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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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@kas1e and the programmers ;)

THANK YOU!..... For Beta 6

Yeah right! Beta6 is fu''ing huge, enjoy your work!!
If ppl(<-AMIGA) start putting down money,this will work in the long end.

1989-> A500, A600, A3000, A4000, A1200, CD32, µA1, PegII, A1XE, CDTV, Amy/416D79, A1X5000, Vampire 500 V2+, Vampire 600 V2, Amy-ITX, Denise ITX <-2024
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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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Just popping in

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thanks for the new beta06! While downloading the beta release (with beta05) the download speed is relatively slow (200 kB/sec) while downloading similar sized files in OS4Depot is way quicker (1000 kB/sec) with my connection. Wondering, could you release these betas to e.g. OS4Depot for greater bandwith, even if these still are betas?


Marko Raina
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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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While downloading the beta release (with beta05) the download speed is relatively slow (200 kB/sec) while downloading similar sized files in OS4Depot is way quicker (1000 kB/sec) with my connection.

You mean that downloading from my site is slower than from os4depot ? Yes, but is it problem at all ?:) I mean, those betas are for betatesters who can live with such a small issues like how fast or slow they download betas. Actually the browser is important, not where it placed for betatesters (not for plain users), right ?:)


Wondering, could you release these betas to e.g. OS4Depot for greater bandwith, even if these still are betas?

Plan is to make few more betas before os4depot upload. If you for real have issues with slow speed of downloading from my site, and those issues is important enough for you, then better wait os4depot upload which will happens once we migrate to all last 3d party libs and fix some more bugs. Not that soon probably, but at least you can download it not in 5 minutes , but in 10 seconds and then have updated version :)


Anyone who have issues like "betas placed on site which is not as fast as i want" , or "betas placed on the place where i didn't want to go and don't want to remember new site" , or another really "important" issues, better to not use betas at all, but wait os4depot upload. That way only those ones will test beta releases who want to spend their time on and that including living with other issues in process on which there is really no needs to spend our time which can be spend on real issues.

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Hi kas1e,
Thanks for the latest beta and your work.
And the latest spoffing added
I don't really know the Odyssey story, having no hardware for amigaos4.1FE and before you started the new work on the new versions it was slow to be used with winUAE.
Now he works very well.

I took a look at the Cygwin guide for how to compile the sources for amigaos-ppc, I used it a long time ago for other things.

Are the current sources in the public domain and freely editable?
Thanks again for a possible reply.

What do you see when you close your eyes ?
I see light, lots of light
I see you, dad
And I see mommy too
And I see me and we are together
And we play forever.
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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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I think the slow download speed is just temporary(maybe too many downloads at once), I noticed it too, but kas1e's site is generally much faster.

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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@white I think it's a combination of various licenses, it's definitely not public domain. The WebKit browser engine is a combination of LGPL and BSD...

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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1)You need to build/install CYGWIN on a windows machine:
https://www.amigans.net/modules/xforum ... m=25&topic_id=8122&order=

2)Download Odyssey sources and instructions: https://www.amigans.net/modules/xforum ... m=40&topic_id=8179&order=

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Sorry I corrected my answer on the post,

I hadn't read your answer, thanks
@jabirulo, thanks for your answer

Edited by white on 2020/4/26 14:23:10
Edited by white on 2020/4/26 14:23:55
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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Thank you for your hard work and all the amigans involved.
I`ve been using beta06 for a week now and is really faster than the old 1.23 (just like the other betas, after recompiling & updating the includes). I could not extensively test the player due to CPU limitations (Sam440Flex here), but it reproduces every video nicely (any hints/optimization settings for low CPU power? There was a script time ago, that optimized youtube settings).

I`ve noticed also a 100%CPU usage, when the OWB-Timer subtask runs.

Now a MUI thing maybe : I have Odyssey running on its own MUI screen. When switched to full screen, it stays on its own screen and returning to normal window goes to the Workbench screen automatically. It will not switch back to Odyssey screen even if I choose to do so directly, instead I have to choose WB screen first (the window is already there) and then its own screen.

