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Re: How can i change my eMail ?
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Thanks orgin :)


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Re: How can i change my eMail ?
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Thanks orgin :)

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How can i change my eMail ?
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cant find an option to update my eMail .....
Any Help would be great :)


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Re: Who is using the latest revision of Imagine for OS4.x?
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Just popping in


mmhh ...
If any here need the last ImagineV5 CGFX 68k version with
nearly all Proffessional add-ons (Essence V3 I + II Textures
and MANY more), he can put me an mail.
Sell All - All fullversions with booklet and 3 Imagine German


Maybe the wrong forum but the right Thread ;)

Have switched to Maya on PC ...


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Re: Apologies: AROS News item
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VERY well said ;)

And i musst say i`am VERY happy to NOT see every third
thread the word "..x86.." :P


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Re: The MUI vs Reaction slapfest thread (was OWB 3.6)
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most [if not all] was already said by Rogue and is 100% conform
with my experience in MUI.[compatibility problems with prg/classes..]


so we now at the Winblows train ?
If the GUI slow get a more powerfull CPU/RAM/watever ..
Nice to see you are a true Amigan [i hope you get the sarcastic ..]
And i [and Rogue too] say that we KNOW that reaction is not the
ultimate sulotion ! But it is faster as MUI and have less
bugs/incompatibility - so yes, i going for Reaction ATM.
If come a better GUI system then this is another thing,but
MUI is out of scope.

And i see you have no arguments more, you come to the childish
senseles argument "doing it better then you can talk here ..",
with this logic i think you cant talk in the most threads.


yes you are partly right that the most good old day apps come
to a time MUI was young.But would any seriouse company a proffesional
app relase with a GUI system that is shareware and have bugs
and incompatibility and would bind his app on this -> NO!
This is only Valid for small hobby apps.


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Re: The MUI vs Reaction slapfest thread (was OWB 3.6)
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he,he- this is only because the lack of good ReAction
classes.I dont say you CANT build complex MUI applications
with MUI.I say it is slow and bloatware.[not extreme and realy
dont like windows ....]


and what is the essence of you post ?
It is still fact that MUI is slow -> look at wildfire on 68060
systems.I say not it is harder -again-, i have said is is slow.
And sorry to prove you wrong, but i remember the good old
Amiga days who no serious app was built with MUI [only freeware
or shareware apps] and it was big discuse as IB use MUI as GUI,
it slowing down the GUI ws the main outcome.
Nowdays no seriouse app is still use MUI, because it ISS no serious
app on OS4/MOS more ....[sad but true]
So only shareare/freeware apps use MUI nowdays.
As MUI was createt it was to simplyfi the GUI writing process
for freeware progger.Any proffesional software use his own native GUI.
Not [or most times] the easy way is the best ...


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Re: The MUI vs Reaction slapfest thread (was OWB 3.6)
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yes - IB/YAM/SimpleMail ALL simple GUIs.
Not the same as a simple prg - but the GUI is simple.
Dont see more than 1 render window open.
Not simultan rendering/bliting in a couple of windows.
Only a couple of buttons.And -> the most complex by this
2 prg [IB/YAM - dont know SimpleM.] is the YAM config
window -> AND THIS IS slow like hell too on 68060/66 !
It opening takes loooong.
And as a side note - i dislike the GUI in IB and Voyager
too.On YAM it is O.k.

If you would like to see a complex GUI try wildfire or
And Imagine runns at the same HW as wildfire.And i realy
doubt that a 060 version of MUI make any difference!!
And -> Imagine run in 020 compatible mode - so NO 040/060
code is involved in the GUI in any way.

And like the most today amiga users, have updatet the custom
68000 mui system with MANY new libs with 040/060 versions.
So the main work is done in optimized libs anyway.

Still MUI is slow and only for simple GUIs nice.
[and if you Realy like to see a Ultra-Complex-GUI take Maya
on Windows]


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Re: The MUI vs Reaction slapfest thread (was OWB 3.6)
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Just popping in


I am FULL of the side from J?rg and Rogue !

Have you tried Wildfire on 68060/66 with CV64 ?
It is slow like hell in comparing with a native
8bit gui like in Imagine.Both use realtime preview.
Both have many bottons/menues - but wildfire suck in all
MUI aspects - realy Bloatware!
Or the same with the GUI for an freeware 3D renderer [POV-Ray i think ..].
Realy - i like the GUI from Wookie or other simple GUI applications,
but to nore MUI was never design.

MUI is nice for small/simple GUIs !
Not more.
This is the Reason nearly all "new" prg use it - it is eays
to make a nice simple GUI with it.

This i have said the past 10years - you are welcome to proof me wrong.
And dont come with MUI on MOS[PPC] - if i have enough CPU power
even Windows Vista flys .....


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Re: Eye of the Beholder 1/2 AGA remakes!
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have NWN running on Win2k Server.
Yes - it needs the SoU + HoU add-ons and best patched then NWN
to V1.68.
Have installed CEP1.68 + CTP too.


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Re: Eye of the Beholder 1/2 AGA remakes!
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Just popping in



YES - this is it!

Have this played trough and it was GIGANTIC !

One of the hardest fights ATM in NWN .....
And the Dvarven caverns are REALY BIG ! Dont fit the screen...

