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AmigaOne SCSI
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I want to add a SCSI controller since I still have a free PCI slot in my XE. Why? There's my old but only few times used and perfectly working Artec AM12S scanner waiting to be plugged in.

There is only one _not working_ card listed On intuitionbase. I know we have the driver for the
SYM/LSI lsi53c8xx chips.

Is there no one usig SCSI on the A1? :-O

Would be nice if someone could please post some SCSI-cards with such a chip. :)

I tried a google but had no luck. neither on ebay, a lot of scsi cards but mostly no chipset listed.

thanx a lot

gosh, I'm tired, need some sleep..is this post readeable ad all? :-/

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Re: AmigaOne SCSI
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Amigo1 wrote:
I want to add a SCSI controller since I still have a free PCI slot in my XE.

Is there no one usig SCSI on the A1? :-O

I bought a SCSI card long before OS4 arrived etc. I hardly used it except to try out an old SCSI CD drive to see if it worked. It did BTW.

I never used it since, I was wanting to use it for my UMAX scanner. It was not drivers that put me off but the incompatible cables for the plethora of SCSI sockets. The cables or adaptors would cost more than the SCSI card did and I never got around to trying to wire my own like I would have done in the old days.

Now we have USB and digital cmameras I wonder if getting the scanner to work again is worth it.

If you are really desperate for a SCSI card that will work in the A1, then I have one I will probably never get around to using. Finding a cable to fit your scanner to it may be a bit problematic however.


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Re: AmigaOne SCSI
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"SCSI Symbios Logic 8100S Ultra 53C810 (59)" (from ebay) is working here on a ?A1 OS4 with a HP Scanjet 4c.

Regards Toni

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Re: AmigaOne SCSI
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Just popping in

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I got a Tekram SCSI card from eBay some time ago for only 23 EUR, and my scanner, Epson GT-7000, already came with the cable suitable for that card. Anyway, it should not be very difficult to get the needed cable from eBay as well.

I have several things connected to it -hard disk, scanner, ZIP drive- and they work quite well.



Amiga user since 1988
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Re: AmigaOne SCSI
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"SCSI Symbios Logic 8100S Ultra 53C810 (59)" (from ebay) is working here on a ?A1 OS4 with a HP Scanjet 4c.

I got a Tekram SCSI card from eBay some time ago for only 23 EUR,

Not fair! Everytime I've looked on US eBay I only found cards with the Symbios chip sets for $160 or so. Basically, all I want is to hook up my scanner, too. Not worth it at $160.


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Re: AmigaOne SCSI
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I have mine from a german ebay-seller. Look at
http://search.ebay.ch/search/search.d ... satitle=53C810&category0=


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Re: AmigaOne SCSI
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Quite a regular

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thank you so much, this was really helpfull!
I just made a search on ebay and found some controllers.

I already have cables and 68 to 50 pins adapters from the old A4000 times. So in a few day's I'll be trying if ScanQuix5 and fxScan3 work properly under OS4.
Wasn't there a more recent version of fxScan? Maybe it's worth upgrading.

edit: deleted some smilies..

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Re: AmigaOne SCSI
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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I've got a DawiControl DC-2976 UW in my A1 XE/G4. (I actually bought it through escom.de, btw ).

I've been using it with Scanquix and my good old CanoScan 2700F film/slide scanner, which works mostly fine; a few things crash sometimes, but can be worked around (e.g. using the Find Dark/Light limit buttons crashes).

I've also had my external SCSI Zip drive on it, and transferred all my old Zip disks' contents to hard drive (and later to DVD-R) for preservation for posterity. No problems there either.

At one point I also had my old Artec AT6 flatbed on the chain, but the ScanQuix driver for that wouldn't run. I didn't investigate further at that point, because I was mainly interested in getting the slide scanner and the Zip drive up and running, and haven't had time (or desk space) for more experiments since.

BTW, I did also try with the latest fxScan, but it doesn't seem to work properly under OS4; ATM I don't remember exactly what the problem was, but it was something that is not likely to be solved (as in: it was fxScan's fault).

Best regards,


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Re: AmigaOne SCSI
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Just popping in

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interesting - does anyone have knowledge of Adaptec cards that work with OS4 ? I have an offer of a AHA 29160 ...
I gather it should work with linux / debian though.

