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Re: AmiUpdate 2.50
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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The 2.52 update is now live. I've noticed there are a number of bugs on the bug tracker that could do with checking. So if you have any outstanding ones, and have some time, please recheck with 2.52.

The new version 2.52 was not displayed via AmiUpdate 2.51, I downloaded it from the AmiUpdate website and installed it.

AmiUpdate 2.52 now works very well again. The prefs settings can be set and saved. "Start iconified (recommended)" via AmiDock works

Many thanks for the quick troubleshooting.

Resized Image

Big Picture: https://i.ibb.co/Cz7nwh0/Bildschirmfoto-2024-02-11-um-08-36-30.png

Edited by Maijestro on 2024/2/11 8:51:34
Edited by Maijestro on 2024/2/11 8:59:50
MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
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Re: AmiUpdate 2.50
Just popping in
Just popping in

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works now, but the link to the release notes of v2.52 does not.

And the update is not available via AmiUpdate itself.

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Re: AmiUpdate 2.50
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Updated to 2.52 and working fine, no app_lib requester.

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Re: AmiUpdate 2.50
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Ahhh, okay! I see.
After having manually installed version 2.52, you have again access to the amiupdate server.

AmigaOne X5000 @ 2GHz / 4GB RAM / Radeon RX 550 / AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition / MorphOS 3.17
Amiga1200 / Blizzard 1230 IV PiStorm32-lite / AmigaOS 3.9
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Re: AmiUpdate 2.50
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Thanks for the update.

I can confirm the link to the release notes on the website does not work.

I also noticed the "Updates" prefs have the same version number but a different MD5-checksum.

c0000637ef46ba546f892bd4c48eb0f8 53.16 (02.01.2022) AmigaOS:Prefs/Updates
a570667b30cc2aa6f03a253de620579f 53.16 (02.01.2022) AmigaOS:Prefs/Updates-

Same applies for update.library and CopyStore

30e9a9d48bad9a851ff0322f8bab97d6 53.19 (04.02.2024) Libs:update.library
7578cf3532fa102005aaec0463c412b8 53.19 (04.02.2024) RAM disk:AmiUpdate_2.52/libs/update.library

191df34545f89aa85d094b943142b262 2.10 (03.12.2016) file date 2024-02-10 19:30 Ram:CopyStore
97dbc075a5347372aa6b8df3649a1a8b 2.10 (03.12.2016) file date 2024-02-04 23:59 SYS:System/AmiUpdate/CopyStore

It's sad your motivation is low, but it's fully understandable.

Thank You for continuing development and gifting us with your spare time. Thank you also for bearing the burden of the server costs all by yourself.

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Re: AmiUpdate 2.50
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Thank you very much for the new version. AmiUpdate 2.51 did not show the 2.52 update, so I downloaded the full 2.52 archive and installed that.

As others already said, 2.52 now works flawlessly. No more error messages, and it also showed two additional updates that I never saw with 2.49, 2.50 or 2.51.

Thanks again for your great work!

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Re: AmiUpdate 2.50
Just popping in
Just popping in

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i had the 2.49 version on my pegasos and couldn't 'see' anything newer. i download v2.52 from your page, use the installer and it works fine. it even found the latest dopus update!


A3040/25 AmigaOS 3.2.2 | A1260BPPC AmigaOS 3.2.2/4.0
Sam440ep AmigaOS 4.1.FE | PegasosII/G3 AmigaOS 4.1.FE/MorphOS 3.17
MacMini1.5 MorphOS 3.17

Long Live Amiga
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Re: AmiUpdate 2.50
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Another error has crept in, namely when you start the search via the prefs there are also error messages. Very few people will do this, but the bug is there.

Resized Image

Is there a way to donate to their work? PayPal would be ideal...

MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
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Re: AmiUpdate 2.50
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Started up 2.51 on my X1000 and it offered the update to 2.51. After selecting Yes, downloading and rebooting, 2.52 works just fine again with AmiDock.

Thanks for all your good work with this,

AmigaOne XE, 800Mhz, 1GB, 9250 Radeon, OS4.1u7
Sam440ep, 666Mhz, 512Mb, 9250 Radeon, OS4.1u6
A1-X1000, 1.8Ghz, 1GB, 9250 Radeon, OS4.1x
A1-X5000/40 2.2Ghz, 2GB, Radeon HD 7700, OS4.1 FE ud 2
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Re: AmiUpdate 2.50
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Amiupdate 2.52 (current latest version)
If you go in preferences and than verify now, you got same errors than public 2.49 version.
Amiupdate now finds two updates, Dopus and another but once selected do not install any update for real.
Once you load a new scan same updates are found.

what about Codebench? Are you planning to release new version in a short time?

