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Re: Playing Amiga on this Fine Sunday - Feeling Good Video
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Quite a regular

Enjoying a nice Sunday playing Amiga!

Always entertaining, even when your not talking about anything specific.

AmigaOne X1000, A1222Plus, uA1
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Re: Poor network performance on Sam440ep
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Quite a regular

Sam440ep takes 30 min over local network (wired) with Amiga Explorer to RAM:.

I use AExplorer between my X1000 and Wondows10 laptop. One thing I did that sped up the transfers was to change the packet size from 1028 to 4096.

On the Amiga side you can change the tooltype. PACKETSIZE=4096
On the PC side you can change it in properties under the Options tab.

This was a long time ago, so I don't know if the default is still 1028 but it's worth checking. It made a huge difference on my system.

Just did a test. It took 1min and 13 sec to copy a 226MB file.

Edited by ktadd on 2025/1/12 21:26:50
AmigaOne X1000, A1222Plus, uA1
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Re: Best 1/2 Height GPU for Amiga A1222+
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Quite a regular

1 questions... did it come with the 1/2 height bracket as the pictures show full size.

Yes, you just need to swap it out. Of course you lose the VGA connector.

AmigaOne X1000, A1222Plus, uA1
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Re: Best 1/2 Height GPU for Amiga A1222+
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I used this one in my build and it works well:
Yeston RX550 4GB GDDR5

You can see my full build here.

AmigaOne X1000, A1222Plus, uA1
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Re: RogueCraft - played on AmigaOne X5K - FUN!!
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Quite a regular

A fun trip through RogueCraft!

AmigaOne X1000, A1222Plus, uA1
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Re: EntwicklerX: Super Star Blast for AmigaOS4.1 released!
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Quite a regular


wireless Logitech Gamepad F710 here for many years working great with OS4.1

Just picked up one of these for Xmas and it works well with the A1222p and X1000. The trigger buttons are a little stiff, which I'm getting used to, and it uses 2 AA Batteries. I plan to use rechargeable nicads with it, but they will need to be charged separately. The positive side is you don't have to get a new controller if the batteries go bad. In the US it's on sale for 30% off at Amazon right now.

AmigaOne X1000, A1222Plus, uA1
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Re: Xmas Card Design 2024 - Started on A600GS Finished on X1000
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Enjoy watching this each and every year!
Thanks, and Merry Christmas to you and all.

AmigaOne X1000, A1222Plus, uA1
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Re: Ktadd's NG Amiga Blog Update
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

That might happen if the time on your system is out of sync. Try to sync it with an online NTP server and update it.

Thanks George. Added a note to the blog.

AmigaOne X1000, A1222Plus, uA1
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Re: Ktadd's NG Amiga Blog Update
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Sorry to go a bit OT, but Mediavault doesn't work for me anymore with podcasts

It might help if we know what podcast you're trying to listen too.

AmigaOne X1000, A1222Plus, uA1
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Re: Ktadd's NG Amiga Blog Update
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

December Update:
Using MediaVault & mediavault script (OS4)

How to use MediaVault v1.5.1 and mediavault script v1.6 to steam and save radio and podcasts with AmigaOS4.

AmigaOne X1000, A1222Plus, uA1
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Re: AmigaOS 4 Monthly Roundup - November 2024
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Nice to see the monthly roundup back again. I always enjoy the read and appreciate the effort. Thanks!

AmigaOne X1000, A1222Plus, uA1
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Re: Tower 57 Joystick Configuration?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Hi, if you mean controllers_aos4.ini, then it just assigns AmigaInput "buttons" # to "actions".

Thanks. I'm not a big gamer so it took me a bit to figure out the mapping of the numbers of the buttons to the letters.

AmigaOne X1000, A1222Plus, uA1
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Tower 57 Joystick Configuration?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I have tower 57 running quite nicely on my A1222+ and I'm using a Logitech dual action joypad. Unfortunately the button configuration is strange. I saw there is a configuration file, and that there is a Logitech entry, but I have no idea how to make the game use that entry. Can anyone help?

AmigaOne X1000, A1222Plus, uA1
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Re: Video editing software
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I see the value of both! While timelines make a lot of sence when your going second by second, but the tile view is more useful when your looking at the overall project.

Timelines or tile views are nice but, unfortunately our systems are probably to slow to do those kinds of implementations. That's why I just do a list "timeline" (Top to bottom of list) in VideoClipper. Look how long it takes just to generate the start and end frame pictures. Imagine having to do that for every entry in the video list and doing it each time the start time changes. I thought about adding mini pictures in the list but I think it's to slow.

For OS 4, it would be great if we had smaller programs focused on each of the areas. Like stand alone media organizer, clipper, audio editor, and video stitcher.

Media Organizer is missing but I just organize my pictures using directories. Might be nice to have one though.

VideoClipper has the clipper part solved.
A stitcher which could connect video files, images, text, audio overlay, with transtions seams to be the tool folks are asking for here.

VideoClipper has the clip and stich parts at least partially covered. A lot can also be done with ffmpegGUI. Text can be added to videos with SimpleSub. I'm investigating adding text to individual clips and new transitions to VideoClipper. There is already a settings file in ffmpegGUI to create videos out of an image file, you can add audio as well. This could then be used by VideoClipper.

