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Amiga: I don't know what to think anymore!!
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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Having read all the court material available so far, its gotten to the point where my head hurts!

I just want to get to the end. We need new hardware and the general release of OS4.

But this is gonna drag!

Man, my head really hurts! Who's right? who's wrong? is 2 million too much? too little? Who has all the rights? Hyperion? individual developers? Amiga inc?


Someone pass the asprin!

Mikey C

No cause is lost if there is but one fool left to fight for it.
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Re: Amiga: I don't know what to think anymore!!
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Someone pass the aspirin!

Valium is more suitable....
There's irresistible urge to grab heads of all sides and bang'm together...


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"the expression, 'atonal music,' is most unfortunate--it is on a par with calling flying 'the art of not falling,' or swimming 'the art of not drowning.'. A. Schoenberg
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Re: Amiga: I don't know what to think anymore!!
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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The biggest problem I've got with all of this is the apparent pain the developers have all gone through entering this risky business in the first place, and the potential issues if OS4 is not resolved correctly.

If one day it is all over, and there is no resolve, we'll all look back at the past 10 years and say, "if only...". ..and that'll be sad.

It's in the hands of the courts now, speculating and worrying won't achieve anything, but I guess there isn't much else to do! Hold tight and brace for impact, or something!


OS4.1 + an A1XE with an appetite for batteries!
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Re: Amiga: I don't know what to think anymore!!
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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my 2p

To be fair there is a dispute and it needs settling for the platform to move forward... but as long as development doesn't end and those who have put 5 years worth off effort in get paid for their coding time I wouldn't be upset if Amiga Won.

OK possible hypethetical scenario. Hyperion settle and sell OS4 object and source code for 2 Million, pay the development costs, approx 1 million, according to the court docs.

OS4 Devs contracts get transfered under TUPE to Amiga.

NDAs get transferred or new ones signed with Amiga.

The OS4 show goes on with the same team but contracting for Amiga not Hyperion.
Hyperion have a million in the bank to become the premier software developer of OS4 Games / Applications.

Down to the judge though mi amigo.

A1XE, A1200T, X1000, X5020, CDTV, CD32 , A500+ A500
OS4.1b / OS3.2b
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Re: Amiga: I don't know what to think anymore!!
Just popping in
Just popping in

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It will soon be over so don't worry. My tip is don't read all the legal documents, let the judge have that headache.

How did your petition go?

BTW, do we know when it all goes to court?

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Re: Amiga: I don't know what to think anymore!!
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Chin up big fella.
It hurts everyone of us,
I felt sick when I read about the court case.

AOS is my life, whether that is a good or bad i dont know but its my hobby, my favourite past time and I think it would really hurt having it all taken away from me.

Through all the bad times weve had not once have I ever felt like leaving the Amiga platform and its gutted me everytime weve lost people to the otherside.

This court case stinks, but its happening and theres nothing we can do about it, we need to be strong in possibly the worst time for us as users.
I just hope it works out for all the people have put their blood, sweat and life into making OS4 wot it is today, and just hope they get what they deserve.

Lets all stick together, keep our chins up and hope it all get sorted and pretty quick at that.
Good luck Amigans,
We deserve it!!!!!

A1XE G4 800mhz,512mb,Radeon9200,SonyDRU-510A and 800a, Esi Juli@,Sil680,WiFi.
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Re: Amiga: I don't know what to think anymore!!
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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amen to that old chap!

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Re: Amiga: I don't know what to think anymore!!
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I hear ya Mikey, I'm getting cross-eyed reading all the docs and then all of the analysis on all the boards. Pass the asprin bottle when you're through eh?

I think we all knew the state of Amiga was a real mess before this. Now with lots of the info coming out of the shadows, we can really see what a mess it truely is.

Not only has this thrown a dark cloud over things, but I
had also started a bit of a parody music project called.... 'amigaland' of course. I thought it would be a fun contribution to the community. I was about 70% finished when this lawsuit hit. It really threw a wrench in the theme of my project. Not quit sure yet how to finish up now with all these new twist, but I still plan to finish it.


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Re: Amiga: I don't know what to think anymore!!
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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Well, from my perpective, I have gone from it's Amiga's fault to Hyperion's fault and then back again so many times that I may as well have been playing hopscotch.

Is it greed? Is it because they care about the product? Is it cos they love the community? What?

* I want a damn resolution!
* I want Amiga OS4 to be available to buy with nice new shiny hardware
* I want not only Ack, but ACube and Troika to be able to sell their hardware, let the market decide which mobo they want.

I just want the Amiga community to increase in numbers once more. The product is good, just the politics behind the scene that's killing it.


