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Re: SDL3
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Just popping in


Thank you very much! RC2 fixes the crashes of the test programs when started from WB.

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Re: SDL3
Just popping in
Just popping in


Sure, please find the stack trace below:

Crash log for task "testver"
Generated by GrimReaper 53.19
Crash occured in module newlib
.library.kmod at address 0x01A93CC0
Type of crash
DSI (Data Storage Interruptexception
Alert number

Register dump
GPR (General Purpose Registers):
06FFB1340 5D6C2980 00000002 00000000 5D735010 00000000 00000011 00000000 
63229E74 00000000 5D73501C 01A93CB8 000007BC 61A94CF8 00000000 00000000 
00000000 00000000 00000000 19FB76AE 1AEC1F0A 7F8DDA68 02018AC8 5D6C29C8 
5D6F0FAC 5D734E78 00000000 00000000 00000000 5D734E88 021FA968 5D735010 

(Floating Point RegistersNaN Not a Number):
0:             -nan              616      4.14294e+25       4.751e-114 
:     5.08447e-277       4.5036e+15       4.5036e+15               64 
:               64                1               64               64 
:              256       4.5036e+15     6.54657e-144      5.06737e+58 
:     9.88992e+299     -1.00019e+44          4.42262          9.53257 
:      4.41275e-06     3.13471e+167     1.73446e+131           270354 
:     1.71324e-257     1.14901e-144    -3.29678e+272    -5.82453e+202 
:      3.69051e+89    -7.83227e-306     1.67869e-201      2.2192e-131 

(Floating Point Status and Control Register): 0x82008000

(Special Purpose Registers):
Machine State (msr) : 0x0002F030
(cr) : 0x5DB09DC0
      Instruction Pointer 
(ip) : 0x01A93CC0
       Xtended Exception 
(xer) : 0x018407B0
(ctr) : 0x00000000
(lr) : 0x00000000
            DSI Status 
(dsisr) : 0x01860BA0
            Data Address 
(dar) : 0x00000000

680x0 emulated registers
DATA00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 
:                0                0                0                0 
:                0                0                0                0 

Symbol info
Instruction pointer 0x01A93CC0 belongs to module "newlib.library.kmod" (HUNK/Kickstart)

Stack trace:
native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x00034ba0
    module Workbench
:SObjs/libSDL3-3.2.so at 0x7CA9212C (section 0 0x96AE0)
native kernel module dos.library.kmod+0x00031550
    native kernel module dos
    module Workbench
:SObjs/libSDL3-3.2.so at 0x7CA8D1FC (section 0 0x91BB0)
module Workbench:SObjs/libSDL3-3.2.so at 0x7CA8D284 (section 0 0x91C38)
module Workbench:SObjs/libSDL3-3.2.so at 0x7CA8DA1C (section 0 0x923D0)
module Workbench:SObjs/libSDL3-3.2.so at 0x7C9FE828 (section 0 0x31DC)
module Workbench:SObjs/libSDL3-3.2.so at 0x7C9FEEB8 (section 0 0x386C)
module Workbench:SObjs/libSDL3-3.2.so at 0x7C9FF390 (section 0 0x3D44)
module Workbench:SObjs/libSDL3-3.2.so at 0x7C9FF8C8 (section 0 0x427C)
module Workbench:SObjs/libSDL3-3.2.so at 0x7C9FFCB0 (section 0 0x4664)
module Workbench:SObjs/libSDL3-3.2.so at 0x7CA002A0 (section 0 0x4C54)
module Workbench:SObjs/libSDL3-3.2.so at 0x7CA0050C (section 0 0x4EC0)
testver.c:28testver:main()+0x28 (section 7 0x3514)
native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x00002614
    native kernel module newlib
    native kernel module newlib
:_start()+0x1e0 (section 7 0x3280)
native kernel module dos.library.kmod+0x0002a458
    native kernel module kernel
    native kernel module kernel

PPC disassembly
01a93cb85467003a   rlwinm            r7,r3,0,0,29
7f833840   cmplw             cr7,r3,r7
*01a93cc081070000   lwz               r8,0(r7)
01a93cc4419e0024   beq-              cr7,0x1A93CE8
7c6918f8   not               r9,r3

The default stack size of WB is 65kB. I also created an icon and set the stack size to 100kB, still the same crash.

It only works for me and McFly when we run the programs from a shell.

Best regards,

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Re: What programs do you regularly use on your AmigaOS 4 system?
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Just popping in


I use lha in the shell. I am more of a keyboard/command line guy.

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Re: SDL3
Just popping in
Just popping in


Great work! Thanks a lot for porting SDL3.

Just some nit-picking: The test programs crash when started from WB, they run fine when running from a shell. Maybe they need to open a window for log output?

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Re: What programs do you regularly use on your AmigaOS 4 system?
Just popping in
Just popping in

I use the following programs regulary:


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Re: How to report issues with wiki.amigaos.net?
Just popping in
Just popping in

Thanks a lot. The internal errors are fixed.

Sadly, there is still a slight issue: the sections with C code samples are empty.

For example the first code block on https://wiki.amigaos.net/wiki/Programm ... gaOS_4:_Exec_-_The_Kernel

Would it be possible to fix that, too?

Again thank you very much for keeping the Wiki running.

Best regards,

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Re: How to report issues with wiki.amigaos.net?
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Just popping in


Thank you very much for contacting the correct people!