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Now a MUI thing maybe : I have Odyssey running on its own MUI screen. When switched to full screen, it stays on its own screen and returning to normal window goes to the Workbench screen automatically. It will not switch back to Odyssey screen even if I choose to do so directly, instead I have to choose WB screen first (the window is already there) and then its own screen.

I run Odyssey on it's own MUI screen as well and don't have this problem. For me it stays on the custom screen. Mabye it an MUI setting? I have my screen setup to be like Workbench.

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
Home away from home
Home away from home

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thanks for this latest update! will try out tomorrow

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Thanks for this great update. :) I am very happy that the development continues.

AmigaOne XE G3 750FX 800Mhz/2 GB Ram + Radeon 9000PRO 128MB +AmigaOS4.1
A4000T CyberstormPPC 604e-200Mhz/060/128MB+CybervisionPPC 8MB +AmigaOS4
and anymore other Amigas...
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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
Home away from home
Home away from home

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As you close to release beta 7, here the update for the italian catalog :)


How about creating a locale folder in github ?
It will better putting all that locale files there

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
Home away from home
Home away from home

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I will create just "dist" directory a bit later on github where will be all data files and locale as well with all .ct, .catalogs too

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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Home away from home

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Ok! ... meanwhile i noted my translation is already obsolete ... :))

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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http://kas1e.mikendezign.com/aos4/ody ... odyssey_1.23r5_beta07.lha

Odyssey 1.23 r5_beta07 - AmigaOS4

-- Fixed bug in Cairo library caused skippable DSI on some sites in cairo_clip_intersect_rectangle_box() by adding related patches from the latest version of Cairo.
-- Replaced old, statically linked, Pixman library v0.32.4 by newer v0.36.0 from Salas00: https://github.com/salass00/pixman_lib
Salas00's version is a real amiga native shared library and has AOS4 native TLS (thread-local storage) implementation, which means that rendering done now not from the same thread, but from different ones => things can be faster.
New pixman-1.library coming with release archive in the LIBS directory, so no action needs, all continue to works out of the box. Thanks Salas00!
-- Media player: when we in accelerated full-window playback, and mouse cursor over the video, then after 2 seconds of inactivity we hide mouse pointer. Moving mouse or clicking mouse buttons made cursor be visibly again. I.e. mimic usual video-players behavior.
-- Media player: when we in accelerated full-window playback, then we disable screen blankers and enable them back once we exit from full-window playback.
-- Fixed nasty bug with missing TAG_DONE in the Dtpic object creation. Before it working by pure luck: If the memory following the unterminated tag list contains 'lucky' or invalid tag values then nothing bad happens.
But a single 'unlucky' (but valid and possibly dangerous if not used correctly) tag value may cause unpredictable havoc (c) Thore.
-- Rewritten DoSuperNew() function to use DoSuperMethodA() directly instead of DoSuperMethod(), as the later internally do call the same DoSuperMethodA(). So we skip that step to make DoSuperNew() be more efficient with less stack space in use.
Thanks to Thore for hint and Oliver for explaining.
-- Added support for 4th and 5th mouse buttons for stepping backward (4th) and forward (5th) through the browser history. I.e same as in IBrowse.
-- Major improvements in spoofing area by Javier: new Spoofing preferences. Together with inbuild (and not editable) default Odyssey's user-agent, you can now add/edit your own ones.
You also can choose what user agents you want to show on the menu and which didn't. All the user-agents saves in the 'useragents.prefs' placed in Conf , just like 'userscripts.prefs' or 'searchengines.prefs'.
The work which spends on was big, so there can be issues so plz check it carefully and report all bugs and suggestions. Everything localized as well, see bottom of OWB.cd. Thanks Javier!

(click on image for fullsize)

Resized Image

-- Notification titles are now localized as well, see OWB.cd for MSG_NOTIFY_DL_COMPLETED, MSG_NOTIFY_DL_CANCELLED and MSG_NOTIFY_DL_FAILED (c) Javier.
-- Updated Italian catalog by samo79 and new Danish catalog by NBache.

