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Re: Quake Darkplaces and NovaBridge
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Curious as to the nature of the errors.

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until it sleeps (bourne again shell)
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

There's of course established ways to do things in GNU/Linux but I'm just used to the "wait until" way... so I tinkered in bash:

# wait sort of like "wait until" in AmigaDOS
typeset -i untiltime=`date +%s -d"$1"`
typeset -i rnow=`date +%s`
sleeps=`expr $untiltime - $rnow`
if [[ 
$rnow $untiltime ]] then
echo "No time to wait.";exit
sleep $sleeps

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Re: Timberwolf working AGAIN !
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

@khayoz That's a tricky one, if it is as it looks and as seems likely: such an old browser only has outdated encryption methods.

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Only momentarily working system / SFS error
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


I have known for a while that my Amiga, which uses an SCSI controller (phase5) has a disk access problem. It seems to work fine for 20..35 minutes, but then inevitably stops. Sometimes it's hanging, other times it's the expansion presenting an error message in a window of its own (this, I think, is an early warning even). Today in the shell environment I tried to "dir" the RAM Disk, and Smartfilesystem reported
"There was an error while accessing this volume:

Selection timeout.
The device doesn't respond.

errorcode = 44
io_Command = 2
io_Offset = 2695168
io_Length = 8192
io_Actual = 0

Would all that imply any particular part of the whole or is it just ambiguous?

I haven't bothered using the CD drive lately, which is also on SCSI.

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Re: Project : Compiling Vanilla-Conquer (C&C) for AmigaOS4 - Help needed
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Quite a regular

Did you try moving the sdl2 link library before its dependencies? At least when I did these the linker never figured it out on its own.

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Re: I get by with a little help from my friends (Odyssey)
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Quite a regular

Did I understand this right? On actual partition the long filenames cannot be created in any way. But if they already exist, then as they are copied from RAM: the names are truncated and when they are read (maybe written to?) the short form is fine as long as the names are unique.

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Re: I've been in hell for 5 minutes!!!
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


My A1XE has been out for a year. :|
Nothing comes on screen and keyboard stays the same.


PSU: I have two that are each installed simply enough. I hope they are both gone, as opposed to something else.

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Re: AmigaInput Queston
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


The lowlevel section is only for backwards compatibility with games / software that uses lowlevel.library. These typically do not support Amigainput at all. The original library was (probably) made for the CD32 console.

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Re: AmigaOS4 devs made new little update : part3
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


For me it doesn't seem to matter, nothing is updated from any of them. I didn't try all possible combinations.

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Re: Nightlong (FMV format/encoder?)
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

How's it compare bitrate per pixel per ... quality? Maybe need to determine if it's lossy... not sure if that would be more challenging than lossless compression.

I don't suppose it's some thing turned into bigendian (only).

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Re: video: Latest ScummVM games in action
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Quite a regular

Is AGS by ScummVM happening for AmigaOS?

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Re: Hyperion made new ittle updates!
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Is 2.47 working? I still get just some message about Amiupdate updating itself, and it never does.

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Re: Wharever happened to Libre Office for OS4?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Well, graphics is already about converting everything... especially as PNG isn't supported in old software. Spreadsheets too.

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Re: signed char became unsigned ?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

There should be a warning in gcc for that. It's *the* cross platform toolchain.

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Re: new AmiUpdate 2.48 (01/17/2021)
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

For me Updates prefs has the check for AU update when user started bit checked, but it doesn't seem to be able to update from 2.47.

au.log just has "Opening window" and then when I close it, "Closing program".

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Re: System freeze when playing video files
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Might make a difference or not, but did you press keys on mplayer (cursors r,u and pgup)?

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Re: Don't automount MorphOS volumes?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Maybe a write-protect is in order? See Lock.doc.

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Re: MickJT-MPlayer
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

How might the player accept keyboard events when not doing video? Is that possible in just Shell?

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Re: SDL/Open GL
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Skirting the topic...
six years ago I built a partial (no networking) Quakespasm on top of SDL 1.2. The project has SDL2 supported, too and seems to have had many new versions since. Excerpt from changelog:
"Raised MAXALIASTRIS from 2048 to 4096, so that the Slayer's Testaments mod works." Ie. new game mods want new or weird things.

What I remember doing was making some changes regarding minigl missing stuff, and on top of that I think I failed to have multitexturing, too.

So that could be an engine version for both GPU/driver types.

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Re: SDL/Open GL
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


I'm thinking that would depend on whether you are targeting "all accelerated" or merely the Radeon HD bunch.

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