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How to report issues with wiki.amigaos.net?
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Just popping in


It seems there was a recent update to wiki.amigaos.net (AmigaOS4 Documentation Wiki). A lot of pages work, but there are a number of Tutorial pages that throw an internal error:


and perhaps a lot of others.

How can I report these broken to the correct person to get the Wiki fixed?


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Re: Updater tool: latest releases and updates
Just popping in
Just popping in


Thank you!

Version 54.22 no longer has issues with getting its own version string. This also fixes the "not found" issue in Updater.

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Re: copy 54.11 fails to indicate non-extant file/folder and returns successfully
Just popping in
Just popping in

There should be a newer version of copy:

version full file c:copy
Copy 54.14 
Copyright (C2024 AmigaKit Ltd.

Does 54.14 work for your use case?

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Re: Updater tool: latest releases and updates
Just popping in
Just popping in


It looks that Version 54.21 has sometimes issues getting its own version string:

4. Workbench: > version full file c:version
Could not find version information 
for 'c:version'
4. Workbench: > version full file c:version
Version 54.21 
Copyright (C2024 AmigaKit Ltd.
4. Workbench: > version full file c:version
Could not find version information 
for 'c:version'
4. Workbench: > version full file c:version
Version 54.21 
Copyright (C2024 AmigaKit Ltd.
4. Workbench: > version full file c:version
Could not find version information 
for 'c:version'
4. Workbench: > version full file c:version
Version 54.21 
Copyright (C2024 AmigaKit Ltd.

This seems to be only an issue with the latest version 54.21.

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Re: Strange crash with ARexx and RexxReqTools on Amiga OS4
Just popping in
Just popping in


That is a very good point, thank you very much!

I changed the check to the following:
if (!glob->prwin || (ULONGglob->prwin == ~|| !glob->prwin->UserPort
|| (glob->prwin->UserPort->mp_SigTask != ThisProcess()))
glob->shareidcmp FALSE;

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Re: Strange crash with ARexx and RexxReqTools on Amiga OS4
Just popping in
Just popping in


No, I am not trying anything ;)

Some very talented AREXX coder from the German IMP3 chat created very nice scripts to automatically insert text from webservice (weather information) to system information and away messages.

I just investigated why sometimes the scripts crash on Amiga OS4 and at least for one other 3.2.2 user.

And it is a bit more than displaying one string. And it should also work on 3.x.

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Re: Strange crash with ARexx and RexxReqTools on Amiga OS4
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Just popping in

Duh, rookie mistake. Now it works. Thank you, joerg.

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Re: Strange crash with ARexx and RexxReqTools on Amiga OS4
Just popping in
Just popping in


Thank you for your input. I already blacklisted the reqtools.library so I got the correct piece of code in the stack trace.

And it is a coding issue, as the code does not check if the WindowPtr is -1, it only checks for null.

The remaining issue is that I cannot convince the C compiler (gcc 3.3 classic) to generate the correct assembler code. I do not run the code, I disassemble the generated object file with IRA to check the assembler code.

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Re: Strange crash with ARexx and RexxReqTools on Amiga OS4
Just popping in
Just popping in

Okay, this is C code:

if (!glob->prwin || !glob->prwin->UserPort
|| (glob->prwin->UserPort->mp_SigTask != ThisProcess()))

I tried to rewrite it as
if ((ULONGglob->prwin <= || !glob->prwin->UserPort
|| (glob->prwin->UserPort->mp_SigTask != ThisProcess()))

but the generated assembler code still uses a simple null check (tst.l a0, beq.s) ignoring the less than 0 condition.

Any ideas how to force GCC 3.3 to check for -1?

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Re: Strange crash with ARexx and RexxReqTools on Amiga OS4
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Just popping in


Yes, read the Assembler code correctly. Thank you very much for the detailed explaination. I patched the library with a hex editor and changed the beq.s to a ble.s (less or equals). This seems to fix the crash.

Still trying to identify the corresponding C code to do a proper fix and create a pull request in the AROS repo.

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Re: Strange crash with ARexx and RexxReqTools on Amiga OS4
Just popping in
Just popping in


Thank you, found the 68k disassembly in GrimReaper's report.

And this seems to be the issue:

68k disassembly:
650df776206b0062             movea.l           0x62(a3),a0
4a88                 tst.l             a0
671a                 beq.b             0x650df798
*650df77e24680056             movea.l           0x56(a0),a2
4a8a                 tst.l             a2

The code tests if a0 is properly set. But Arexx sets the WindowPtr to -1 instead of 0.

Arexx fault or ReqTools?

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Re: Strange crash with ARexx and RexxReqTools on Amiga OS4
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Just popping in

The strange thing is that the requester opens if I ignore the DSI. Also, calling impsend.rexx directly from the shell works regardless if CALL PRAGMA('W', 'N') is used or not in impsend.rexx.

Is there is way to extract the exact location of the failing code in the 68k library from the GrimReaper? So far I could not compile reqtools.library 39.3 (AROS backport). But I could use IRA to disassemble the library to see it does, but without the location of the failing code it does not help me much.


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Re: Strange crash with ARexx and RexxReqTools on Amiga OS4
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Just popping in


Yes, this makes a difference.


does not crash.

Is this really the same as PRAGMA('W','N') or PRAGMA('W','NULL')?

No, it is not.
Calling PRAGMA('W') without second parameters is (re-)enabling DOS requesters.


Edited by FlynnTheAvatar on 2024/11/30 17:53:04
Reason: Added information
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