Also, as a usual new and fresh directory is a must ! Pure replacing of binary over old installation will not work, as a new version wants new pixman.library, new .conf file, and co. If you need your old settings work, then: install new beta to a fresh directory, and copy your config files from old-working version one by one. But there you on your own then :)

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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-- Major improvements in spoofing area by Javier: new Spoofing preferences. Together with inbuild (and not editable) default Odyssey's user-agent, you can now add/edit your own ones.
You also can choose what user agents you want to show on the menu and which didn't. All the user-agents saves in the 'useragents.prefs' placed in Conf , just like 'userscripts.prefs' or 'searchengines.prefs'.
The work which spends on was big, so there can be issues so plz check it carefully and report all bugs and suggestions. Everything localized as well, see bottom of OWB.cd. Thanks Javier!

Very Nice! Is there a way we can donate to Javier for his hard work?

A couple of inputs:

1. When I first installed and ran beta 07, the spoofing was set to an old outdated browser by default. I think it was "Internet Explorer 8". Could this be changed to Odyssey Browser?

2. It would be nice if the selected default or selected spoofing in the preferences were reflected in the spoofing menu. For example, I set Odyssey Web Browser in the preferences but the spoofing menu still shows default settomg as selected instead of Odyssey Web Browser. If this were done then default settings entry could be eliminated from the spoofing menu or changed as I mention in item 3.

3. Is OWB_USER_AGENT environment variable effected by these changes or is it still available to use. If it's available, and item 2 is implemented, then maybe that selection could be changed to "Use Environment Variable". Not to important as with these changes it might not be necessary to use anymore.

Just my thoughts.
Again, very nice work!

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Thanks for the new beta 07, and your great work.
Thanks also for the "spoffing" function, this helps a lot to try many user-agents
Thanks again

What do you see when you close your eyes ?
I see light, lots of light
I see you, dad
And I see mommy too
And I see me and we are together
And we play forever.
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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Very Nice! Is there a way we can donate to Javier for his hard work?

I not sure which one he had, so hope he can clear it soon.


When I first installed and ran beta 07, the spoofing was set to an old outdated browser by default. I think it was "Internet Explorer 8". Could this be changed to Odyssey Browser?

Oh damn, that was me setting it as default for tests, and then just added to release archive my changed conf file :( I update it so Odyssey is default as before, and reupload archive on the same place, plz redownload.


2. It would be nice if the selected default or selected spoofing in the preferences were reflected in the spoofing menu. For example, I set Odyssey Web Browser in the preferences but the spoofing menu still shows default settomg as selected instead of Odyssey Web Browser. If this were done then default settings entry could be eliminated from the spoofing menu or changed as I mention in item 3.

To say truth i never understand the current behaviour as well. It's the same unlogical in IBrowse (or i maybe miss the logic behind ?). That should be done as you say, surely, and that how i always expect it to be too , just weren't sure is it me or what :)

I mean, why there at all "deafult setting" entry in spoofing menu, if the same "deafult" are on top :) And now it even can be set in menu. Yes, that "default setting" should gone from menu, and selected default should just reflects in the spoofing menu.


3. Is OWB_USER_AGENT environment variable effected by these changes or is it still available to use. If it's available, and item 2 is implemented, then maybe that selection could be changed to "Use Environment Variable". Not to important as with these changes it might not be necessary to use anymore.

That one do not know, test it plz if it still works. It need to be work anyway, because some ppls use it.


Thanks for the new beta 07, and your great work.

Redownload it plz, as there was some bad default for spoofing mistakenly set. I fixed it in archive, but you need to redownload it from the same place.

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I cannot get the seat selection to work with Odyssey on this railroad company's site:


(You can test it by choosing e.g. from "Helsinki" to "Turku").

When I get to the screen where there is the "select seats" button and click it, there should be opened a car/seat map window in html format, but instead there appears just a note suggesting to install flashplayer (this happens also with Firefox if the security settings are too tight or there is an adblocker active - flash is really _not_ needed if the settings are correct!).

What settings should I use in Odyssey to get the seat selection to work? I have already turned of the internal adblock option and tested most of the spoofing options.

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