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Re: Opus Magellan source is free now!
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kas1e wrote:


I will make a dopus4 prefs special for you when we will have native builds :)
Great - thank you! I promise to give it a try if/when you do .

Best regards,


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Re: Opus Magellan source is free now!
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One thing I can't get it to do is run native programs by double clicking them in a lister. I added 'or' and 'match $7F454C46' to the filetype but no luck.

Edit: Seems to be working today, weird...

I do it for now like this:
- settings/filetypes/add:
name: os4binary
id: os4bin
Match $7F454C76
- mark "double-click" action, and there:
command: amigados {f}

And then can run any binary

I currently ask Olaf, and he ask GPSoft if we can upload to Files section 2 ISOS: 5.8 one, and 5.8DopusPlus (i have them already in original ISOs), so, everything will be in place and co.

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Re: Opus Magellan source is free now!
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I have already asked and will inform as soon as I get answer (it is christmas/holiday time so most businesses are closed now)

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Re: Opus Magellan source is free now!
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kas1e: am i doing something wrong or is doubleclicking on the background to bring up a lister not working yet?

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Re: Opus Magellan source is free now!
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kas1e: the dopus archive you linked to misses a lot of default configurations, buttons and filetypes etc etc..
I can send you a more complete package if you want to?

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Re: Opus Magellan source is free now!
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Thank you everyone who helped resolved the issue that was preventing Magellan from working on OS4. It is FANTASTIC to finally be able to use this great piece of software again. I've been missing it ever since I bought my Sam460.


Double-clicking on the background to bring up a lister works for me. So far I have found almost everything works as it should, ignoring minor glitches (window resizing not looking very clean, text in titlebar not very nice, etc). Occasionally, I'll bring up a lister, click on a device and get an invisible listing. I can still select the lister's content and perform actions on the items, I just can't see the actual list of files.

So far the only real issues I have had is with button-banks. Everytime I load a button-bank I get a DSI but they're ignorable and the button-bank still works afterward. However, using a "Workbench" function for a button doesn't seem to work; I have to use an "AmigaDOS" function instead. The other oddity is that, if I try to create a "new" button-bank, it starts me with 11878 Columns and 28526 Rows, which I cannot change. Previously saved button-banks can be edited without problems, however.

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Re: Opus Magellan source is free now!
Just can't stay away
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Double clicking on the desktop doesn't work for me either. might be a beta os4 problem. does anyone who is not a betatester have this problem?


I've not had invisible lister contents, I do get graphics corruption when dragging icons which are not rendered properly as they're 32 bit. I've not had the problem with the big numbers when creating button banks but do have the run from workbench problem, trying to use amigados with wbrun causes a DSI as well.

The biggest problem is the palette, using it on workbench screen only gives me 8 colours and if I try setting them and saving, when I restart they've changed.

Amiga user since 1985
AOS4, A-EON, IBrowse & Alinea Betatester

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Re: Opus Magellan source is free now!
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I am also beta-tester, and dbl-click on background to spawn a lister works for me. Its all about settings imho, just can't say which ones, there is a lot.

But there is full archive with all toolbars, working dbl-click on background, bank of buttons as from dopus4, and so on:

there is (~10mb).


The biggest problem is the palette, using it on workbench screen only gives me 8 colours and if I try setting them and saving, when I restart they've changed.

That also strange, i setup big enough, save, and all is fine. That big archive which i point out have all palette numbers big enough.


So far the only real issues I have had is with button-banks. Everytime I load a button-bank I get a DSI but they're ignorable and the button-bank still works afterward. However, using a "Workbench" function for a button doesn't seem to work; I have to use an "AmigaDOS" function instead. The other oddity is that, if I try to create a "new" button-bank, it starts me with 11878 Columns and 28526 Rows, which I cannot change. Previously saved button-banks can be edited without problems, however.

Strange, i never meet with such visuall glitches error, but i heavy plays with buttons banks. But one or two times i meet with DSIs when works with buttonbanks, which lead to reboot. Check my archive as well.


I can send you a more complete package if you want to?

I have now Dopus5.8 PLUSCD: 400mb of all kind of addons for dopus5, so no needs for :) But if you have original english ISO of dopus5.8 ..

For me currently there is real problem is that i can't start/quite from dopus5 fast more than 1-2 times, as it bring me DSIs. But if i quit, and wait a bit, then it starts ok. Seems related to bad closing or co, but for all that bugfixing native builds also need it.

I also found that mouse wheel not works for scrollbars (that is expected, as we have new way of handle wheel on os4), and i even know where and what kind of code need to put to make it works right now, just again need native build.

Hope Jens and Itix will sort that stuff in next weeks.

ps. did anyone remember/know where and what i need to write (i assume some startup scripts) to make dopus5 on start open those listers which i need, in position which i need, and those buttons which i need, with position and size i need ?

Edited by kas1e on 2012/12/29 11:43:45
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Re: Opus Magellan source is free now!
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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ps. did anyone remember/know where and what i need to write (i assume some startup scripts) to make dopus5 on start open those listers which i need, in position which i need, and those buttons which i need, with position and size i need ?

Just get everything as you want it and use save layout from the settings menu.

Edit: downloaded the archive and found the thing to popup a new lister, it's a script, the double click option, just set it to command & DeviceList.

If any of you have it dig out your glowicons CD and try the dopus toolbar images in there, looks a lot better and bigger for modern screens...

Resized Image

Edit2: Turning on 'use custom drag routines' in icon settings fixes the graphical glitches.

