to code
r0 CLASSES:gadgets/listviewer.gadget:myDraw_Column()+0x3e0 (section 1 0x6854)
r5 module CLASSES:infowindow.class at 0x00000001 (section 0 0xFFFFFFDC)
r6 module CLASSES:infowindow.class at 0x00000001 (section 0 0xFFFFFFDC)
r11native kernel module kernel+0x00020d7c
CLASSES:gadgets/listviewer.gadget:Classes()+0x0 (section 8 0xFFFFFFFC)
r19CLASSES:gadgets/listviewer.gadget:IGraphics()+0x0 (section 10 0xC)
r26module CLASSES:infowindow.class at 0x00000001 (section 0 0xFFFFFFDC)
ip CLASSES:gadgets/listviewer.gadget:myDraw_Column()+0x378 (section 1 0x67EC)
lr CLASSES:gadgets/listviewer.gadget:myDraw_Column()+0x3e0 (section 1 0x6854)
ctrnative kernel module graphics.library.kmod+0x00014824

Stack trace
0x50790E80CLASSES:gadgets/listviewer.gadget:myDraw_Column()+0x378 (section 1 0x67EC)
0x50790F20CLASSES:gadgets/listviewer.gadget:myDraw_Column()+0x3e0 (section 1 0x6854)
0x50790FE0CLASSES:gadgets/listviewer.gadget:myBuffer_UpdateAll()+0x34 (section 1 0x6F30)
0x50790FF0CLASSES:gadgets/listviewer.gadget:myDispatch()+0x10c0 (section 1 0x434C)
0x507910F0native kernel module intuition.library.kmod+0x00021448
(0x50791150native kernel module intuition.library.kmod+0x000215ec
(0x507911D0native kernel module intuition.library.kmod+0x0000a3f4
(0x507911E0native kernel module intuition.library.kmod+0x0000a034
(0x50791250CLASSES:gadgets/listviewer.gadget:myDispatch()+0x152c (section 1 0x47B8)
0x50791350native kernel module intuition.library.kmod+0x00021448
(0x507913B0native kernel module intuition.library.kmod+0x000215ec
(0x50791430native kernel module intuition.library.kmod+0x0000a3f4
(0x50791440module CLASSES:gadgets/layout.gadget at 0x7FDD1B80 (section 5 0x5B5C)
0x50791560module CLASSES:gadgets/layout.gadget at 0x7FDD95A4 (section 5 0xD580)
0x507915C0module CLASSES:gadgets/layout.gadget at 0x7FDD55E8 (section 5 0x95C4)
0x50791760native kernel module intuition.library.kmod+0x00021448
(0x507917C0native kernel module intuition.library.kmod+0x000215ec
(0x50791840native kernel module intuition.library.kmod+0x0000a3f4
(0x50791850module CLASSES:gadgets/layout.gadget at 0x7FDD1B80 (section 5 0x5B5C)
0x50791970module CLASSES:gadgets/layout.gadget at 0x7FDD95A4 (section 5 0xD580)
0x507919D0module CLASSES:gadgets/layout.gadget at 0x7FDD55E8 (section 5 0x95C4)
0x50791B70native kernel module intuition.library.kmod+0x00021448
(0x50791BD0native kernel module intuition.library.kmod+0x000215ec
(0x50791C50native kernel module intuition.library.kmod+0x0000a3f4
(0x50791C60module CLASSES:gadgets/layout.gadget at 0x7FDD1B80 (section 5 0x5B5C)
0x50791D80module CLASSES:gadgets/layout.gadget at 0x7FDD95A4 (section 5 0xD580)
0x50791DE0module CLASSES:gadgets/layout.gadget at 0x7FDD55E8 (section 5 0x95C4)
0x50791F80native kernel module intuition.library.kmod+0x00021448
(0x50791FE0native kernel module intuition.library.kmod+0x000215ec
(0x50792060native kernel module intuition.library.kmod+0x000219a0
(0x507920D0native kernel module intuition.library.kmod+0x0000e8d4
(0x50792110native kernel module intuition.library.kmod+0x0000eb10
(0x507921A0native kernel module intuition.library.kmod+0x0007fad8
(0x50792270module CLASSES:window.class at 0x7FDE27D8 (section 5 0x87B4)
0x50792460module CLASSES:window.class at 0x7FDE3AE4 (section 5 0x9AC0)
0x50792770native kernel module intuition.library.kmod+0x00021448
(0x507927D0native kernel module intuition.library.kmod+0x000215ec
(0x50792850native kernel module intuition.library.kmod+0x0000a3f4
(0x50792860native kernel module intuition.library.kmod+0x0000a034
(0x507928D0module Format at 0x7F6462E0 (section 5 0x12BC)
0x507928F0module Format at 0x7F646720 (section 5 0x16FC)
0x50792920module Format at 0x7F64C2CC (section 5 0x72A8)
0x50792A10module Format at 0x7F652F60 (section 5 0xDF3C)
0x50792C80module Format at 0x7F645884 (section 5 0x860)
0x50792D00native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x000020a4
(0x50792D70native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x00002d54
(0x50792F10native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x00002ee8
(0x50792F50Format:_start()+0x170 (section 1 0x16C)
0x50792F90native kernel module dos.library.kmod+0x000255c8
(0x50792FC0native kernel module kernel+0x000420ac
(0x50792FD0native kernel module kernel+0x000420f4

