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Re: What programs do you regularly use on your AmigaOS 4 system?
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Not too shy to talk

not too many,


A1XEG4 PPC 7457 1.3GHz
A-Eon X5000
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Re: Did Amigaworld.net Bite The Dust? + IRC too?
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Not too shy to talk

Amigaworld.net is up and running on a new server, unfortunately it appears Pm history has been lost, only blank page.
p.s all is good now, history engaged again, thanks

Edited by Swisso on 2025/1/6 23:13:12
A1XEG4 PPC 7457 1.3GHz
A-Eon X5000
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Re: Trying to get a Radeon HD 7750 working in an AmigaOne XE
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Not too shy to talk

"Today has no big sense to try PCIe HD card on AmigaOne XE.
It works, but problem is that new RadeonHD drivers mostly not works with XE"

Bummer :{

It is a shame that XE hardware is proving to be so unconfigurable :{

A1XEG4 PPC 7457 1.3GHz
A-Eon X5000
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Re: X5000 adding HD with sata3114 Raid card
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Not too shy to talk

ok thanks for your replies, problem is now sorted. i had the sii3112ide.device.kmod un commented. i found out that this was due to the usb external hd. !!! yep go figure, any way when i commented that out and uncommented the sii3114ide.dvice.kmod the pci card got recognised and so did the hd's.
i will see why 3112 operated the external usb hd, with a spare hd that i have yet to test.
as for the glue i can understand connector security or even warranty protection but i draw the line at the ram sticks.

A1XEG4 PPC 7457 1.3GHz
A-Eon X5000
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X5000 adding HD with sata3114 Raid card
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Not too shy to talk

first of all i dont know much about x5000 since i have only just obtained one. i want to add a couple of sata hd's i have connected the sata3114 pci to pci-e card and it shows up on ranger with all its functions but the HD does not appear at all. is there some line i have to add to uboot to recognise the card correctly? i have tried to obtain the hardware manual from a-eon but i am unable to register either the machine or get past the downloads for my A1XEG4 on my existing amisphere account. should i also open a second amisphere account for the x5000?
Also is it normal for all the connectors to be covered in hotglue?

sorry i have been out of circulation for a while, life, or rather lack of it, got in the way.

Edited by Swisso on 2024/2/29 7:17:46
A1XEG4 PPC 7457 1.3GHz
A-Eon X5000
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Re: Happy New Year 2023!
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Not too shy to talk

Happy New Year all, each and everyone. best wishes for your health, wealth and happiness.

A1XEG4 PPC 7457 1.3GHz
A-Eon X5000
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Re: CANCELLED! Amiga North Thames (ANT) meeting this Sunday
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Not too shy to talk

I was there in spirit
Merry Christmas to all of ANT, and a happy and healthy new year

A1XEG4 PPC 7457 1.3GHz
A-Eon X5000
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Re: Many issues with updating Enhancer Software
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Not too shy to talk

I tried your Version script and also checked with Diropus but version does not return anything.
I vcan confirm my old RadeonHD.chip was placed in storage and a later version different size file installed into kickstart.
so old Radeon.chip is 1662476 in size and dated 24.10.16 whilst the new Radeon.chip is now 1672456 in size and dated

A1XEG4 PPC 7457 1.3GHz
A-Eon X5000
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Re: Many issues with updating Enhancer Software
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Not too shy to talk

enhancer update installed ok for me and everything is still working, I didn't try to interfere too much with the installation and virtually went with all the default options. Maybe you guys are over complicating things , just saying. But then I'm not a coder.

A1XEG4 PPC 7457 1.3GHz
A-Eon X5000
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Re: A request for Amiga North Thames.
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Not too shy to talk

sent a pm to him

A1XEG4 PPC 7457 1.3GHz
A-Eon X5000
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Re: A request for Amiga North Thames.
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Not too shy to talk

ok I had a bit of time this pm, I have tried both cards with and without AGP card connected, I use agp Radeon9000pro or PCI Radeon 9250 normally, both work fine but I don't use them at the same time.
the PCI-e X1650SE and HD4350 both boot up to Kickstart loading and then hang with a flashing cursor. depending which pci slot i use the computer boots up ok with agp card connected but still baulks after kickstart loaded with pci-e card
when i am able to boot fully Ranger does not recognise the Pci-e graphics card but does recognise the pci to pci-e adaptor.
maybe i have to disable a line in kickstart? but not keen to do so without feedback.

A1XEG4 PPC 7457 1.3GHz
A-Eon X5000
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Re: A request for Amiga North Thames.
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Not too shy to talk

I'm pretty sure we tried all options , but I will have another go.

A1XEG4 PPC 7457 1.3GHz
A-Eon X5000
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Re: A request for Amiga North Thames.
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

I tried this last year when I saw a post about PCI to PCI-E adaptor, I actually bought one and tried 2 different Graphics cards on my A1XEG4
one was Radeon X1650SE and the other was Sapphire Radeon HD4350
I tried them both with and without my existing graphics card connected.
essentially the computer would not boot further than Uboot. But no damage was done and the machine just baulked at Uboot.
The consensus at ANT was that Uboot needed to be able to recognise the PCI-PCIE card. I did comment elsewhere that an update to uboot for the A1XE would be helpful
not a technically professional analysis but then I am not a coder.

A1XEG4 PPC 7457 1.3GHz
A-Eon X5000
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Re: AmigaOne XE, manual cites incorrect vCore??
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Not too shy to talk

Agreed care should be taken but the 7457 cpu is much more robust than its predecessor 7455. I am using 2 dimms without problems also.
But, and a big but, I did not get my MB modified at all. Just the upgrade to 7457 processor on the cpu module itself

A1XEG4 PPC 7457 1.3GHz
A-Eon X5000
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Re: AmigaOne XE, manual cites incorrect vCore??
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Not too shy to talk

i am running 7457 1.33 MHz on A1XEG4 no problems here if you want to compare vcore settings let me know

A1XEG4 PPC 7457 1.3GHz
A-Eon X5000
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Re: Amiga workbench fails to load after Amiupdate
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Not too shy to talk

might have been better to boot with the AOs final disk and repair system from there.

A1XEG4 PPC 7457 1.3GHz
A-Eon X5000
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Re: Amiga workbench fails to load after Amiupdate
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

might have been better to boot with the AOs final disk and repair system from there.

A1XEG4 PPC 7457 1.3GHz
A-Eon X5000
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Re: qt 4.7 report here
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Not too shy to talk

SMtube is playing too fast both video and sound, how do I alter it?

A1XEG4 PPC 7457 1.3GHz
A-Eon X5000
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Re: Ultra fast Amiga on your phone or tablet!
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Not too shy to talk

Thanks for the all the hard work guys, got it working on my GalaxyTab3... eventually
It didn't pickup amigaforever nor did it pick up OS3.5 or OS3.9 but it did find XL and installed without a hitch, very nice
Good job I had all 4 os's

A1XEG4 PPC 7457 1.3GHz
A-Eon X5000
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Re: Amiga North Thames' (ANT's) meeting this Sunday
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

see you there

A1XEG4 PPC 7457 1.3GHz
A-Eon X5000
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