Not too shy to talk 
Joined: 2007/1/5 10:14 Last Login
: 2024/11/18 9:03
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Yes, of course I can see your point here. I'm pretty confident though that 640x512 is supported ok by modern monitors as all 5 tfts I have here (Samsung, LG, Sony, Philips, Asus) that don't like lores (320x256 and similar) will happily display 640x512@60Hz without any visible glitches whatsoever. Maybe others can chime in and test their monitors and report back. So, maybe, during installation, the user could be asked if he wants this screenmode added as well. Just a suggestion. Right now, I'm doing everything manually straight to the config, but that option would automate things a bit. In any case, thx for considering it!