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Re: First native betas of dopus5, check this out !
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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an edit button would be nice in the default lister toolbar as well. select a bunch of textfiles, get them opened in notepad.

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Re: First native betas of dopus5, check this out !
Home away from home
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Found bug, Disk Information does not support big hard drives.
It says my backup disk is 2.5Gbytes, but it is really 70.5 Gbytes total.


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Re: First native betas of dopus5, check this out !
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picshow and notepad not avail on all 4 oses. plz keep in mind all the time its not os4 only default setup. making different setups for 4 platforms will only give us unnecesary overhead. so default should works everywhere and users later setup futher as they wish. one want picshow and notepad, another one want multiview and ed.

we will use just one env only bins changed for all platforms, and by default all should works on any of them. mantain 4 different setups with all different settings will suck.

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Re: First native betas of dopus5, check this out !
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i only have partitions no more than 4gb, and those works. but if it fails on bigger ones, then check branch_v1/modules/diskinfo/ code.

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Re: First native betas of dopus5, check this out !
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Hemm, OK I check it after B2 v1.0 is done.


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Re: First native betas of dopus5, check this out !
Home away from home
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I do search on all files inside of dopus5 archive on "inovamusic.library" and didn't found it. Did you have it in LIBS: before, or just mix that archive with some of your previous dopus5 setups ?

I check also Library/filetype.c, and yep, there is that part:

// Open music library?
if ((MUSICBase=OpenLibrary("dopus5:libs/inovamusic.library",0)))
short ret;

// Ask library

// Close library

// Ok?
if (ret>&& ret<100)
// It's a module

Which will not works as need to open IFaces (i just didn't do it before, as we have no sources of inovamusic.library). As can't found even any .fd related to that library anywhere, so glue-stab seems unpossible, what mean or open it through EmulateTags(), or just comment out those blocks, or rewrite it from scratch, or wait for sources if we will lucky..

I write mail to Olaf, maybe he will be able to get sources of that library from Greg.

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Re: First native betas of dopus5, check this out !
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How you think we should make todo for xadopus improvements ? I think that both XADOpen and XADExtract should be expanded by 4 more args like: currentlister, newlister, src, dest.

For example if we will want to be open in current lister and to be set as "dest", we do:

Command: XADOpen currentlister dest

If want newlister with src:

Command: XADOpen newlister src

If we want to handle all automatically in terms of src/dest, we just skip that arg.

Something like this maybe ?

As for XADExtract crash, i do some tests and it happens just on .info files only. I.e. if we just create an lha archive with single .info file inside, then XADExtract fail, while XADOpen works fine.

I even test original sas-s module (what we have from Amis), and bug is here. I even test 68k version from aminet on our fully os3-gcc compile of everything , and bug still the same and here.

More of it, i just test original 68k-sasc compile (just with PFASYNC fix) of whole dopus5 (so original), with xadopus.module from aminet on OS4 (so original too), and it just give us the same crash.

So seems some original problem which didn't happens on os3 before by luck.

Even found some message in xadopus group from year 2000, where Dirk Stoeker says "However (for me only?) the latest version 1.2 seems to have a bug in that drag'n'drop doesn't extract any more :-/" , there is link: http://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/xad/conversations/topics/129

Edited by kas1e on 2013/9/20 8:05:43
Edited by kas1e on 2013/9/20 8:11:56
Edited by kas1e on 2013/9/20 8:27:55
Edited by kas1e on 2013/9/20 9:33:19
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Re: First native betas of dopus5, check this out !
Home away from home
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After all it wasn't only .info files, after checks it turns to be _any_ latest file. So BSZili fix it (it was some originally broken loop which didn't do necessary check).

There is fixed module: http://kas1e.mikendezign.com/misc/dopus5/betas/xadopus.module

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Re: First native betas of dopus5, check this out !
Supreme Council
Supreme Council

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DOpus needs to patch OpenWorkbenchObject() now too.

I have a program here that can run all the WB startup items via the dopus5.library, but now I'm completely running in WB replacement mode, because there is no Workbench running, OpenWorkbenchObject doesn't work, and AmiDock (as well as others) cannot launch programs.

I also notice that WorkbenchControl no longer functions in order to get a duplicate search path.

It appears that there is lots of shortcomings to using this to completely replace Workbench, which is a shame.