But who know - play ATM the Diabolo1-Lord of Terror
mod :P
[it looks so much better in 3D :P ]

[its hard to find the pearls out of the 3000+ mods for NWN ..]
[and sad - still waiting for an german version of the new 1.69 patch :( ]


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Re: Eye of the Beholder 1/2 AGA remakes!
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Just popping in


not that i say EOB AGA is bad .... :)

But the King of "EOB" is IMHO the EOB Mod
for NWN - EOB in full 3D and with a fantastic
and ATM still the best RolePlay Engine ;)

Sad that NWN have "yet" not made the way to AmigaOS ...


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Re: JIT in EUAE for AmigaOS4.x how to motivate someone :).
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i will try this :P

O.K. ...
You have a wooden board and an nail and an hammer.
Then come a chinese and an chinese<>your-language translator.

With non JIT:
the chinese say to the translator "you are to take the hammer"
- the translator translate it to you and you take the hammer.
The chinese see it and is contently.
Then he say "take the nail" to the translator - he translate
und you take the nail.
The chinese see it and is contently.
Then the chinese say "put the nail on the upper ends of
the wooden board" - the translator say it to you and you
put it on the upper ends.
The chinese see it and is contently.
Then the chinese say "impact now the nail with the hammer" and
the translator say it to you.
You get finaly the nail in the wooden board and the chinese
is happy and go away.

With JIT:

The chinese say to the translator "he musst impact the nail on
the upper ends of the board" - the translater say it to you,
you take the hammer and impact the nail on the upper end of
the wooden board as fast at you can.

You see the result is by both way the same.
But the JIT is way faster,he doing things at the best way HE think.
Problems come in,MUSST the work doing exact at the same way
as on 68k, this is then inkompatible with JIT.

I Hope you understand :P


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Re: OS4.1 SWAP partition question
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Just popping in



because i HAVE the expensive HW allready here and
in USE and like it.

And the allready supportet SCSI chip on OS4 "have"
2-channel UW2SCSI .. it musst only be used to his
full potential.
A couple of Amiga fans have "expensive" SCSI HW,
if you like in the 68k days an good and fast HD system
you MUSST get good SCSI drives.[maybe not su much
expensive i have - but it is for the future too..]

And expensive is a good medicore SCSI HD that get 80MB/s
transfer speed [the max from UW2SCSI] not more .. more
expensive than a SATA - yes.

I know this high-end speeds immposible ATM on OS4 HW.
But ATM not "one" decent SCSI driver is available, so
i realy dont care ATM for an high-end SAS-Card driver..

It was only IMHO .. i know the SCSI problem will in the
next long time not sortet - so i have already startet to
move from A4000 WITH UW-SCSI to IBM workstation.

Thats the reason i will only buy ONE SAM as little server
and proxy for my network to get the secure and risk-free
internet access over OS4.
For the other things i use WinUAE on my workstation WITH
Even an powerfull OS4 machine is "for me" ATM not from
interesst without SCSI support - sorry.
I know with enough capital and manpower you would happy to
get me and others an good SCSI driver - but it is ATM immposible.
But from the opposite site - sorry,i dont buy an Amga who i get
not more as my +10 Years old A4000.. i dont buy amiga only
"IT is an Amiga" .. a little bit sense musst stay even for an
Fan like me.So 1 SAM for Internet access is enough ATM ...
[my planed 3+ OS4 machines canceled ...and it is realy no the money,
IBM workstations realy not cheap too ]


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Re: OS4.1 SWAP partition question
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Just popping in



the best is the SWAP partition to sit on a second
HD with the WB too.
From WB you only load the prg. and then nothing
more [or only small stuff].
From the work or DATA HD you transfer the most
and this should sit on a seperate HD.

Then you have not the overhead with the mechanic.


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Re: OS4.1 SWAP partition question
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Just popping in



mmhh .. you are right :P
but for the theory i`am right :)

and .. have i said already i like an [even nowdays old]
Ultra2-SCSI driver for AmigaOS 4.x ...? *GG*
[mmh ... An good U2SCSI driver with an good Seagate
HD and 80MB/s continous transfer speed on an 2-channel
SCSI card ... -dream- > actual High-End SAS HD`s get
180MB/sec peek and 120 continous]


AmigaOS support ATM not partition resizing without
data loos.


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Re: OS4.1 SWAP partition question
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Just popping in



in the "normal" world - Partitioning tools get from the
first cylinder on the HD to the last - YES ;)
[and the first cylinder is the start in the center]

But if you have a silly tool that get the opposite way
this is maybe different :P


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Re: OS4.1 SWAP partition question
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the access and file transfer is on the outer sectors


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Re: Emblem icon module
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but the big "Stop" obstakle is the non PPC-Native
code :(

I realy dont like to mess a OS4.x system up with
sys-intern amiblitz code .. sorry ..

If the code C/C++ this would be a dream and in the past
better maintained if the orginal progger left the scene.

I like the bubble effect ;)


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Re: Sam 440 Flex board?
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Just popping in


i would prefer the Flex board too.
Without propper SCSI support any OS4 system is for
me only a side-car to my good running A4k/060 WITH
SCSI support.

So i will the SAM only use as 24/7 online server and
proxy and to DL with Amigift ...[and to have OS4 :P ]
And dont need the power of the R9Mobility.
[a cheap gfx card do this job well]

I Hope, now with HW on the horizont, a better SCSI driver
is coming soon .....

I slowly switch from my A4k to WinUAE on IBM Workstation.
And here i HAVE very good SCSI support.[from the WinUAE side too]
[slowly BUT constant]

So ATM i only need a low GFX-power OS4 system.


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