Avatar: Avro Vulcan - XH558 needs YOU !!
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Re: AmigaOne SCSI
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Just can't stay away

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agafaster wrote:
interesting - does anyone have knowledge of Adaptec cards that work with OS4 ? I have an offer of a AHA 29160 ...
I gather it should work with linux / debian though.

I'm pretty sure there's no chance in hell that Adaptec cards will work. They use their own controller chips, the OS4 driver only supports the LSI53C8** line of chips. Someone would need to write/port (an)other driver(s) for the Adaptecs.

At least that's how I understood things.

Best regards,


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Re: AmigaOne SCSI
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Hum, regarding fxScan, it works fine here, I have converted scans to PDF without problem. I have not tried OCR yet, though, but scanning works fine.



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Re: AmigaOne SCSI
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fxcan works here too with my GT7000 (even tho I have to click GR to "continue" once or twice because it seems to have some null pointer access bugs).

As for adaptec support, as I've aldeady stated more than once, there wont be any other scsi driver for OS4... from me.

The lsi driver was a quick shot, made just to fill the bridge from older scsi-stuffed classics to newer os4 machines. It has performance limitations, but it is good for what it is : you can attach your old scsi stuff and use it. The reason why I chose lsi is that this chip is also supported in UBoot, permitting an lsi scsi-only configuration to be fully os4-bootable.

That said, making a driver is really not that difficult, both in terms of amigaos integration (there are sources and documentations on how an amigaos driver should look like) and target chip (linux or netbsd etc. have open source drivers for tons of chips, to get inspiration from).


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Re: AmigaOne SCSI
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Just popping in

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so basically what you're sayin is that the adaptec adaptor will only work with the linux side of me A1 and then only after a bit of a faff getting uboot to deal with it, and wont work with OS4 in a month of sundays unless someone (ie me) writes a driver for it.

fair play, thanks for your help lads !

Avatar: Avro Vulcan - XH558 needs YOU !!
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Re: AmigaOne SCSI
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Just popping in

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It seems you have a hard time reading and understanding me.

Anyway, down to facts:

- your adaptec will never be supported by uboot. Thus you will never be able to boot your system entirely from an SCSI drive that is hooked to it. I chose to support lsi just because it is the *only* scsi chip supported in uboot.

- the reason why there exists an OS4 scsi driver is that I was gently asked and convinced by some os4 betatesters, to write one to help the community transferring hardware and data from older systems to os4 machines. I *made the effort*, to *please them*, on my *spare time*, at *night*, to try & fill that need. All that *without any compensation of any form*, *just to be helpful*.

- now you don't seem to like that you have bought an os4-unsupported hardware, and that eventually you realize that it is os4-unsupported. Given the tone of your wording, I don't share the disease.

- finally, yes, I indeed suggest that you (or anyone else wanting an adaptec driver), download the SDK, a driver template, the adaptec chip docs, the linux or netbsd code for inspiration, and *make the effort* to code a new driver (which I made myself earlier).


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Re: AmigaOne SCSI
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Hmm ... I'm not sure, of course, but you may be reading more "tone" into agafaster's post than I saw.

He sums up what we told him, i.e. it won't work, basically, accepts the state of things ("fair play"), and thanks us for giving him the answers to his questions. Well, that's how I read it, at least.

Anyway, I for one am happy that you did make the effort with the LSI driver; it has been very useful for me, and will continue to be so. I can only recommend to agafaster to get one of the LSI-equipped and supported cards; they're really not that expensive.

And thanks to you and Ferry for the info about fxScan; I'll have to dig it out again and try once more. It's been a while, so it may have been something in the OS that has been changed since.

Best regards,


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Re: AmigaOne SCSI
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Just popping in

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[sorry - cant stay away by the topic OS4 & SCSI ...]

i think all know my intention to this topic
I will serious hope if new Power-HW become true (this i
belive) and he have PCI-64bit slots for HD-Device
cards (SATA/SATA2/SCSI) i see a more powerfull driver
for SCSI as the current available solution ...

I dont say support many chipsets !
I dont say support U160 or U320SCSI or {dream} SAS .....!

