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Joined: 2007/9/11 12:31 Last Login
: 2024/12/4 10:22
From Russia
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@Mattew Things can be much easier if there will be no amistore, no amispehere, not a complication of simple things, but instead just:
1). one single website. you have one already and it called amigakit.
2). A user can just go to the "aos4" subarea on this site, and buy anything they need, all the software. Updates can be uploaded there as well once the new version out instead of the old ones.
So no need for any new sites, no need for separating and complicating the things with splitting already split things. And Enhancer should be just one single archive, with everything new being in it once it updated. No need for version 2, or 3 of drivers and being sold differently, that just a mess.
But we all explain this (at least me) in last years many-many-many-many times, but that will be changed once you realize it yourself. At least there will be one single Enhancer since now, that good. Only 2 years passed :)
Someday you will release the importance of releasing normal changelogs, then importance to not have many sites, but just one, and importance to be able to buy things online, without all those amistories/amispeheres/whatever else.
And btw, as I told you before and was right: blog dies without life because you have no time to maintain it. The things you want to put to the blog are not the things users want to see. All that stuff which in, and which you ask to write capehill/me are pure articles, which can be left out of the blog and put there.
Blog want monthly or one time per 2-month information about things being working on. Information about tabor, i.e. where it now, what it hold, what done right now. Everything can be done just damn logical and user friendly, I do not understand why it can't. I even offer you my help (for free, btw), to administrate the blog if you will give me access to commit logs, but you ignore it. The same as you ignore my last question about "so, do you accept comments on the blog, or give me admin access so I can handle it all nicely". Since that, no answer from you, and I give up one more time to help you.
We can't explain the obvious if you didn't get it, sadly.