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Re: RadeonHD V.5 driver
Just popping in
Just popping in

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By the way are any X5000 users planning to purchase the RadeonHD 5.x driver ?

If i decoded all product/technical names correctly, i think i have a FGX card which benefits from the driver. So yes, I'm going to buy it, if I'm able to do it digital with Amistore.

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Re: RadeonHD V.5 driver
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Quite a regular

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Updated product info
Driver specifications:

Support for "Southern Islands" (HD7000 series)
2D Driver with compositing

Driver requirements:

RadeonHD PCI Express Graphics Card (official compatibility list)
OS 4.1 or greater
SAM 460ex

Note: Soft reset is not supported on the majority of cards with this driver.

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Re: RadeonHD V.5 driver
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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You should be asking- what will Hyperion do in the present and the future to help this community? No threads here about that I notice. It is not a diversion to point out that consumers can make a buying decision to buy the Enhancer Software or wait for Hyperion's solution (Gallium 3D, Snap 2D video drivers etc).

There are tens of such threads, but I think at this point the reason there aren't any more is that everyone has effectively given up on Hyperion. They have no plan, no paid developers, no nothing except a few dedicated folks who still volunteer their time fixing bugs and doing what they can.

We already know that Hyperion isn't going to deliver anything significant anymore on its own.

So, in a way, I suppose you can take the criticism/feedback from users here as a compliment -- A-EON has effectively replaced Hyperion as the lead developer behind the operating system at this point. Which is why the focus is on your plans from now on. Some will be pleased, some not; you're going to hear from everyone if you want to be the de facto platform owner.

Can I suggest a public Q&A session at this year's AmiWest, perhaps, to clear up intentions and plans? I think it would be very well received.

-- eliyahu

"Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal."
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Re: RadeonHD V.5 driver
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I can assure you Power Management and Prefs are absolutely needed- if you are not using these from the Enhancer Software your graphics card performance will be severely crippled.

I guess this is a RadeonRX feature? I do have a RadeonHD...

AMIGA 1200 | Vampire 1200 II | 128 MB RAM | Indivision AGA Mk3 | 256 GB SD | AmigaOS 3.2.2
AMIGA 600 | Vampire 600 II | 128 MB RAM | Indivision ECS Mk3 | 256 GB SD | AmigaOS 3.2.2
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Re: RadeonHD V.5 driver
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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IIRC Powerprefs does work on the RadeonHD SI cards.

AmigaOne X1000.
Radeon RX550

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Re: RadeonHD V.5 driver
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Also needed for RadeonHD V5.x version.

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Re: RadeonHD V.5 driver
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Power Prefs show the RadeonHD but there are no options like with the RadeonRX...

AMIGA 1200 | Vampire 1200 II | 128 MB RAM | Indivision AGA Mk3 | 256 GB SD | AmigaOS 3.2.2
AMIGA 600 | Vampire 600 II | 128 MB RAM | Indivision ECS Mk3 | 256 GB SD | AmigaOS 3.2.2
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Re: RadeonHD V.5 driver
Home away from home
Home away from home

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PowerPrefs will only work on RadeonHD (Sothern Islands) cards with driver version 5+, Version 3.7 and lower will just start and show an empty list with a warning that this setup is not supported or similar.


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Re: RadeonHD V.5 driver
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Just popping in

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Ah, so currently no use for me.

AMIGA 1200 | Vampire 1200 II | 128 MB RAM | Indivision AGA Mk3 | 256 GB SD | AmigaOS 3.2.2
AMIGA 600 | Vampire 600 II | 128 MB RAM | Indivision ECS Mk3 | 256 GB SD | AmigaOS 3.2.2
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Re: RadeonHD V.5 driver
Home away from home
Home away from home

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But see the other thread about using RX cards in the X1000...it does work, just needs a bit of fiddling


It was fun while it lasted...

game box/art scans
scummvm builds (retired)
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Re: RadeonHD V.5 driver
Site Builder
Site Builder

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You should be asking- what will Hyperion do in the present and the future to help this community?

Are you going to dictate here what people are going to ask and what to criticise? First, you split the community members into camps and then you tell them what to ask and what they will write?

I am sorry, but your job is not to tell anyone anywhere what should ask and what not. Your job is to answer the questions of your customers. And when they ask for information, your job is to provide the accurate and right information, if you are capable to do so.

If you want to attack Hyperion about their capability to deliver what they promised, feel free to do so. But here we discuss on your decisions and the confusion there is. Are you willing to give persuasive answers or are you going to continue diverting the discussion?

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Re: RadeonHD V.5 driver
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Quite a regular

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I really appreciate all the work that Hans and the entire Enhancer team has done to enhance our platform.