I say only *PLEASE* support the now even supported
chipset FULL ! [at UW2SCSI level and 2 channels/buffered RAM]

This will be a "bit" more as in my 10years old A4000 060-MK-III
with UW-SCSI controler i allready have ATM ...


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Re: AmigaOne SCSI
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Just popping in

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nbache wrote:

I for one am happy that you did make the effort with the LSI driver; it has been very useful for me, and will continue to be so.

Ditto^10. St?phane, thanks for it, for your time and effort.

And thanks to you and Ferry for the info about fxScans

If you need any more help, just ask.



Amiga user since 1988
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Re: AmigaOne SCSI
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Just popping in

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I do envy you folks who have been able to get scsi to work on your A1's. I've never been able to get my machine to boot with the scsi drivers. hangs after loading kickistart with black screen. So my scsi scanner stays in the closet garhering dust.
I wonder if it's conflict with graphics card (radeon 9250). I tried it without sond card but same results.


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Re: AmigaOne SCSI
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Just popping in

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sg2 wrote:

It seems you have a hard time reading and understanding me.

now now old chap, steady on - I dunno if you've had a hard day, but you might've misread my intentions.


Anyway, down to facts:

- your adaptec will never be supported by uboot. Thus you will never be able to boot your system entirely from an SCSI drive that is hooked to it. I chose to support lsi just because it is the *only* scsi chip supported in uboot.

fair enough, I wont buy it then. I only asked the question to see if it would work before I bought.


- the reason why there exists an OS4 scsi driver is that I was gently asked and convinced by some os4 betatesters, to write one to help the community transferring hardware and data from older systems to os4 machines. I *made the effort*, to *please them*, on my *spare time*, at *night*, to try & fill that need. All that *without any compensation of any form*, *just to be helpful*.

good for you, this community could do with more like you - people who a) can be arsed, b) have the time


- now you don't seem to like that you have bought an os4-unsupported hardware, and that eventually you realize that it is os4-unsupported. Given the tone of your wording, I don't share the disease.

errrr when did I say I actually bought the adaptec card ?
I see how this has arisen now. sorry if I got you up on a misunderstanding, but I wasnt having a rant ! I'm better than that ... and nicer too!
thing is, I dont have that much disposable income to chuck good money after bad on hardware that might not be supported - with the exception of the TV Card, but that worked quite well until update 3 or 4...

- finally, yes, I indeed suggest that you (or anyone else wanting an adaptec driver), download the SDK, a driver template, the adaptec chip docs, the linux or netbsd code for inspiration, and *make the effort* to code a new driver (which I made myself earlier).

I dont really want to have to write a driver - I already have intent to write one for a BT878 (more than I can chew ? probably. enough time ? definitely not!) and already have a copy of the SDK - I'd much rather buy hardware for which drivers exist, as I said earlier.

really, I wasnt griping and bitching - I know some do, but I dont.



indeedy - and get some sleep ! one more thing, nbache was right in just about every way - I'd've been on sooner, but for some reason, amigans doesnt play nice with the version of IE I have at work, hence me not reading this until I finally got round to getting the miggy online just now.

and I would also like to say that people like you make it possible, keep it up, some of us do appreciate these efforts.

Peace man.

Avatar: Avro Vulcan - XH558 needs YOU !!
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Re: AmigaOne SCSI
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Just popping in

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I had the very same problem: if both my SCSI card and my Radeon9250 are connected, I got a black screen at boot. It seems they conflict, UBoot is not able to initialize SCSI card with that Radeon model (with other models it works, f.ex, Rad7000 or Rad8500). SG2 developed a "trick" to allow the coexistence of both cards at boot time, with the only drawback that you wont be able to boot from a SCSI HD, but on the other hand it allows you to use your SCSI devices from within OS4. The steps are:

1. Go to UBoot and define and save lsi53c8xx_override to your board's product ID (as you did for scsi_pci_override if you needed to, if you didn't it will surely be the default 000F). For example, my SCSI board product ID is 000C, so:

setenv lsi53c8xx_override 000C

2. Set UBoot envvar scsi_pci_override to FFFF:

setenv scsi_pci_override FFFF

3. Save changes:


4. Boot into OS4:


5. Good luck... :D

This method should work with final release of OS4.

Report back and tell us if it works for you.



Amiga user since 1988
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