Edited by Severin on 2012/12/29 12:45:39
Edited by Severin on 2012/12/29 13:13:56
Amiga user since 1985
AOS4, A-EON, IBrowse & Alinea Betatester

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Re: Opus Magellan source is free now!
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Just get everything as you want it and use save layout from the settings menu.

yeah indeed! thanks.


the thing to popup a new lister, it's a script, the double click option, just set it to command & DeviceList.

Right !


If any of you have it dig out your glowicons CD and try the dopus toolbar images in there, looks a lot better and bigger for modern screens...

Can you upload somethere those images ? They looks nice. At least while we didn't have native build and can't use AISS ones, those ones seems ok.

ps. maybe you know how configure dopus5 to make it going inside of archive ? I.e. in dopus4, i just dbl-click on archive, its going inside, then select everything, and copy (so it automatically extracts)

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Re: Opus Magellan source is free now!
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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I don't think I can upload those images, the CD contents are copyrighted.

copyright © 1999, Marco Schaerfchen, Oliver Tacke,
Thomas Peterseim, Heinz Andreolla. All rights reserved.
Without prior consent in writing from the designers
(email as well) the icons on this CD-ROM must not
be transferred to other media of any kind, neither in
part nor in whole, except for the forseen usage.

The designers are:

* "Pzyco"
Marco Schaerfchen
Steffensweg 200
D - 28209 Bremen
+49 (0) 42 1 - 39 89 31 3
pzyco at gmx dot de

* Oliver Tacke
Schillerstr. 4
D - 38304 Wolfenbuettel
+49 (0) 53 31 - 44 41 5
O.Tacke at surfway dot de

* "Sanny Arts"
Thomas Peterseim
Windthorststraße 15D - 99974 Muehlhausen/Thuer
+49 (0) 36 01 - 44 04 23
Sanny-Arts at T-Online dot de

* Heinz Andreolla
Lindenbergstr. 38
CH - 8630 Rueti
+41 (0) 55 2 - 40 31 19
heinza at active dot ch

but I've no idea if those email addresses still work.

To use lha's like Dopus4 try http://aminet.net/biz/dopus/LhADir112.lha

Amiga user since 1985
AOS4, A-EON, IBrowse & Alinea Betatester

Ps. I hate the new amigans website. <shudder>
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Re: Opus Magellan source is free now!
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Double click.

Just aguess but if you had filer installed there mightbe clash with it's double click commodity.

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Re: Opus Magellan source is free now!
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What you mean ? If you mean dbl-click for listers, Severin already found that it was script, and all works together with installed filer (tested already)


To use lha's like Dopus4 try http://aminet.net/biz/dopus/LhADir112.lha

Did we use the same for dopus4, or dopus4 have some inbuild code for it ? (it works not only for .lha that way, but for .zip as well)

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Re: Opus Magellan source is free now!
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Edited by Severin on 2012/12/29 15:25:17
Edited by Severin on 2012/12/29 15:27:06
Amiga user since 1985
AOS4, A-EON, IBrowse & Alinea Betatester

Ps. I hate the new amigans website. <shudder>
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Re: Opus Magellan source is free now!
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Dopus4 uses XAD

Dopus5 didn't ? (so todo for next native releases ?)

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Re: Opus Magellan source is free now!
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I don't think so or there wouldn't be anything on aminet to do it. I've checked the manual and there's no archive functions I can see.

I did find some useful ENV vars though:

setenv save dopus/IconGridX 24
setenv save dopus/IconGridY 24
setenv save dopus/IconSpaceX 8
setenv save dopus/IconSpaceY 8
setenv save dopus/ShowUseDatatypesFirst 1
setenv save dopus/UseWBInfo 1
setenv save dopus/WorkbenchTitle 1

The last one fixes the ugly titlebar :)

Edited by Severin on 2012/12/29 16:08:07
Amiga user since 1985
AOS4, A-EON, IBrowse & Alinea Betatester

Ps. I hate the new amigans website. <shudder>
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Re: Opus Magellan source is free now!
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setenv save dopus/WorkbenchTitle 1

The last one fixes the ugly titlebar :)

That one cool :)

ps. more i play with dopus5, the more i understand that we will never code something like this from scratch. Its just a lot-lot-lot, and writing something like this from scratch just unpossible in todays realms.. Really good that we got sources.

Edited by kas1e on 2012/12/29 16:22:25
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Re: Opus Magellan source is free now!
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Another little hint...

If you use dopus' own background settings you can specify a wildcard eg. Wallpapers:*.jpg and you get a random backdrop every time dopus runs.

People with ftp trouble might want to try:

setenv save dopus/NoBeeGees 1

You can turn the padlock gadget off with:

setenv save dopus/HidePadlock 1

there's also a 3dlook env var but I've not tried that yet, has something to do with sysihack.

Amiga user since 1985
AOS4, A-EON, IBrowse & Alinea Betatester

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Re: Opus Magellan source is free now!
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I think will be not bad idea to collect all those hints, and put it as some "hints.txt" to svn as well together with documentation.

ps. i currently reconvert some of aiss images to dopus5 format images, with good dithering , etc, so they all will looks like almost like in Filer.

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Re: Opus Magellan source is free now!
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Most of those hints come from the english 5.81 manual, people hardly ever RTFM so I put them up here.

Great news about AISS

Amiga user since 1985
AOS4, A-EON, IBrowse & Alinea Betatester

Ps. I hate the new amigans website. <shudder>
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