Thank you so much.

MicroA1 with 256 MB RAM and onboard Radeon 7000 graphics
AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition Update 2
+ Enhancer Software 2.2

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Re: RadeonHD V.5 driver
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We all expect an income from our day jobs. Why do we expect Amigakit/AEon to be anything different?

Again, I haven't seen anyone mentioning here anything about that, nor that they will not buy the package. So that's not the discussion we do. Of course, they need to get paid and no one said the opposite. I hope that's clear.

I appreciate this, because I have been accused of being "greedy." Meanwhile, it's tight financially, and ZitaFTP Server's income is probably negative due to what has been spent on contractors vs. sales. That's ignoring all the hours I've spent working on it since 2017. I'm hoping to turn this around with v2, which will finally have some of the features I've been wanting to add since the beginning.

I have a family to feed, and if I can't earn enough by writing AmigaOS software, then I have no choice but to spend fewer hours writing AmigaOS software, and work on other stuff instead.

Thank you to those who have bought (and continue to buy) software I've written. You're the reason why I'm still here.


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Re: RadeonHD V.5 driver
Home away from home
Home away from home

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There are tens of such threads, but I think at this point the reason there aren't any more is that everyone has effectively given up on Hyperion. They have no plan, no paid developers, no nothing except a few dedicated folks who still volunteer their time fixing bugs and doing what they can.

We already know that Hyperion isn't going to deliver anything significant anymore on its own.

Sad but true. I've had these crazy dreams of buying up both Hyperion & Cloanto so that I can bury the lawsuit and put some sort of vision back into OS4 development.

I just need to:
1. Get my business earning lots of money (just wait for ZitaSync...)
2. Convince the owners of Hyperion & Cloanto to sell
3. Merge & reincorporate the companies into one
4. Come up with a new vision & roadmap
5. ???
6. Release AmigaOS 5 with plentiful low cost hardware

Just one obstacle, I'm stuck at step 1...


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Re: RadeonHD V.5 driver
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Thank you all for very enthusiastic discussion. You can see that Amigaos is really a heart matter.

And don't you think that nearly everything has been said? We are moving in circles.

Perhaps we could stay here with technical details discussion and set up a new thread for discussion on price policy and users' wishes.

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Re: RadeonHD V.5 driver
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Quite a regular

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There are tens of such threads, but I think at this point the reason there aren't any more is that everyone has effectively given up on Hyperion. They have no plan, no paid developers, no nothing except a few dedicated folks who still volunteer their time fixing bugs and doing what they can.

Looks like reality is slowly starting to sink in. The grand stand in front of Hyperion HQ is showing some empty spots now. Maybe in another 6 months, when enough faces point towards the future, it's actually worth the effort to invest some time in the coding business again.

Of course there are always the stubborn ones. Even in response to your comment. But letting go can be very hard. For some even impossible. Only time might fix that. See you in another 6 months.

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Re: RadeonHD V.5 driver
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Any news on a digital download release of RadeonHD V.5?
It's been 3 weeks since the the update of Enhancer 2.2,
isn't the usuall Amiga rule "2 more weeks"? ;)

1989-> A500, A600, A3000, A4000, A1200, CD32, µA1, PegII, A1XE, CDTV, Amy/416D79, A1X5000, Vampire 500 V2+, Vampire 600 V2, Amy-ITX, Denise ITX <-2024
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Re: RadeonHD V.5 driver
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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"By the way are any X5000 users planning to purchase the RadeonHD 5.x driver ?"

Yeah I'm gonna buy it once it is released as a digital download,
firstly to support Hans work on the driver and secondly to max
out my R9 280X before I upgrade to a RX card.

1989-> A500, A600, A3000, A4000, A1200, CD32, µA1, PegII, A1XE, CDTV, Amy/416D79, A1X5000, Vampire 500 V2+, Vampire 600 V2, Amy-ITX, Denise ITX <-2024
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Re: RadeonHD V.5 driver
Home away from home
Home away from home

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isn't the usuall Amiga rule "2 more weeks"? ;)

"Two more weeks" or "when it's done," Whichever is later...


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Re: RadeonHD V.5 driver
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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""Two more weeks" or "when it's done," Whichever is later...


Guess I'll wait till "when it's done" then.
Thanks for all your hard work on drivers and software for the Amiga!

Edit: And the Warp3D Nova book! Any plans for a part 2?

1989-> A500, A600, A3000, A4000, A1200, CD32, µA1, PegII, A1XE, CDTV, Amy/416D79, A1X5000, Vampire 500 V2+, Vampire 600 V2, Amy-ITX, Denise ITX <-2024
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