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Re: Airprint betatesting
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Hi, I just installed Airprint, I own an Epson ET-2856 that work well with Airscan.
When I choose airprint.device from printer preferences I get
a message: Could not open file 'spool_l', triyng to add my
printer, the search function find the printer but when I choose it and click on 'Add printer' I get the message: Could not retrieve printerattributes for EPSON ET-2850 Series.

I put the spooler directory in an HDD with plenty space.

Anyway thanks for your work.

Edited by pvanni on 2025/1/13 16:06:32
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Re: airprint.device status
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Not too shy to talk

if I remember right, Turboprint comes with a PS: device that invoke gs with the selected printer driver.
In the Turboprint prefs there is a PS tab with the command to print when some program write on the PS: device

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Re: airprint.device status
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Not too shy to talk

any news about the status of airprint.device?
I have to report that the Epson Ecotank ET-2856 work well
with Airscan

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Re: AmigaOS port of libsmb2
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Not too shy to talk

Raziel wrote:@pvanni

Thank you too.

I did all of this and end up with a volume which i cannot access (cd object not found)

May it be because i have the same share already available through smbfs or hsould they be able to exist happily beside each other?

Be shure they have different volume name

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Re: AmigaOS port of libsmb2
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Not too shy to talk


Raziel wrote:@all

Can someone give me a quick rundown on what to do before using libsmb2, please?

The readme says to use my share like this:

I don't have a smb: set up right now

...and can't I just use my ip address as with smbfs (which I'm using)?

Thank you

A little note, instead of () you must use @

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Re: AmigaOS port of libsmb2
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

I noted that files dates and times are not preserved,
ie the file date and time on destination are the date and time at
the moment of copy and not the originals.

Are there a way to preserve them?

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Re: New Sam460cr boards will hit the road soon!
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

you are speaking about Italy's customs handling,
when a parcel hit that place you never know if and when
it can get out.
I have a shipment waiting from 7 January.
I hope you are luckier than me.

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Re: Can't get network connection working on 5000
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

maybe it's easier to momentary remove the MAC addresses limit
in the router, this way you can see the X5000 MAC address
seen by the router

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Re: Shaderjoy 1.0
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Here are my results (X1000 + R7 250X + VSYNC disabled + default Window size):

default (blue window) : 1391

capehill/amigaa : 1374
capehill/bars: 1272
capehill/gear: 1375
capehill/helloh: 1379
capehill/helloh2 : 1369
capehill/mandelbrot: 68
capehill/nuts: 1386
capehill/ripple: 1390

shadertoy/dueling_mandelbulbs : 582
shadertoy/foot_torus: 18
shadertoy/kissing_donuts: 19
shadertoy/sunset: 1315
shadertoy/yetanother_torus: 30

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Re: Odyssey's MediaPlayer thread
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

IMHO, it's better hide mouse pointer whith full-window
and I think it doesnt need a configuration option or at least
only to have it enabled or not

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Re: Samba Filesystem
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Not too shy to talk

I think that tha Service part is incomplete in the smbfs command line,
probabily you must add condivisa

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

with the last AmiCygnix version you can use a 32 bit screen, though it's a 16 bit screen converted on fly to a 32 bit one so it's slower than a 16 bit one

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

I found that adding the https addresses to Vimeo script, full screen
work also on vimeo videos.

Many thanks to all involved you had done a great work

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Re: Samba Filesystem
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Not too shy to talk

It seems you must login to be able to download the file

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

about altivec,

Sure for x5000 nothing good, but peg2 and x1000 users have pretty good speed up now, up to 20%, that can't be consider as non-important for sure :)

and don't forget AONE XE-G4

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

On my X-1000 the video on test page from samo79 play better than
beta 3 with 10-20% lower CPU usage

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Re: os4 cpu metter ?
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Not too shy to talk

On my X1000 I have 2/3 %, maybe you have something that run in background

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Re: Small problem with https (probably)
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Not too shy to talk

Maybe something was left in the browser cache

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Re: Syntax highlighting -- need these?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

And none of editors we have have normal ability to do vertical selection of text areas like done in lets say "Far" on win32, or notepad++.

Vim can do this and has syntax highlight for almost every
needs and if a particular language/format doesnt exist
it can be done making a new syntax definition.

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Re: 2019 AmigaOS 4.x Graphics Card Survey
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

or maybe better support for zorro III ram

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