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: Today 10:25
From Scarfskerry
Registered Users
I just did the Upate.
Interestingly the Partition Wizard worked this time and installed it in sys:system.
I do get the following messages though.
Clipviewer is missing on server. Exchanger is missing on server. AmiPDF is missing on server. Multiedit is missing on server.
Apart fom AmiPDF, I do not have the others installed locally but surely updater should install them as it did (this time) with Partition Wizard, the message does not mention the local status at all.
AmiPDF I currently have AmiPDF 1.25 locally and there is 1.37 available remotely for update but the update does not proceed, as it returns the 'missing on server' message.
I wonder if this is related to problems I have with AmiStore which supposedly uses the same login id and password as Updater. AmiStore goes through the motions of logging in but if I then try to do anything get the login prompt again. The user menus are ghosted except for login. Any ideas.