Here is my complete report, more or less a series of feature request and suggestions:
Suggestions for Qt 4.7.0 (0.9.2+)
1) Menu: Any type of menu (but also any dropdown internal menu) currently steal the focus ... very annoying :-/
Other behaviour that would be cool to see fixed are the nested menu, try to open a menu and then if availible a submenu of it (even only 1 level is ok for this test)
--> then try to click elsewhere (not selecting any availible item) at first click ouside the area you will see that only the child submenu will be closed
rathen then the entire menu (parent+child)
Native menu also still buggy as many shortcuts are duplicated ...
2) Dialogs: When "Native Dialogs" are unchecked in Prefs, those dialogs's windows still use both resize gadget in their windows (one of AmigaOS and the dedicated one of Qt)
You might apply the same method you were already implemented in other areas
3) Fonts: Native fonts improved (actually they are so mutch buggy)
In general would be great if you can work some more on this area, even because Qt seems a lot faster with native fonts !
4) If possible the shortcuts should be applied in Amiga style, instead to the "ALT+Letter" combo to select a clickable item that
contain a "_shortcut" you might use only a single letter for selecting, for example in a button called "_Test" --> pressing "T" should be enough,
however right now we need to press "ALT+T" instead
Another modification could to be implemented in the copy/cut/paste behaviour, in that case we could use RAMIGA+C/X/V
5) Drag&Drop: Drag&drop is a bit limited right now, however it still possible to drag icons from WB to an app (using AppWIndows, AppIcons etc), and sort-of possible to
drag things from applications to WB using manual icon dragging creation and WhichWorkbenchObject().
Example of a possible usage --> dragging a txt file into a NotePad without the need to open it by using a program's menu
6) Cursor: Blink cursor effect should be disabled when a window is not selected, for example if you open two session of the same program you will have an input ready on both textareas
7) No more autoalign issue when opening windows, however the "About qt" one still have the problem
8) Every time you start an App, a little FontConfig window will appear for a fraction of second .. not a big problem but it's not so elegant to see
The FontConfig progress bar will be showed even if you are using native fonts, so in this case the progress window doesn't need to be showed.
Hints: How about adding an option to active/inactive this progress bar on QtPrefs
9) QtWebKit.so is buggy, Javascript usage give a lot of problem making browing almost impossible ...
1) Would be cool if you can add a PopUp menu gadget support to "play" with the screen, this functionality was introduced since AmigaOS 4.1 Update 3
More info at:
http://wiki.amigaos.net/index.php/BOOPSI_Popup_Menus_-_Part_1http://wiki.amigaos.net/index.php/BOOPSI_Popup_Menus_-_Part_2(SEVERITY: MINOR)
2) By default Qt fonts used are very big, maybe a 12 or 14pts dimentions could be used instead ?
Even better if they could be adapted automatically the font dimension according to the user preferences (like Timberwolf do)
3) Not directly related to Qt, but would be nice if you can add an iconify gadget in Qt Prefs window
and localization support too