Disassembly of crash site
7F63F80039000000   li                r8,0
91010020   stw               r8,32(r1)
7F63F808810A0004   lwz               r8,4(r10)
7F63F80C54EA083C   rlwinm            r10,r7,1,0,30
>7F63F8107D48522E   lhzx              r10,r8,r10
90C10010   stw               r6,16(r1)
7F63F81890810008   stw               r4,8(r1)
7F63F81C7FA4EB78   mr                r4,r29
9141001C   stw               r10,28(r1)
7F63F82490A10018   stw               r5,24(r1)
Stack pointer (0x50790E80is inside bounds
Redzone is OK 

68k register dump
96323700 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
6FFB8700 96323700 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 50790A60
Page information
Page 0xDFCC09F0:
Virtual Address0x6122E000
Physical Address
Lock count
(0x800): (Guard)
Protection bits (0x0): (super state only)
Page is assigned to VMArea primary heap

I had a bug item ready on that excuse for a bug tracker over at amigadeveloper.com, but i forgot to enter one measly field and it prompted me with a red warning and NOT LET ME GET BACK ONE PAGE, my entries were gone.
I'm not going to use that laughable site again (once for such mess and second because my bug reports bitrot in there and no one cares)...go figure


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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Home away from home
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Didn't use replacement commands from Enhancer: only use those ones which not present in the OS itself, or you will end up with a mess.

We many times says to Mattew to not name programs the same name as they named in the OS, but he gives a fuck :) And anyway things reported to Enhancer components almost never fixed, exceptions only warp3dnova, radeonHD/RX drivers, ogles2, and the work done by Trixie and Andy. All the other stuff is written by other developers usually left as it, and no one fixes it for years.

So when you got Enhancer, be sure to just install necessary things manually, without using the installation script, and all will be fine (like step by step install only what you need: drivers, libs, and new 3d party classes and apps).

There already some replaced components working worse than in OS4 default ones, so just didn't use them.

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Updater doesn't install toolbar.gadget correctly, had to install it manually.
Noticed it because MultiEdit refused to start.

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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LOL yes I had that too. Of course, Matthew deny it's a problem and blames the user.

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Home away from home
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Mattew will answer you that every day hundreds of users use updater and have no problems. Though he didn't know for a fact that most users when meeting a problem just give a shit to report it and losing their time to even talking about it. In such a small user base, there needs to be happy that someone reports bugs.

Every report from users should be taken for granted and inspected. But as Mattew has no time for everything, and he didn't think it is necessary to hire someone who will deal with those things, we have what we have.

For example, for me, today Updater just freezes when I scroll via scrollbar right after it connected and downloads the list. It can be a bug in aeons list browser class, or in updater itself, but I sure will not spend time on the proper finding of roots of the issue, as I know the long road: firstly will be explained that it only me have such bug, then silence, then ignore, and so on :)

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Quite a regular
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Not sure if this a bug ...

Updater utility reports X-Dock v2.42 not found in my Utilities drawer,

but it is there and if I try to reinstall, the updater installer says the current version is already v2.42


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