Edit: The Petition was sent at about 600 signitures. It sort of tailed off at just over 600 http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/amiga/signatures.html

Edited by Mikey_C on 2007/5/30 9:15:48
Mikey C

No cause is lost if there is but one fool left to fight for it.
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Re: Amiga: I don't know what to think anymore!!
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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For my part I see it this way :

On one side we have companies that have record of cheap talks with no delivery and deceived promised, and on the other side we have companies that deliver...

I prefer delivering (even with some missing planned features) to false promised not materialized.

I'm not comfortable with the latest documentation especially the skype logs, they appear to me as if they were done to trick the other side, especially the part about those hypothetical handheld device that seems to appear out of discussion context... But that's my POV I don't want to flame, I have no inner view of all this mess, so don't know the *real* truth.

All this sad story took away from me the motivation to work on my ongoing projects for now, I don't know if I'll ever go on after all this time (pfew, almost 20 years ) on Amiga

Back to a quiet home... At last
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Re: Amiga: I don't know what to think anymore!!
Just popping in
Just popping in

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The shame in all this is the fact that way back when the "new/original" Amiga Inc. came online they were apparently dumping/sidelining OS 3.9+ in favour of the whole Amiga DE environment.

It seemed quite silly to bring up an unknown product from nothing when you had something quite valuable and compact with an existing software base ready to go. I was among those shaking their heads and thinking "WTF?? You have a great OS already!".

Now fast-forward a few years and it appears the whole TAO/Amiga DE thing is a flop for numerous reasons, and yes some of them out of A-Inc's control. It was too big a risk for such a young, immature company.

Finally there is something apparently happening behind the scenes that has motivated A-Inc enough to snap out of their hypnotic state and actually leverage their Amiga IP. Oh the horror of it all!

At least this is finally forcing the A-Inc driven push to forge ahead with Amiga OS. Too bad this is a few years down the road and with things in a bigger mess than ever.

However this latest push, if legitimate, is probably the best thing for OS4+. Hyperion was running on a shoestring without any obvious large customers. It seems that may no longer be the case.

It shall be interesting to see how things play out in the courts.

P.S. I have no idea why A-Inc is busy screwing around with $4.99 software on their website. There is no money to be made here. Surely this is a huge waste of time with bigger fish to fry?

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Re: Amiga: I don't know what to think anymore!!
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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VIAGRA is more suitable...

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Re: Amiga: I don't know what to think anymore!!
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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What do you want it hard for ?

Back to a quiet home... At last
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Re: Amiga: I don't know what to think anymore!!
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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BTW, do we know when it all goes to court?

First hearing is scheduled for May 31st (tomorrow).

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Re: Amiga: I don't know what to think anymore!!
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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Viagra? er, er, er......

/me takes more asprin.

Mikey C

No cause is lost if there is but one fool left to fight for it.
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Re: Amiga: I don't know what to think anymore!!
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Well keep us informed of the court case.

Bloodmoon Games has released its RPG game content for free for personal use visit http://bloodmoongames.com today, or my blogg on http://bloodmoongames.blogspot.com

Wii number is : 4394 2248 4262 8983
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Re: Amiga: I don't know what to think anymore!!
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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Dude! I'm in the UK!

Not as if I have any inside knowledge about what's going on, I know just about as much as you do, maybe even less.

Lets hope we get to hear about this soon. Best Scenario?

Amiga inc and Hyperion take notice of the petition and the general feeling of Disgust and Anger that now permiates throughout what's left of the Amiga community, Sober up and work towards a just and fair settlement.

But, we all know what's really gonna happen!

Mikey C

No cause is lost if there is but one fool left to fight for it.
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Re: Amiga: I don't know what to think anymore!!
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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But, we all know what's really gonna happen!

And what's that?

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Re: Amiga: I don't know what to think anymore!!
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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Nothing of course, They'll just carry on arguing, and counter arguing etc. It will go on and on and on and on and on etc.

However it will come as no surprise to me as if, the generals, having just fought the equivelant of a third world war, come out from deep beneath their undergrond bunker, proclaim victory and find that all that is left, is a barren wasteland.

Mikey C

No cause is lost if there is but one fool left to fight for it.
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Re: Amiga: I don't know what to think anymore!!
Just popping in
Just popping in

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It is indeed a very messy state of affairs and I am finding it hard to keep up especially as I have some job related problems of my own now, both my head and stomach are in a right turmoil.

A1XE G4 800Mhz, 512Mb, Sil0680, ATI9200se 128Mb, Sounblaster Live & Catweazle Mk3 with SID chip +OS4.1.
A4000 233MhzPPC/04025Mhz, 112Mb, CyberPPC, OS3.9
Other Amiga's A4000, A2000 A500+, A500 & various hardware. 15+ other retro machines.
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