If you list specific tasks you want to accomplish, I could probably supply ffmpegGUI settings files to accomplish some of it, or let you know how to do it with VideoClipper. They both allow custom commands, so if you know how to use ffmpeg there is a lot more that can be done than the GUI supports. Have you checked out the settings files for ffmpegGUI?

Did you know that ffmpeg/ffmpegGUI can be used with audio files and graphics files?
We also have programs like Rave to manipulate audio files.
What is is you want to do?

Maybe I should start a thread asking what people want to do with their video, audio and graphics files, and provide solutions for how to accomplish it on the Amiga. It would also serve to know what features people might like to see added to current programs, or give ideas on what new programs we might need.

I'm retiring in August of next year and plan to spend more time developing VideoClipper, SimpleSub, ffmpegGUI and maybe even write some new ones. What would you like to see added?

If people are interested in discussing this further, I'll start a new thread. Of course things like port OpenShot or some other big program are not feasible for me, since I'm one person and do all my development on an X1000.

AmigaOne X1000, A1222Plus, uA1
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Re: Video editing software
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Do we have video editing software that will let you swap out the clip files like you suggest?

Yes. VideoClipper from OS4Depot

1. Just "Add" your files to be edited.
2. Go to the "Video/Auidio/Files" tab and select the "Draft Low" or "Draft Medium" profile.
3. Click on the "Cut Only" button at the bottom of the screen.
4. I suggest you save the project, which will save the location of the converted files as well. That way you can always recall the project if needed.

All the videos in the list will be converted to the new, lower setting/format.
You can then view each video and set your edit points, effects, etc.
Once that's done you can select your final profile/conversion settings. Then "Cut and Join" the files.

Note the original files will not be touched.

AmigaOne X1000, A1222Plus, uA1
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Re: rVNCd v1.38 is released
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

@rwo @all
I've found that if I set the "DelayFrequency" entry in the config file to zero and set the task priority to -4 (in the icon) that the screen response is a bit faster without affecting other applications that are running. I've mostly tested with SimpleMail, Odyssey and MultiEdit. 1400x900 16bit resolution if very usable.

AmigaOne X1000, A1222Plus, uA1
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Re: rVNCd v1.38 is released
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

One of the things to implement is handling different screen sizes so we can cycle the screen. This is still on the to-do list.

As a first step, how hard would it be to allow switching to screens that are the same as the Workbench screen. I use multiple screens but most of them are clones of the Workbench screen, so just this support as a first step would be a great improvement.

Thanks for the effort so far. I'll be sending a donation.

AmigaOne X1000, A1222Plus, uA1
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Re: rVNCd v1.38 is released
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Works pretty well running on my X1000.
Connected using bvnc on my Android Lavono Tab 12P, 12.5in tablet.
If I reduce the screen resolution to 1440x900 or 1600x900 and use a 16bit screen the speed is usable. Not fast but usable. Also, as mentioned previously, it only works with the workbench screen. I am writing this post using bvnc running Odyssey.

Note, I've tried running pretty much every android vnc client and bvnc seems to work the best.

AmigaOne X1000, A1222Plus, uA1
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Re: Video editing software
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Are there any software on the Amiga that can put 2 different videos and make one video where they are put on each side?

Easiest way to do it with with ffmpeg using ffmpegGUI.

Using ffmpegGUI
1. Make sure your videos are the same resolution.
2. Set Input 0 to the video you want on the left side.
3. Set Input 1 to the video you want on the right side.
4. Set the Output format extension to the desired container format.
5. Set the video codec to the desired codec. You can use default if they are already the same codec.
6. Set the video size setting to the size you want the final video to be.
7. Enter -filter_complex hstack in the Additional Options Output field.
8. In the Audio Tab. Click Disable Audio, if you don't want audio.
9. Click the Start button.

Assuming all goes well, you will end up with the videos combined into one file side by side. Use vstack if you want to stack them vertically.

If you don't disable the audio the input 0 audio will be used. If you want to use the audio from input 1, then go to the Map Streams tab and set the audio stream of input file 1 to Stream 0.
For example. If the audio stream of Input 1 video file is stream 1, then select Stream 0 and set In File # to 1 and Stream # to 1.

If your videos are different lengths and you want to stop at the shortest use the following: -filter_complex hstack=shortest=1
If you have audio enabled make sure you also select Shortest in the Clip Settings area.

Edited by ktadd on 2024/11/2 7:33:13
Edited by ktadd on 2024/11/2 7:55:21
Edited by ktadd on 2024/11/2 7:56:19
Edited by ktadd on 2024/11/2 8:03:06
AmigaOne X1000, A1222Plus, uA1
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Re: YT.rexx results in stuttering video [Solved]
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

YT now work perfectly via Emotion

Verified that Emotion works well on the A1222+.
The scaling on Emotion works very well, so even the YouTube default 360p looks decent when setting Emotion to open in a 720p default size and even full screen on my 13.2" monitor. Note the the DualPlay option to play 720p videos does not work with Emotion. Tested with v 3.0.

AmigaOne X1000, A1222Plus, uA1
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