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Re: Updater tool: latest releases and updates
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Sorted it.
Just did a reinstall of updater from the Enhancer Software. After that it found the update and this time after downloading it ran the installation.


AmigaOne X5000
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Re: Updater tool: latest releases and updates
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Some new updates added today to Updater:

22 March 2018:

ogles2.library v1.19
Warp3DNova.library v1.47
W3DN_SI.library v1.47

amigakit.com - the Amiga store
Links: www.amigakit.com | New Products | Enhancer Software
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Re: Updater tool: latest releases and updates
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Nice work!

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Re: Updater tool: latest releases and updates
Quite a regular
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Thank you!!

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Re: Updater tool: latest releases and updates
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I just ran through update and although it say Partition Wizard is updated. When I run update it reports not found on server.


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Re: Updater tool: latest releases and updates
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Some new updates added today to Updater:

01 July 2018:

sliderbar.gadget v53.21
sound.datatype v53.30
mod.datatype v53.26
mpega.datatype v53.28
wav.datatype v53.28

amigakit.com - the Amiga store
Links: www.amigakit.com | New Products | Enhancer Software
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Re: Updater tool: latest releases and updates
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Thanks! that's a great news! I update them immediatly!
may I ask you if do you plan to document the new infowindow.class? I am using it in my project and it was very easy to understand how to implement it and use it (i saw the example inside the sdk:examples/reaction) but i would like to know how I can format the text.
By the way, you (and the developers) are doing a great work!

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Re: Updater tool: latest releases and updates
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I keep getting that too.


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Re: Updater tool: latest releases and updates
Quite a regular
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That is great news, I am really pleased you are using InfoWindow Class in your projects! Here is the Wiki page to learn more about it: http://wiki.amiga.org/index.php?title=InfoWindow_Class

We can add any more information if you need further assistance.


Please check PartitionWizard again on Updater and let me know if it is still not working.

I tried and it downloads OK.

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Re: Updater tool: latest releases and updates
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Why is there no changelog information in the Updater for them files?


It was fun while it lasted...

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Re: Updater tool: latest releases and updates
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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Please note that the wiki page under the link posted above contains an old version of the InfoWindow Class autodoc. The current version is available either from the SDK included in the latest Enhancer beta distribution, or you can PM me here. I'll be happy to help you with anything InfoWindow related.

The Rear Window blog

AmigaOne X5000 @ 2GHz / 4GB RAM / Radeon RX 560 / ESI Juli@ / AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition
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Re: Updater tool: latest releases and updates
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@trixie @nubechecorre

I have updated the autodoc in the Wiki, thanks for spotting that.

amigakit.com - the Amiga store
Links: www.amigakit.com | New Products | Enhancer Software
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Re: Updater tool: latest releases and updates
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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I have updated the autodoc in the Wiki

But it's too short now Has been cut off after the INFOWINDOW_ImagePlace tag, and a big chunk of text is missing.

The Rear Window blog

AmigaOne X5000 @ 2GHz / 4GB RAM / Radeon RX 560 / ESI Juli@ / AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition
SAM440ep-flex @ 667MHz / 1GB RAM / Radeon 9250 / AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition
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Re: Updater tool: latest releases and updates
Quite a regular
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I just did the Upate.

Interestingly the Partition Wizard worked this time and installed it in sys:system.

I do get the following messages though.

Clipviewer is missing on server.
Exchanger is missing on server.
AmiPDF is missing on server.
Multiedit is missing on server.

Apart fom AmiPDF, I do not have the others installed locally but surely updater should install them as it did (this time) with Partition Wizard, the message does not mention the local status at all.

AmiPDF I currently have AmiPDF 1.25 locally and there is 1.37 available remotely for update but the update does not proceed, as it returns the 'missing on server' message.

I wonder if this is related to problems I have with AmiStore which supposedly uses the same login id and password as Updater. AmiStore goes through the motions of logging in but if I then try to do anything get the login prompt again. The user menus are ghosted except for login. Any ideas.


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Re: Updater tool: latest releases and updates
Home away from home
Home away from home

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1) Will Warp3D Nova / OGLES2 be part of the next Enhancer package?
2) Will there be a new enhancer package?
3) Why is there no changelog info on the "Updater" updates?


It was fun while it lasted...

game box/art scans
scummvm builds (retired)
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Re: Updater tool: latest releases and updates
Quite a regular
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1) Yes Warp3D Nova and OpenGL ES are integral components of the Enhancer Software platform and will continue to be. We have big plans for them to be a foundation of future software found within the Enhancer Software.

2) Yes there will be more Enhancer Software updates. We are finalising v1.4 now. Watch this space.

3) Sometimes the changes are too technical to put into detail into a change log for the end user.

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Re: Updater tool: latest releases and updates
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Thanks for the updates

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Re: Updater tool: latest releases and updates
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Some new updates added today to Updater:

29 July 2018:

Updater v53.48
AmiSphere Prefs v53.35
AmiSphereServer v53.35
InfoWindow.class v53.11
Tickbox.gadget v53.8

Edited by amigakit on 2018/7/29 21:13:48
amigakit.com - the Amiga store
Links: www.amigakit.com | New Products | Enhancer Software
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Re: Updater tool: latest releases and updates
Just popping in
Just popping in

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When is the release of the RadeonHD Polaris driver planned ?
My Radeon RX 560 can not wait :)

Thank You for supporting AmigaOS and AmigaNG computer.

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Re: Updater tool: latest releases and updates
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Thanks for the updates!


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