Memento audere semper!
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Re: AmiUpdate 2.50
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

See User information

I've noticed there are a number of bugs on the bug tracker that could do with checking. So if you have any outstanding ones, and have some time, please recheck with 2.52.
That reminds me: Is there any way to search in the bug tracker for entries by a specific person (e.g. myself )?

Best regards,


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Re: AmiUpdate 2.50
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Installed last version 2.52 and it works perfect. Thank you on the update!

Amiga x5000 ı o2o ı 4GB RAM ı RadeonRX580 | SBlaster Audigy Fx - AmigaOS4.1 FInal Edition

A1200 sandwich

Warp - Croatian Amiga portal
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Re: AmiUpdate 2.50
Supreme Council
Supreme Council

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Right, fixed the last of the issues (I hope).

2.53 is available now.

For those that are not seeing the update in the list, please enable the "Add extra info to log" menu, and check the AU.log in RAM: after a scan. Search for "AmiUpdate", and the log /should/ tell you why it feels this update is not required.

I can't understand why some see it, and some don't. More info needed, I'm afraid.

With regard to the MD5 sums changing, most likely that's because I compile everything cleanly prior to release just to be on the safe side, and there may be some file changed that doesn't affect the program, but may be enough to alter the MD5 sum. Better it works, than checksums being different, no? Basically if it has the same version number, it's functionally the same.

As a side-note: a last minute application interface conflict was found, so I've just released Update prefs 53.17 as well.


Comments made in any post are personal opinion, and are in no-way representative of any commercial entity unless specifically stated as such.
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Re: AmiUpdate 2.50
Supreme Council
Supreme Council

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The whole bug tracker definitely needs some serious love but that's a job for another time, unfortunately.

That said, do you not see the "My Bugs" button at the top once logged in?


Comments made in any post are personal opinion, and are in no-way representative of any commercial entity unless specifically stated as such.
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Re: AmiUpdate 2.50
Just popping in
Just popping in

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21:23:35   Synchronising with server'www.amiupdate.net'...

21:23:35   Testing for active network connections...
21:23:35     Found interface RTL8139testing...
21:23:35     Interface is currently configuredchecking state...
21:23:35     Interface is UPcheck complete
:23:35     Trying to connect toamiupdate.net on port80

:23:35       Connected

:23:35       HTTPFetch errorTransferring the file was not possible due to a previous error


21:23:43   Synchronising with server'www.amiupdate.net/SdkServer'...

21:23:43   Testing for active network connections...
21:23:43     Found interface RTL8139testing...
21:23:43     Interface is currently configuredchecking state...
21:23:43     Interface is UPcheck complete
:23:43     Trying to connect toamiupdate.net on port80

:23:43       Connected

:23:43       HTTPFetch errorTransferring the file was not possible due to a previous error

:23:43   Synchronising with server'amiupdate.codebench.co.uk'...

21:23:43   Testing for active network connections...
21:23:43     Found interface RTL8139testing...
21:23:43     Interface is currently configuredchecking state...
21:23:43     Interface is UPcheck complete
:23:43     Trying to connect toamiupdate.codebench.co.uk on port80

:23:43       Connected

:23:43       HTTPFetch errorTransferring the file was not possible due to a previous error

:23:43 Setting next scheduled scan date

:23:43 Scan completed


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Re: AmiUpdate 2.50
Supreme Council
Supreme Council

See User information

I assume by the server names, you are using an older version of AmiUpdate?

Rather than change all your settings around, download the latest archive from here and install it manually.

This is most likely a problem caused by the redirection issues surrounding the subdomains and forwarding. 2.52 cures this internally.


Comments made in any post are personal opinion, and are in no-way representative of any commercial entity unless specifically stated as such.
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Re: AmiUpdate 2.50
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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That said, do you not see the "My Bugs" button at the top once logged in?
Duuuh ... yes, of course, now I do. I didn't think about not being logged in, since I could search and add a comment without being logged in.

Thanks for pointing it out!

Best regards,


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Re: AmiUpdate 2.50
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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I've also been unable to update AmiUpdate.

When I run my current version (2.49) it doesn't detect any updates.

I downloaded the version you linked above, but when I try and run the installer, it stops:

"COPYFILES: Couldn't copy file 'DockStrip' in line 116.

DOS Error Type: Unable to access a file or drawer -- object in use"

I tried manually copying across AmiUpdate from the archive, but when I run it it crashes.

Also perplexed by update library. Both the version I have and the version in the archive have the same version string 53.19 but different dates and differnt file sizes.

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Re: AmiUpdate 2.50
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Did you have AmiUpdate running when you tried to update it?
You need to close that down before reinstalling with the latest downloaded version.
It will then be able to update itself while running as was the case previously.


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Re: AmiUpdate 2.53
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I have installed Amiupdate 2.52 but a scan does not show V2.53.
Please can you provide a link to download Amiupdate 2.53
Many thanks

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