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Re: First native betas of dopus5, check this out !
Home away from home
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It appears that there is lots of shortcomings to using this to completely replace Workbench, which is a shame

Of course, its all expected. But you can help with :)

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Re: First native betas of dopus5, check this out !
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Glad I donated to this ! Hoping to test out this week.

I honestly never got used to it on my 1200 with OS3.9 but now as long as the OS4.x version will let me configure a bunch of listers then ill be more than happy

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Re: First native betas of dopus5, check this out !
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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kas1e wrote:

After all it wasn't only .info files, after checks it turns to be _any_ latest file. So BSZili fix it (it was some originally broken loop which didn't do necessary check).

There is fixed module: http://kas1e.mikendezign.com/misc/dopus5/betas/xadopus.module

Just tried the new module and no crash, but it's doing weird things...

I opened my downloads and ram: listers then drag'n'dropped the dopus beta archive to ram:, it extracted ok then opened a new ram: lister. instead of updating the existing dest (I have update dest set in the filetype).

It would also be nice to have a little more info like the archive name it's working on (when using do all files) and the name of file it's extracting that way if it's freezes (it has here once so far) you can check the archive for a corrupt file instead of just knowing it's file for ex. 308 of 500.


Another Bug found, The lister no longer scrolls UP when you are (de)selecting miltiple files.

Edited by Severin on 2013/9/21 1:19:28
Amiga user since 1985
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Ps. I hate the new amigans website. <shudder>
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Re: First native betas of dopus5, check this out !
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write plz how to reproduce non working scrollup (step by steps)

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Re: First native betas of dopus5, check this out !
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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kas1e, well it has to be disrtibuted in different archives for different platforms anyway, so i don't see why we can't have small teams working on each dist?
but fair enough. if i really want to i could create my os4 dist anyway.

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Re: First native betas of dopus5, check this out !
Home away from home
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Some minor request for the next release, mostly eyecandy of course:

1 - The old ugly titlebar still showed above the "normal" one, is it possible to remove it completely ?

2 - Would be cool to use OS4 fonts by default (according to the user prefs) instead of the old and pretty ugly topaz style fonts everywhere

3 - DOpus5 might use also the same color fonts (again according to the user prefs), right now the default color for the font is black, so if you are using a dark wallpaper you will have some serious reading problem

4 - More speedup for the mouse wheel scroll would be good

5 - All DOpus5 reference must be updated to the current 5.90 version, right now all reference still show the old info --> 5.82

6 - Sometimes selecting the "Lister-- > view as" option caused some issue with the icons, as they will somehow cutted --> however more test is needed because now i can't be able to replicate the issue anymore...

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Re: First native betas of dopus5, check this out !
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Open a lister with a lot of files.
Scroll down a 'page' or more.
Click and hold on any file and drag the mouse up past the top file.

68k version and the December releases scroll the list to continue selecting files when the mouse is above the top entry.

Amiga user since 1985
AOS4, A-EON, IBrowse & Alinea Betatester

Ps. I hate the new amigans website. <shudder>
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Re: First native betas of dopus5, check this out !
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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1. setenv save dopus/workbenchtitle 1

2. only one font setting to chage. Environment/lister display/font

3. no idea what you mean, black font where?

4. input prefs / wheel multiplier

5. already in the TODO list.

6. settings/environment/icon settings... try changing borderless icons are fully transparent, remap icon imagesand any others you think might affrect it.

Amiga user since 1985
AOS4, A-EON, IBrowse & Alinea Betatester

Ps. I hate the new amigans website. <shudder>
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Re: First native betas of dopus5, check this out !
Home away from home
Home away from home

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yep, you alwayscan make dopus5 configs-themes as ppl do before.

severin says it all,but for 1 - todo to fix too

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Re: First native betas of dopus5, check this out !
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Ops you right, i should checked before report !

Point 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 are solved now, still only to wait for the point 5 (correct release version)

Aniway all that points need to be actived by default imho


Ok good, about default settings please consider also the other points

Thanks guys

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Re: First native betas of dopus5, check this out !
Supreme Council
Supreme Council

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kas1e wrote:
Of course, its all expected. But you can help with :)

Perhaps you could add me to the project then. At least that way I can check any changes into the SVN.


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